Arrival - A Sign!

Christmas is a time of anticipation. Looking forward to getting together with family, excellent meals, giving and receiving gifts. It was also a time of anticipation leading up to the birth of Christ. The coming of Jesus was prophesied for centuries until the moment that God finally sent Jesus to walk the earth. Now, we wait in anticipation of his glorious return. This week, we see again how God chooses to deal with us - He is patient. He is persistent. He has a plan. He promises and he fulfills. He does that which only God can do, using his power for our good!     

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A Message That Changes Everything

We are inundated by messages on a daily basis: e-mails, texts, tweets, phone calls, face-to-face conversations. Many of these messages are unimportant or irrelevant, and we forget them almost immediately. Other messages require more time and attention. “Will you marry me?” “There’s been an accident.” “We’re pregnant.” “God called him home.” In the minutes and hours after hearing such a message, we can’t think of anything else. But as transforming as these messages are, they have a somewhat small circle of influence. It would be a stretch to say that these messages change the world. Today, listen to the messages the children proclaim as if you are hearing them for the first time. Listen across the continents and the centuries to messages that are as relevant today as they were 2000 years ago. Listen for the power of God at work in the lives of his created beings. Listen to messages that transformed the world—messages that changed everything.

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Arrival - It's New!

Christmas is a time of anticipation. Looking forward to getting together with family, excellent meals, giving and receiving gifts. It was also a time of anticipation leading up to the birth of Christ. The coming of Jesus was prophesied for centuries until the moment that God finally sent Jesus to walk the earth. Now, we wait in anticipation of his glorious return. This week we hear about how our Advent King comes to renew. Because of his work here on earth, we can look forward to a new kingdom, where sin and its effects are gone; where peace and righteousness rule.

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Arrival - It's Time!

Christmas is a time of anticipation. Looking forward to getting together with family, excellent meals, giving and receiving gifts. It was also a time of anticipation leading up to the birth of Christ. The coming of Jesus was prophesied for centuries until the moment that God finally sent Jesus to walk the earth. Now, we wait in anticipation of his glorious return. This week, we are reminded of the imminent return of our Savior. Because our Savior rescued us from sin at his first coming, we have an urgent message to share: our God comes in judgment and grace! It’s time!

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What Will Jesus Undo? The Waiting are Ready

No one likes to wait. That includes waiting for this world to become what we know deep down it should be. You can find plenty of good advice about what you can do to make the world a better place, but our best hope for the future is the good news about everything Jesus will one day undo.

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What Will Jesus Undo? The Suffering will Stand

No one likes to wait. That includes waiting for this world to become what we know deep down it should be. You can find plenty of good advice about what you can do to make the world a better place, but our best hope for the future is the good news about everything Jesus will one day undo. This week we hear that God will undo the suffering of his children. As believers, we live in an increasingly hostile world. Christians are being persecuted around the world, believers are ridiculed on college campuses, perhaps even in our own families and neighborhoods we’ve suffered for what we believe. One day, this will change, as our God promises relief for his children who suffer when he returns. Soon, our suffering will end and we will stand with our Savior forever!

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What Will Jesus Undo? The Dead will Live

No one likes to wait. That includes waiting for this world to become what we know deep down it should be. You can find plenty of good advice about what you can do to make the world a better place, but our best hope for the future is the good news about everything Jesus will one day undo. This week we hear that God will undo the curse of death. The common conception is that heaven is a mystical, spiritual place where we will float around on clouds and play harps for all eternity. Jesus wants us to see something far better. He will prepare for us a new heavens and a new earth, a place where we can experience the very real and physical joys he created us to experience. Not only that, but those joys will last for all eternity.

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What Will Jesus Undo? The cursed will be blessed

No one likes to wait. That includes waiting for this world to become what we know deep down it should be. You can find plenty of good advice about what you can do to make the world a better place, but our best hope for the future is the good news about everything Jesus will one day undo. This week we hear that God will undo the contradiction between who we are and how we appear before the world. Our status as saints hidden beneath a life that is still very sinful. Not only that, but strive to live in a way that is faithful to God’s Word we will often meet scorn and even persecution from the world. On the last day, however, that contradiction will be undone. The people of God will be revealed as the beautifully-dressed bride of Christ. Never again will they be apart from him. Never again will they appear to be anything other than what they are.

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Get to the Heart of It: Scripture - The Heart of Truth

No one likes to have their time wasted. Unfortunately, that's often what happens when it comes to the Christian faith. The things that get all the attention are nothing but distractions from what matters most. Thankfully, Jesus and his Word are always helping us navigate the noise to get to the heart of the good news. We have seen that grace is at the heart of God and  that what is in the heart of us leads us to despair and cling to God’s grace.

Today, we see that it is the gospel of Jesus Christ that brings true freedom. The heart of God’s Word is this promise of forgiveness and resurrection to eternal life come only found in the Savior Jesus.  This work of saving us by Jesus sets the us free from slavery to sin and frees to now serve God. Hold to these teachings found in Scripture, and “you will be free indeed.”

Get to the Heart of It: Faith - The Heart of You

No one likes to have their time wasted. Unfortunately, that's often what happens when it comes to the Christian faith. The things that get all the attention are nothing but distractions from what matters most. Thankfully, Jesus and his Word are always helping us navigate the noise to get to the heart of the good news. After seeing that grace is at the heart of God, this week we examine what is in the heart of us. There really are just two options. Either we assume that by our own efforts we can be the people God created us to be and prove ourselves worth of his blessings. Or we can admit defeat, acknowledge our sinfulness, and give up. Though this sounds like a path full of despair, it just the opposite. As we admit what is impossible for us, we also confidently cling to what not just possible but accomplished fact in Christ. We are saved through faith in him alone.

Get to the Heart of It: Grace - The Heart of God

No one likes to have their time wasted. Unfortunately, that's often what happens when it comes to the Christian faith. The things that get all the attention are nothing but distractions from what matters most. Thankfully, Jesus and his Word are always helping us navigate the noise to get to the heart of the good news. This week we see that the heart of God is his attitude of grace toward us. God’s grace means that he does not wait for us to find him. Rather, he sent his Son to seek and to save us. A God who seeks out the very sinners who rebel against him is one we would never imagine on our own. However, rather than our self-invented attempts to make our way back to God, God reminds us that we are saved by grace alone.

Get to the Heart of It: Glory - The Heart of the Matter

No one likes to have their time wasted. Unfortunately, that's often what happens when it comes to the Christian faith. The things that get all the attention are nothing but distractions from what matters most. Thankfully, Jesus and his Word are always helping us navigate the noise to get to the heart of the good news. This week we see that the heart of the matter is to whom or to what we give glory. Wherever we turn for the good things we need in life (both physical and spiritual) is in effect what we worship. If we turn to false gods, whatever they may be, we will always be disappointed. If we turn to the true God, we will be eternally and unimaginably satisfied. As a result, the goal of all Christian teaching is to get us to do that very thing, to give glory to God alone.