God's Word

Get to the Heart of It: Scripture - The Heart of Truth

No one likes to have their time wasted. Unfortunately, that's often what happens when it comes to the Christian faith. The things that get all the attention are nothing but distractions from what matters most. Thankfully, Jesus and his Word are always helping us navigate the noise to get to the heart of the good news. We have seen that grace is at the heart of God and  that what is in the heart of us leads us to despair and cling to God’s grace.

Today, we see that it is the gospel of Jesus Christ that brings true freedom. The heart of God’s Word is this promise of forgiveness and resurrection to eternal life come only found in the Savior Jesus.  This work of saving us by Jesus sets the us free from slavery to sin and frees to now serve God. Hold to these teachings found in Scripture, and “you will be free indeed.”

Elemental - The Word

Elemental—a word that Merriam Webster defines as being the basic or essential constituent of something, the fundamental or key components that make up SOMETHING. For example, without hydrogen molecules, H20 isn’t water.

What are the key components, the elemental pieces that make up the believers life? What are those things that affect how we as children of God view life and live as followers of Christ? Our worship series the next several weeks is going to look at those key components of the Christian’s walk with Jesus: things like the Word, prayer, service, and love—those elemental items that change how we approach life, that adjust how we see our priorities, and how we as believers live life.

Today, we take note of the many things in this world that can distract us from the simple privilege and duty of believers to hear the Word of God and listen with a trusting heart! We see how living according to God’s will means giving the Word of God central place in our lives as the one thing needful, an ELEMENTAL component to our life as a child of God!