Trinity Sunday

Trinity Sunday Worship - Through the Word, The Triune God Blesses Us

The Scriptures never use the words “Trinity” or “Triune.” They never even summarize in any single place the entirety of this doctrine. Instead, as we read God’s Word from the first verse of Genesis to the last verse of Revelation, he gives us hints and glimpses of his Triune nature. Thus, the doctrine of the Trinity can seem very academic, even abstract. It may seem to have little relevance to the Christian’s daily life. Nothing could be further from the truth. Instead, as God provides those hints and glimpses, his primary focus is on the way in which his Triune nature is a blessing to us. God shows us how we benefit from the fact he exists as Trinity. God dwells in a “majesty and mystery” that far exceeds our understanding. But here is what we can understand. Every time we gather in the name of the Lord, our Triune God, we receive indescribable blessings.

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We Worship a Triune God!

The mystery of the Holy Trinity is beyond our comprehension. Yet it is proclaimed in Scripture and believed by Spirit-wrought hearts of faith. We believe in the one true God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The height, depth, and breadth of our God gives us peace as we travel towards eternity.

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How to be a Christian: God Plans

God’s got a plan. No where is that more clear than when it comes to our salvation. God’s plan was for his disciples to boldly and confidently go out into the world proclaiming the Gospel in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As a result of their mission work, God’s plan was for his gospel to eventually come to each of us and bring our dead hearts to life. It was his plan that each of us should become a Christian through the Great Commission. Today, we see part of God’s plan continue to unfold as three children of God confess their faith in the Triune God who saves us. As we hear the disciples bold proclamation and his children’s confession today, may we recognize that God continues to carry out his plan through us as we share the gospel with the people he has put in our lives.

Pastor Ben talks about how our God is three-in-one... its a mystery, but its true!

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