Mixed In - The Believer in an Unbelieving World

Jesus tells the story of a field of wheat filled with weeds. What is a farmer to do? He doesn’t have all the specialized chemicals that can target a specific weed and kill it without harming his crop like farmers today.

The point of Jesus story? Jesus compares the wheat to believers and the weeds as unbelievers – both mixed in, living side by side in the field of this world.

What to do about the weeds? The Lord most certainly has a plan to separate the wheat and weeds, believers and unbelievers—just not yet. He has servants standing by to do the work—they’re just not us. Instead, God urges his people to live with their eye on the coming harvest. We ask God to give us to wisdom and ability to think and to do what is right—even while we live in this sinful world mixed in with unbelievers.

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