We Come With a Message of Hope

At times, the world and our lives seem hopeless. At times, we experience the pain and betrayal of broken promises. This Sunday, we hear a message of hope in a world of hopelessness and a message of promises kept in a world of broken promises.

Pastor Kratz shares a letter from God and a message of hope with the kids today, including a poem with actions.

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The Good Shepherd Guards His Messengers

Even as safe-at-home self-quarantining seems to be nearing an end, it doesn’t take much to feel alone and helpless. This week, we will be encouraged by our Savior who describes himself as our Good Shepherd and promises that he is always with us, guarding and keeping us in his hands. 

In our children's message today, we hear how Jesus is our Good Shepherd.

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We Are Witnesses of the Only Way to Heaven

In a world where so many claim to have the answers and solutions to life’s greatest questions, our risen Savior tells us that he is the only one that can give us a future with God in heaven. We continue our "You Are My Witnesses" series with the encouragement that we are witnesses of the only way to heaven – the risen Savior!

In our children's this message this week, Pastor leads you on a treasure hunt through church!

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We Are Witnesses

Our new worship series is called, "You Are My Witnesses," and focuses on the Acts of the Apostles and their witness to the resurrection of Jesus. As we look at the actions of the Apostles in those days after the resurrection, we will learn that the witnessing of Christ didn’t stop with those initial eyewitnesses. You and I today are called, too, to be witnesses of Christ by sharing that testimony and the joy and peace of salvation built on it.

A message for kids and their families about peace that Jesus brings us on Easter.

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Easter Sunday - Anesti “He is risen!”

The Greek word Anesti means “He is risen!” This phrase, first spoken by the angels at the tomb of Jesus, has become the most important fact the world has ever known. This morning, hear the story of the Savior who died, but now is risen to free us. Regardless of your past, regardless of your circumstances, God wants you to know the freedom that dawned on the first Easter morning. Anesti! He is Risen!

We have the freedom of knowing guilt no longer convicts us, sin no longer controls us, and death no longer contains us—because Christ is risen! Today, with Christians the world over, we celebrate this truth. And so Christians for two thousand years have greeted each other with the words, “He is Risen!”  Let us worship the Savior who is risen to free us.

CHRIST IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN INDEED! ALLELUIA! Today's worship celebrates Easter Sunday and our Savior's victory over sin, death, and the grave. If you would...
An Easter message for children and their families

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Good Friday - Behold the Man

2000 years ago, God died. The Roman governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate, brought Jesus before the Jewish mob. thrusting forward a bloody and battered man with a mock crown and cape around him, Pilate shouted, “Ἰδοὺ ὁ ἄνθρωπος” (Latin: “Ecce, homo!”) “Behold, the man!” Pilate could not have known how his words fall on our ears, for Pilate holds before us the God-Man Jesus: true man who will live under the law for all humankind, and true God who will keep that law perfectly, and then die.

This service is a meditation on the words written by those gospel writers that recorded the crucifixion of Jesus. It allows the words of the accounts to speak for themselves, and it allows us to listen and then respond in love and thankfulness through song. You will hear an almost complete account of the events on Good Friday, from morning until afternoon. Be sorrowful over your sins and what it cost God to save you. But rejoice over your Savior, who was willing to pay.

Join us as we celebrate Good Friday -- Christ's crucifixion and victory over death If you would like to support our ministry, please visit OurSaviorBirmingha...

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The Jesus We Need - Someone to Rule Us in Righteousness

Hail the King who humbly comes to save us! For 1700 years the Church has celebrated with Hosannas and palm branches this festival that opens Holy Week. The time for Christ’s glory had come. He would not, however, gain glory in the manner of other kings. Rather, he would humble himself in great acts of love for us, and then the Father would exalt him to the highest place, because he had fulfilled God’s mission to save mankind

A children's message for Palm Sunday

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The Jesus We Need - Someone to Meet Our Needs

The Jesus we need isn’t one who swoops in to help us in our earthly needs, but the Savior who meets our spiritual needs of forgiveness and eternal life.

Recording of today’s livestreamed service (online only due to COVID-19 guidelines)

A children’s message to go with today’s service theme

Sermon audio and video follow below:

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The Jesus We Need - Someone to Seek Us When We're Lost

Is what we want always what we need? We know that's often not the case. How about when it comes to what kind of a hero we want at the center of our faith? Sometimes we find ourselves wanting a conquering hero with armies of angels. But the Bible's Jesus looks very different than that. Over the next weeks, we will find out just how this unlikely Jesus is exactly the kind of hero we need. Today, we see that we have a Savior who seeks us when we are lost. Jesus teaches us that the gift of God comes by faith to all nations. Not a holy life, not acts of obedience, but simple trust in the promise of God brings the gift of living water for thirsty souls. Abraham had faith in God who justifies the wicked, and so God credited it to him as righteousness. By this same faith, Christ gives righteousness to all who believe and enfolds sinful Samaritans and modern Gentiles like us into the family of God.

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The Jesus We Need - Someone to Bring Me Life

Is what we want always what we need? We know that's often not the case. How about when it comes to what kind of a hero we want at the center of our faith? Sometimes we find ourselves wanting a conquering hero with armies of angels. But the Bible's Jesus looks very different than that. Over the next weeks, we will find out just how this unlikely Jesus is exactly the kind of hero we need.  Today, we see Jesus teach us that only he is able to bring us spiritual life here on earth and ultimately eternal life. This life comes only through a faith that the Spirit creates in us through the Gospel and not through any action or decision that we make. Through faith, God gives us the Savior we need!

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