Seek Spiritual Wealth

As believers, we understand the theme for today’s worship service—Seek Spiritual Wealth. We should be striving for the spiritual blessings God gives through Word and Sacrament instead of having our heart set on the physical blessings he also graciously provides here on earth.

But how easy it is for us to forget. How we don’t often try to find security in earthly treasures like possessions and money. We tend to find our sense of worth based on what we have—earthly treasures. And how often don’t our earthly treasures push the spiritual wealth we are supposed to be seeking off to the side?

In today’s worship, we hear our gracious God urge us to find our foundation in life in the sure promises that he will richly provides for us, and then we can give thanks by being rich in good deeds. Our spiritual wealth is certain and secure, for it is treasure laid up in heaven.

God has given us a special treasure and it is the best treasure ever - heaven!

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