God Provides

In our worship service today, we are going to hear example after example of our God has provided for his people. From Elijah being fed by ravens to our Savior feeding the 5000, our God provides. God feeds hungry mouths and hungry souls with his gifts of grace. What does our God now teach us with this promise that he will provide? When we bring our problems to Jesus, he will richly supply all we need. Trust in God to provide!

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Seek Spiritual Wealth

As believers, we understand the theme for today’s worship service—Seek Spiritual Wealth. We should be striving for the spiritual blessings God gives through Word and Sacrament instead of having our heart set on the physical blessings he also graciously provides here on earth.

But how easy it is for us to forget. How we don’t often try to find security in earthly treasures like possessions and money. We tend to find our sense of worth based on what we have—earthly treasures. And how often don’t our earthly treasures push the spiritual wealth we are supposed to be seeking off to the side?

In today’s worship, we hear our gracious God urge us to find our foundation in life in the sure promises that he will richly provides for us, and then we can give thanks by being rich in good deeds. Our spiritual wealth is certain and secure, for it is treasure laid up in heaven.

God has given us a special treasure and it is the best treasure ever - heaven!

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Mixed In - The Believer in an Unbelieving World

Jesus tells the story of a field of wheat filled with weeds. What is a farmer to do? He doesn’t have all the specialized chemicals that can target a specific weed and kill it without harming his crop like farmers today.

The point of Jesus story? Jesus compares the wheat to believers and the weeds as unbelievers – both mixed in, living side by side in the field of this world.

What to do about the weeds? The Lord most certainly has a plan to separate the wheat and weeds, believers and unbelievers—just not yet. He has servants standing by to do the work—they’re just not us. Instead, God urges his people to live with their eye on the coming harvest. We ask God to give us to wisdom and ability to think and to do what is right—even while we live in this sinful world mixed in with unbelievers.

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How to be a Christian: God Reigns

God is the active force behind every step of turning someone into a Christian, providing not only the means, but also the power and Spirit that creates new life in what was once spiritually dead. At times, it seems hard to see the truth that God is reigning over all things. It seems like things are spinning out of control—in the world, in our community, and occasionally, even in our life. Today, we are reminded that our God has saved us through his death, and is not reigning over all things for our good and out of his great love for us. With that in mind, we ask God to help us to live confidently in that truth and to put him and his gospel first in our lives

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How to be a Christian: God Preserves

God is the active force behind every step of turning someone into a Christian, providing not only the means, but also the power and Spirit that creates new life in what was once spiritually dead. Today, we are reminded that our God not only brings us to faith, he also keeps us in our faith and preserves us through trial and tribulation. Because we have that promise from God, we can do what our Savior commands: we will love our enemies, bless those who curse us, do good to those who hate us, and pray for them who persecute and harass us. We have nothing to fear because our living God preserves us .

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How to be a Christian: God Sends

God is active in every step of us becoming a Christian and one of his children. He planned our rescue before the creation of the world, he speaks the good news of the Gospel to us, and he has called us to faith. Today, we learn that not only has God spoken his word to us and called us to be his children, but he now sends us out into the world to share what he has done!

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How to be a Christian: God Calls

God is the active force behind every step of turning someone into a Christian, providing not only the means, but also the power and Spirit that creates new life in what was once spiritually dead.

God not only plans and carries out our salvation, he then sends us our with his Word to share with people in our lives the great things our God has done. God's Word today will strengthen and empower you to carry out this important work!

A children's message on Father's Day about our heavenly father!

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How to be a Christian: God Speaks

God is the active force behind every step of turning someone into a Christian, providing not only the means, but also the power and Spirit that creates new life in what was once spiritually dead. Today, we look at one of those means God uses to bring someone to faith and keep them in their faith: the inspired Word of God. Through that Word, God speaks and the Spirit brings spiritual life. When God speaks, he wants us to listen, to apply it to our lives, to teach it to our families, to share it with others. The Word ultimately lays the foundation for Christian teaching and life.

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How to be a Christian: God Plans

God’s got a plan. No where is that more clear than when it comes to our salvation. God’s plan was for his disciples to boldly and confidently go out into the world proclaiming the Gospel in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As a result of their mission work, God’s plan was for his gospel to eventually come to each of us and bring our dead hearts to life. It was his plan that each of us should become a Christian through the Great Commission. Today, we see part of God’s plan continue to unfold as three children of God confess their faith in the Triune God who saves us. As we hear the disciples bold proclamation and his children’s confession today, may we recognize that God continues to carry out his plan through us as we share the gospel with the people he has put in our lives.

Pastor Ben talks about how our God is three-in-one... its a mystery, but its true!

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The Coming of the Holy Spirit

50 days after the Passover, God’s Old Testament people celebrated the gathering of the harvest at the Festival of Weeks. It was on this occasion, 50 days after Christ's resurrection, that God sent the promised Counselor, the Holy Spirit, on the day we call “Pentecost” (Greek for “fifty”). This day marked the birthday of the New Testament Church and celebrates the harvest of souls won by the Son and gathered by his servants empowered by his Spirit. Today, as we recall the gift of the Spirit we pray for that same understanding of God's Word and boldness to witness to the world the good news of salvation.

Pentecost is the third great festival of the Church and has been commemorated since at least 217 A.D. The Church dresses in red to remind us of the tongues of fire that marked the Spirit’s gift and the blood of the martyrs which was the seed of the Church. This day culminates the Season of Easter when our risen Lord now empowers his people to be witnesses of the resurrection for the world.

A children's message on how God sent, and continues to send the Holy Spirit through his Word so we can share the Gospel!

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We Are Witnesses of the Ascended King

In our current sermon series, "You Are My Witness", we see that God calls us to be his witnesses. We do not worship a God who is distant and inattentive to this world. Instead, at Jesus's Ascension, we are reminded that the risen Christ now rules over this world. He is in complete control, working all things out for the good of us, his witnesses and messengers of the gospel.

Help Pastor Ben fill in the blank as we remember all that Jesus did for us!

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We Are Empowered to share by the Holy Spirit

In our current sermon series, "You Are My Witness", we see that God calls us to be his witnesses. He has given us the facts of our Savior's death and resurrection and now sends us into the world to share this with our friends and family. But he wont send us alone. He has given us his Holy Spirit to give us the power, words, and actions to share this gospel message.

You can't see the air all around you, but it's there. Same thing with the Holy Spirit!

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