Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday Worship: His Humility, Our Hope

The events of Palm Sunday might not seem pivotal to our salvation. Christ sheds no blood on this day. However, Palm Sunday sets the tone for all of Holy Week. It perfectly illustrates that Jesus came to be the kind of king this world will never understand: one who conquers his enemies by surrendering to them, one who crushes his opposition by himself being crushed, one whose path to kingly exaltation begins with humiliation. This is the kind of King we have marching into battle as one of us and for all of us this week. As a result, we are drawn to him in faith rather than driven away in fear. This humble King is our only hope.

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The Struggle: The Struggle Seems Lost

The road to the cross was a struggle. Jesus would be rejected by his people and betrayed by his disciple. Satan tempted him to give up, but he pressed on to the cross for you. The Christian life is a struggle. The struggle is real. Faith in Christ doesn’t make us exempt from difficulties. But faith in Christ does give us the strength to press on. God calls us to struggle against the devil and his temptations, the world and its pressures, and our own sinful nature and its desires. At times, it feels like that struggle is lost. We fail, we doubt, we sin, we rebel against our God and his commands. And no matter how hard we try, we can’t shake our conscience and its ever-present accusations. The struggle seems lost. But today, we see our victor, though he doesn’t look it. Humble, gentle, and about to die. But in his humility, there is power. And in his death, there is victory. The struggle seems lost, but here comes our victorious king!

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The Jesus We Need - Someone to Rule Us in Righteousness

Hail the King who humbly comes to save us! For 1700 years the Church has celebrated with Hosannas and palm branches this festival that opens Holy Week. The time for Christ’s glory had come. He would not, however, gain glory in the manner of other kings. Rather, he would humble himself in great acts of love for us, and then the Father would exalt him to the highest place, because he had fulfilled God’s mission to save mankind

A children's message for Palm Sunday

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Hosanna to Our King! - Palm Sunday

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Here is the culmination of our Lenten journey of repentance and renewal. Here is final preparation for the celebration of the our Savior’s victory. The journey of Lent has prepared our hearts to ponder anew the Passion of our Lord and his glorious triumph over death and grave. With repentant hearts we join our Lord’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem, confident in his everlasting rule, hailing him as our Eternal King. At the same time, we are mindful that he is our King because he is the Messiah, the promised Son of David sent as the sacrificial Lamb of God. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!