What Will Jesus Undo? The cursed will be blessed

No one likes to wait. That includes waiting for this world to become what we know deep down it should be. You can find plenty of good advice about what you can do to make the world a better place, but our best hope for the future is the good news about everything Jesus will one day undo. This week we hear that God will undo the contradiction between who we are and how we appear before the world. Our status as saints hidden beneath a life that is still very sinful. Not only that, but strive to live in a way that is faithful to God’s Word we will often meet scorn and even persecution from the world. On the last day, however, that contradiction will be undone. The people of God will be revealed as the beautifully-dressed bride of Christ. Never again will they be apart from him. Never again will they appear to be anything other than what they are.

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