Get to the Heart of It: Faith - The Heart of You

No one likes to have their time wasted. Unfortunately, that's often what happens when it comes to the Christian faith. The things that get all the attention are nothing but distractions from what matters most. Thankfully, Jesus and his Word are always helping us navigate the noise to get to the heart of the good news. After seeing that grace is at the heart of God, this week we examine what is in the heart of us. There really are just two options. Either we assume that by our own efforts we can be the people God created us to be and prove ourselves worth of his blessings. Or we can admit defeat, acknowledge our sinfulness, and give up. Though this sounds like a path full of despair, it just the opposite. As we admit what is impossible for us, we also confidently cling to what not just possible but accomplished fact in Christ. We are saved through faith in him alone.