The Struggle: The Struggle Seems Lost

The road to the cross was a struggle. Jesus would be rejected by his people and betrayed by his disciple. Satan tempted him to give up, but he pressed on to the cross for you. The Christian life is a struggle. The struggle is real. Faith in Christ doesn’t make us exempt from difficulties. But faith in Christ does give us the strength to press on. God calls us to struggle against the devil and his temptations, the world and its pressures, and our own sinful nature and its desires. At times, it feels like that struggle is lost. We fail, we doubt, we sin, we rebel against our God and his commands. And no matter how hard we try, we can’t shake our conscience and its ever-present accusations. The struggle seems lost. But today, we see our victor, though he doesn’t look it. Humble, gentle, and about to die. But in his humility, there is power. And in his death, there is victory. The struggle seems lost, but here comes our victorious king!

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