
What Will Jesus Undo? The Dead will Live

No one likes to wait. That includes waiting for this world to become what we know deep down it should be. You can find plenty of good advice about what you can do to make the world a better place, but our best hope for the future is the good news about everything Jesus will one day undo. This week we hear that God will undo the curse of death. The common conception is that heaven is a mystical, spiritual place where we will float around on clouds and play harps for all eternity. Jesus wants us to see something far better. He will prepare for us a new heavens and a new earth, a place where we can experience the very real and physical joys he created us to experience. Not only that, but those joys will last for all eternity.

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Easter Changes Everything - It Changes How You View Death

There are certain events that stick in one’s mind. Events that when they occur, change everything. You remember not only everything that happened, but how that event changed the rest of your life.  One of those big, life-changing events is the death of a friend or loved one. Suddenly, many things in life change.

Easter too is one of those events. As we have heard since Easter, it is an event that changed everything. The very nature of Easter changes even how we view and face death. Today, on Good Shepherd Sunday God’s Word shows us our Shepherd, Jesus, who leads his flock to safe pastures and his eternal fold. We see how our Savior’s victory over death changes how we face death.