Our Savior's Kids

January 31, 2021 - Lesson 5: Jesus and Zacchaeus

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Big Idea: Jesus doesn’t look down on people, so we shouldn’t either.

Bible Basis: Luke 19:1-10

Key Verse: “You must love one another, just as I have loved you.” John 13:34


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of this story? Why?

    • Why do you think Jesus would show love to someone like Zacchaeus?

  • For older kids:

    • What does this story teach you about Jesus?

    • How do you think you would have treated Zacchaeus if he had cheated you out of money?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer asking Jesus. Thank him for loving you no matter what.

    • Journal Station prompt: Think of someone that you look down on or don’t like that much. How could you show that person love this week? Write about it.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it yourself: Luke 19:1-10. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: Draw a picture of yourself doing something you are good at. While you’re drawing, think about ways you could show love to someone who isn’t as good at doing that activity.



+ Build It Big (Application Activity)

  • Say: In today’s story, everybody was looking down on Zacchaeus, not only because he was short, but because he was a sinner. Not Jesus, though. He did the opposite. The opposite of looking down on someone is building them up. We’re going to do an activity right now that will help us build each other up with encouragement.
  • Directions: Place a bag of large marshmallows and a box of toothpicks in the middle of the group. Challenge the kids to build the tallest tower they can by fastening the marshmallows together with the toothpicks. Before they build the tower up, though, they have to build a kid up with encouragement. Begin by choosing a kid in the group to receive encouragement. Prompt the kids to say something they like about that kid or point out something that kid is good at. When a kid shares an encouragement, allow the encourager to add a marshmallow to the tower. After the recipient has received encouragement from a few kids, make the next kid in the circle the new recipient and continue. When the tower falls over, disassemble the marshmallows and toothpicks and allow the kids to begin building up from the bottom again to see if they can make the next tower even taller. When all of the kids have received encouragement, you can continue around the circle for a second or third time. When finished, ask the following questions:
  • Question: Why do you think we sometimes look down on and avoid people like Zacchaeus?
  • Question: Can you think of someone that you look down on or think badly about? How could you build that person up with encouragement? How could you show them love?

+ Fist Puppets (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Supplies: Fist Puppet/Bible Verse” sign from the resource folder
  • Directions: Place the “Fist Puppet/Bible Verse” sign in the middle of the group with the Fist Puppet side showing. Instruct the kids to make a Fist Puppet like the one in the picture. Using washable markers, have the kids draw a face on the thumb-side of their fist. Tell them to have fun and be creative. When finished, flip the sign over so that it reveals the Bible verse. Today’s Bible verse says: “You must love one another, just as I have loved you.” John 13:34. Read the verse together several times so the kids can begin to memorize it. When ready, flip the sign over once again so the verse is no longer visible. Choose a kid to go first. Have them recite the verse while moving their Fist Puppet’s mouth (their thumb) up and down like a ventriloquist. For added fun, encourage them to say the verse in a funny voice without moving their lips. When finished, allow them to pick who goes next. Continue until every kid has had a turn.
  • Question: What can you do to love other people more like Jesus loves them?
  • Question: How could you show more love to your friends and family?

+ One Word Prayers (Prayer Activity)

  • Directions: Challenge the kids in your group to remember everyone’s name and prayer request. Select someone to go first and have them share a prayer request. After the first person shares, have the group say their name followed by one or two words that sum up their request. For example, if Brandon needs help to not fight with his brother, say “Brandon, no fighting.” After the second person has shared their request, say the name of the first person who shared and their request, followed by the second person who shared and their request. For example, “Brandon, no fighting. Connor, patience.” Continue this pattern for everyone in the group until everyone has had a turn. At the end, see if your group can remember everyone’s name and request. Encourage them to remember each other during the week and pray for each other. Finally, close your group by leading them in prayer.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, Thank you for sending Jesus to forgive all my sins and make me part of your family. Help me to show others the same love you showed to me. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • Luke 19:1-10

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

January 24, 2021 - Lesson 4: Jesus, Mary, and Martha

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Big Idea: Jesus made us his #1 priority in saving us, so we can make time for him first.

Bible Basis: Luke 10:38-42

Key Verse: “But put God’s kingdom first. Do what he wants you to do.” Matthew 6:33a


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of this story? Why?

    • Why do you think it was a better choice to sit and listen to Jesus than it was to get the house ready?

  • For older kids:

    • What does this story teach you about Jesus?

    • Why do you think Jesus said that Mary had chosen what is better?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer asking Jesus to help you put him first in your life.

    • Journal Station prompt: What kind of things keep you busy during the week? How can you put Jesus before all those things? Write about it.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it yourself: Luke 10:38-42. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell him why you like it.

    • Art Station prompt: Draw a picture of yourself sitting at the feet of Jesus, just like Mary did.



+ Suck It Up (Application Activity)

  • Say: In today’s story, we heard how Martha was too busy to make time for Jesus. If we’re not careful, that can happen to us too. Sometimes we need to stop what we’re doing so that we can spend time with Jesus, but other times, we can figure out how to make Jesus a part of our activities. We’re going to play a game right now that will help us think of ways that we can make Jesus a part of our activities.
  • Directions: Have the kids sit in a fairly tight circle. Give every kid a plate with 5 M&Ms® on it and a drinking straw. Tell them they’ll have one minute to get rid of all the M&Ms® from their plate. To do so, they have to use only the suction from their straw to pick up an M&M® from their plate and release it onto the plate of the person to either their left or right. If they drop the M&M® outside of a plate, they can pick it up with their hand and return it to their plate. After one minute, tell the kids to stop and count how many M&Ms® they have. Congratulate the kid(s) with the fewest M&Ms®. Next, ask them to count how many M&Ms® of a particular color they have. For each M&M® of that color on their plate, have the kid give that number of answers to the corresponding question below. (For example, if a kid has 2 brown M&Ms®, they have to say 2 ways they can make Jesus a part of their time at school.) When the kids are finished answering the question for a particular color, play another round and repeat the question with another color. You can play up to 6 rounds using the 6 different colors/activities below.
  • Question: How can you make Jesus a part of your time…
    • Brown: at school?
    • Yellow: in the car/bus?
    • Red: playing sports?
    • Green: hanging out with friends?
    • Blue: before going to bed?
    • Orange: watching TV?
  • Question: What are some other ways that you can make Jesus a part of your day?

+ Say It If... (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Supplies: Butcher block paper, marker, Post-it® Notes
  • Directions: Place the Bible verse sign in the middle of the group and read it carefully with your kids several times so they can begin to memorize it. When everyone is ready, turn the sign over so they can no longer read it. Today’s Bible verse says: “But put God’s kingdom first. Do what he wants you to do.” Matthew 6:33a. For each round, have the kids stand up and say the Bible verse if they match the descriptions below. Tell the kids to “Say it if…”
    • You’re the youngest kid in your family.
    • You like hamburgers more than hotdogs.
    • You can touch your nose with your tongue.
    • You like to play sports.
    • You took a bath or shower today.
    • You are wearing red anywhere on you.
    • You like the beach more than the mountains.
  • Question: What are some ways that you can put God’s kingdom and Jesus first in your life?
  • Question: Part of putting God’s kingdom first is praying and reading your Bible before you do other things. When are you going to pray and read your Bible this week?

+ M&M Prayers (Prayer Activity)

  • Supplies: A bowl of M&Ms.
  • Directions: Place a bowl of M&Ms® in the middle of the group. Tell the kids they can take 5 M&Ms®, but don’t eat them yet. Before a kid can eat an M&M®, they have to share something based on its color.

    • Blue: What is something you’re thankful to God for?
    • Green: What is something you’re sorry for?
    • Yellow: Why do you think God is so great?
    • Red: What is something you need God’s help with?
    • Orange: Who do you know that needs some help?
    • Brown: Who do you know that doesn’t go to church or doesn’t know who Jesus is?

    When everyone has finished answering questions and eating their M&Ms®, tell the group that they’re going to pray for some of the things they shared. After opening the group in prayer, allow the kids time to pray aloud. When the kids are finished praying, close the group in one final prayer.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, Thank you for sending Jesus to forgive all my sins and make me part of your family. Help me to put you first in my life in all that I do. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • Luke 10:38-42

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

January 17, 2021 - Lesson 3: Jesus and the Blind Man

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Big Idea: Jesus can open our eyes to see that he is the Son of God.

Bible Basis: John 9

Key Verse: “Open my eyes so that I can see the wonderful truths in your law.” Psalm 119:18


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of this story? Why?

    • Why do you think the Pharisees were so angry at Jesus?

  • For older kids:

    • What does this story teach you about Jesus?

    • Why do you think the Pharisees were unable to see that Jesus was the Son of God?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer to God. Ask him to help you see with your heart that Jesus is the Son of God.

    • Journal Station prompt: Write down all the tings you know are true about Jesus. When you’re finished, tell God thanks for giving you his Son.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: John 9:1-34. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell him why you like it.

    • Art Station prompt: Draw a picture of Jesus healing the blind man. While you’re drawing, pray to God and tell him why you think Jesus is so wonderful.



+ Seeing Jesus (Application Activity)

  • Set up: Print the “Jesus Illusion” on 8½ x 11 cardstock. Cut the black shapes out and discard the rest.
  • Directions: Randomly place the black shapes in the middle of the group on a piece of blank paper. Tell the kids that they have to arrange the shapes on the paper to spell the name Jesus. Let the kids struggle to make sense of it for a short time. Next, help the kids by placing the shapes in the right order, but not in the right direction. (See picture below for reference.) Again, let the kids struggle to make sense of it for a short time. Finally, place the shapes in the right order and the right direction. Ask the kids if they can see the name of Jesus now. If the kids are still struggling, give them one final hint: focus on the white spaces instead of the black shapes. At this point, the name of Jesus should become clear to everyone. If younger kids need additional help seeing the word, it might help to lay something with a straight edge such as rulers, books, or magazines along the top and bottom of the letters.
  • Say: At first you were blind to the name of Jesus, but then, with a little bit of help, it all became clear. Does that remind you of anything? (Allow kids to answer.) It kind of reminds us of today’s story. At first, the blind man couldn’t see Jesus, but then, with a little bit of help, he was able to see Jesus for who He really is—the Son of God.
  • Directions: Ask the questions below. When finished, if time remains, jumble the shapes up again and see if the kids can reorder them to spell the name of Jesus.
  • Question: Why do you think it’s important to see that Jesus is more than just a regular guy and that He’s the Son of God?
  • Question: What do you think it means to love Jesus with your whole heart?
  • Question: How do you think seeing Jesus as the Son of God changes the way you worship? How does it change the way you pray?

+ It's a Cover Up (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Supplies: Butcher block paper, marker, Post-it® Notes
  • Directions: Place a piece of butcher block paper (or poster board) in the middle of the group. Using a marker, write the verse below in big letters on the paper. Read the verse several times with your group so that they can begin to memorize it. Today’s Bible verse says: "Open my eyes so that I can see the wonderful truths in your law” (Psalm 119:18). Next, give each kid one Post-it® Note. Tell the kids that the object is to cover the letters with their Post-it® Notes. Tell them to close their eyes, count to 3, and have them blindly slap their note onto the Bible verse. If their note is touching any part of a letter, it can stay. If their note is not touching a letter, they must remove it and try again. When all of the notes are covering part of a letter, have the kids recite the verse. Continue playing rounds with additional Post-it® Notes until most or all of the verse is covered and the kids can recite the verse from memory.
  • Question: God’s Word is filled with wonderful truth. Do you have a favorite story or verse from the Bible?

+ Post-It Prayers (Prayer Activity)

  • Supplies: Post-It Notes .
  • Directions: Give each kid a Post-it® Note and a marker or pen. Tell them to write their name on it along with something they need prayer for. For younger kids, just have them write their name. When everyone is finished, have them place their note face down in the middle of the group and mix them up. One at a time, have the kids slap their hand down on a random Post-it® Note, then lift it up with the note stuck to their hand. If a kid chooses their own, have them return it and choose another one. Tell them to read the name and (for older kids) the prayer request aloud. Next, have the kid who wrote the note tell a little bit more about their request (or for younger kids, share their request altogether.) Encourage the kids to keep the note they selected throughout the week as a reminder to pray for that kid. Continue until every note has been chosen. When finished, allow the kids to pray aloud for one another before closing the activity in a final prayer.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, Thank you for sending Jesus to forgive all my sins and make me part of your family. Continue to open my eyes and my heart so that I can see clearly that Jesus is your Son and my Savior. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • John 9

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

January 10, 2021 - Lesson 2: Jesus and Simon the Pharisee

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Big Idea: God’s forgiveness is as big as the ocean, so we can bring him all our sins.

Bible Basis: Luke 7:34-50

Key Verse: “You will completely wipe out the evil things we’ve done. You will throw all our sins into the bottom of the sea.” Micah 7:19


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of this story? Why?

    • Why do you think the sinful woman showed Jesus so much love?

  • For older kids:

    • What does this story teach you about Jesus?

    • Why do you think Jesus told that story about the coins? What did the story mean?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer to God. Tell Him about one of your sins and ask Him for forgiveness.

    • Journal Station prompt: How does it feel to know that God can forgive you no matter the number or the size of your sins? Tell God about it?

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Luke 7:36–50. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: When the sinful woman saw Jesus, she fell at His feet and cried. What would you do if you saw Jesus? Draw a picture of it.



+ Ocean of Forgiveness (Application Activity)

  • Set up: Fill a plastic bin or bucket ½ to ¾ of the way with water
  • Say: Today we learned that God’s forgiveness is as big as the ocean. No matter how many or how few, no matter how big or how small, God’s forgiveness can completely wipe out any sin. We’re going to do an activity right now that will help us think about the sins that we need to throw into the ocean of God’s forgiveness.
  • Directions: Place a bin or bucket of water against a wall. Give each kid in the group a ping pong ball and washable marker. (If you have fewer balls than kids, pass out as many balls as you have. Then, when one kid has finished the activity, give their ball to another kid.) Tell the kids to think of a sin that they commit more often than others or a sin that they feel is really big. For older kids, have them write that sin on their ball. For younger kids, have them color a dot on the ball to represent that sin. When ready, tell the kids that they’re going to throw that sin into the ocean of God’s forgiveness. For each kid, give them an age-appropriate challenge for how to do that. Examples: throw the ball from 3 feet away; 5 feet away; bounce the ball once and into the bin; bounce the ball twice and into the bin; bounce the ball off the wall and into the bin; bounce the ball off the floor, the wall, and into the bin; etc. If they don’t succeed after a few tries, have them simply toss the ball directly into the bin of water. Once the ball is in the bin, use the water to wash the sin off and show the kids how God’s forgiveness has wiped it away.
  • Question: Do you ever feel like your sins can be too many or too big to ask God for forgiveness? Why do you think some people feel that way?
  • Question: Do you wonder if some sins are so small that you don’t need to ask God for forgiveness? (Read James 2:10 and tell the kids that even one small sin needs God’s forgiveness.)
  • Question: How often do you ask God to forgive your sins?
  • Pray: Open the kids in prayer. Thank God for his enormous ocean of forgiveness. Allow the kids a moment to confess their sin to God (either silently or aloud) and to ask Him for forgiveness.

+ Picture This Bible Verse (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Supplies: “Picture This” Bible verse cards and markers
  • Directions: Place the “Picture This” Bible verse cards in the center of your group. Each card will contain a part of the verse. Have the kids arrange the cards in the correct order. For younger kids who are still learning to read, you may have to assist them with this. Today’s Bible verse is: “You will completely wipe out the evil things we’ve done. You will throw all our sins into the bottom of the sea.” Micah 7:19. Tell the kids that they’re going to replace each part of the verse with a picture. Begin by reading the words on the first card and asking your group if they can think of a picture that represents those words. Choose one of the kids to flip the card over and draw that picture on the back. Continue this for each of the cards. When finished, once again place all of the cards in order on the floor with the words facing up. Begin by reading the verse together. For younger kids, they can listen to you reading the verse a couple of times before they begin to join in. Choose a kid to flip one of the cards over so that the picture is facing up. Recite the verse again. Continue having kids flip over cards and reciting the verse until all of the words have been replaced with pictures. When your group is able to recite the verse using only the pictures, have them begin removing one card at a time. Each time you remove a card, recite the verse. Continue doing this until all of the cards are removed and the kids can recite the entire verse from memory.
  • Question: What do you think this verse means when it says God will throw our sins into the bottom of the sea?
  • Question: How do you think God’s forgiveness is kind of like the bottom of the sea? (Suggested answer: it’s big and it swallows up our sin.)

+ Into the Hands of God (Prayer Activity)

  • Supplies: Paper and markers
  • Directions: Give each kid in your group a blank piece of paper and a marker or crayon. Tell them to trace their hand onto the paper. At the top, have the kids write “God’s Hand.” For younger kids, you may want to help them with the spelling.
  • Say: When you put something into God’s hands, it means that you trust He’ll help you with it and you stop worrying or feeling guilty about it. Right now, we’re going to think through some difficult situations. Write down or draw a picture of something that’s hard for you to deal with inside of the hand.
  • Supplies: When kids are finished writing or drawing, encourage them to share with each other what they put into God’s hands. When finished, open your group in prayer. Invite kids who are comfortable to pray aloud and to hand over their requests to God. Afterwards, encourage the kids to continue praying for themselves and each other throughout the next week.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, Thank you for sending Jesus to forgive all my sins and make me part of your family. Help me to worship and thank you every day for all that you do. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • Luke 7:34-50

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

January 3, 2021 - Lesson 1: Jesus and Nicodemus

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Big Idea: Heaven is for those who become born again followers of Jesus.

Bible Basis: John 3:1-21

Key Verse: “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” John 3:3 (NIV)


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of this story? Why?

    • The Pharisees thought they were good enough to get to Heaven on their own. Do you think they were right? Why or why not?

  • For older kids:

    • What do you think this story teaches us about Jesus?

    • What do you think it means to be born again?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer to God. Tell Him about your sins and ask Him for forgiveness.

    • Journal Station prompt: Imagine you were listening to Jesus tell Nicodemus about being born again. What would you want to ask or tell Jesus about?

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: John 3:1–21. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: What do you think it looks like for you to follow Jesus? Draw a picture of it.



+ Pass the Word (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Supplies: Bible verse sign, beach ball, and stopwatch
  • Directions: Place the Bible verse sign in the middle of your group. Read the verse several times with your group so that they can begin to memorize it. Today’s Bible verse says: “No one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” (John 3:3) When enough time has passed, turn the card over. Pass a beach ball to one of the kids in your group. Instruct him to say the first word of the verse and then pass the ball to another kid who will then say the second word. Tell the kids to continue passing the ball around the group until the entire verse has been recited by memory. Give them one practice round and then begin timing them with a stopwatch to see if they can say it faster and faster. If saying one word at a time proves too difficult for some of the younger kids, have each kid recite the entire verse when they receive the ball. When your group is finished with the game, ask them the following questions
  • Question: If someone asked you what it means to be born again, what would you tell them?

+ Prayer Bookmark (Prayer Activity)

  • Supplies: Duct tape, permanent markers or pens, Bible verse sign.
  • Directions: Give each kid in your group a strip of duct tape 10–12 inches long. Tell them to fold it over so that the non-sticky side is on the outside. Assist the younger kids as needed. When finished, it should look something like a bookmark. On one side of the bookmark, tell your kids to write their memory verse: “No one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” (John 3:3) If you have younger kids who struggle with writing, help them simply write the words “God is my rescuer” on their bookmark. Next, ask the kids if they would like to share any prayer requests. For the younger kids, have them listen carefully and remember what is shared. For the older kids, have the group write the name and request on the opposite side of the bookmark. When finished, tell the group to use the bookmark in their Bible or another book throughout the week. Remind them to pray for their small group every time they see the bookmark. In the end, lead the kids in a closing prayer. Allow them to pray for the things that were just shared.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, Thank you for sending Jesus to forgive all my sins and make me part of your family. Help me to worship and thank you every day for all that you do. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • John 3:1-21

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

December 27, 2020 - Lesson 4: Wise Men Worship the King of Kings

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Big Idea: Jesus is the King of Kings and worthy of our worship.

Bible Basis: Matthew 2:1–12

Key Verse: “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” Matthew 2:2 (NIV)


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of this story? Why?

    • Why do you think the Wise Men traveled all that way just to see Jesus?

  • For older kids:

    • What do you think this story teaches us about Jesus?

    • In what ways do you think Jesus is different than an earthly king?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer to Jesus and tell Him why He’s the best King ever.

    • Journal Station prompt: There are lots of ways to worship Jesus. You can sing, draw, write, read the Bible, or help people. What’s your favorite way to worship and why? Write about it.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Matthew 2:1–12. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: Imagine you were worshipping Jesus at the manger. Draw a picture of it.



+ Light It Up Connection Question

  • Say: Christmas is over—what a bummer! It’s also the last week of “Light it Up”—double bummer!! We’re not finished just yet, though! Today, we’re going to hear about some Wise Men who took a looooong Christmas road trip to see Jesus. But before we get started, I want to ask you a question.
  • Question: What’s the farthest you’ve ever traveled? Where did you go?

+ Wise Men's Crazy Christmas (Application Activity)

  • Say: In today’s story, the Wise Men brought Jesus a bunch of different gifts. Who remembers what they were and why they were so special? (Answer: Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. These were gifts people used to honor a king. It was the Wise Men’s way of saying that Jesus was the King of the Jews and Savior of the world.) The greatest gift that the Wise Men gave was the gift of worship. We’re going to play a game right now that will help us think about different ways that we can worship Jesus.
  • Directions: Give each kid a paper plate and one marker or pen. Tell the kids to put the plate on top of their head. One at a time, read the drawing instructions below and have the kids draw while the plates are on their head. When finished with all of the instructions, have the kids take the plate off of their head and show their drawing to each other. The drawings will most likely be hilariously bad. That’s okay—have fun with it! Finally, ask the questions below, but follow the corresponding directions that indicate who gets to answer first.
  • Drawing Instructions:
    • Draw a line for the ground.
    • Draw a cactus on the ground.
    • Draw a star in the sky.
    • Draw a camel or horse on the ground.
    • Draw a Wise Man on the camel or horse.
    • Draw a gift in the hands of the Wise Man.
  • Question: One of the ways we can worship Jesus is through singing. Do you have a favorite praise or worship song to sing? What do you like about it? (A cactus can’t grow if it’s not in the ground. Allow kids who have their cactus touching the ground to answer first.)
  • Question: Another way to worship Jesus is through prayer. What kind of things do you pray for the most? (Touching a cactus can hurt! Allow kids who have their cactus NOT touching the Wise Man or camel to answer first.)
  • Question: We can also worship Jesus by reading the Bible. What is your favorite story from the Bible and why? (If you drop your gift it will break. Allow kids who have their gift touching the Wise Man to answer first.)

+ Word Drop (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Directions: Place the stack of “Word” cards in the middle of the group. Each card will have a small part of today’s Bible verse on it. Today’s verse is: “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” Matthew 2:2 (NIV). Begin by having your group sort through the cards and figure out what order they go in. Have them lay the cards in the correct order in the center of the group. Allow your kids to read the completed verse a few times. When finished, have one of the kids in your group roll the die. If they roll a 1–5, remove that number of cards from the verse. After removing the cards, have your group recite the verse again. If someone rolls a 6, the entire group must stand up, run counter-clockwise around the circle, and sit down in their original spot. Once seated, have the entire group recite the verse together. (See below for a possible younger kid modification.) Choose another kid to roll the die and continue doing this until all of the cards have been removed and your group can completely recite the verse from memory. If your group still needs more practice by the end, lay all of the cards back on the floor in the correct order and play another round.
  • Possible Modifications for Younger Kids: If your kids still struggle to read, consider using the following modification. Lay the cards in the correct order for the kids to see. Slowly repeat the verse with the kids numerous times so they can begin to memorize it with you. When they seem ready, choose a kid to roll the die. If they roll an even number, have the entire group recite the verse together. If they roll an odd number, have everyone in the group make a silly face. Repeat until everyone has had a turn.
  • Question: There are lots of ways to worship Jesus. Singing, prayer, writing, drawing, reading the Bible, and helping people are just a few of the ways. What’s your favorite way to worship Jesus? Why?

+ Prayer Charade (Prayer Activity)

  • Directions: Tell the kids in your group to think of something they’re thankful for. Have the kids take turns silently acting out what they’re thankful for while the rest of the group guesses what it is. When everyone has had a turn, open the kids in prayer by saying “thanks” to God for something you are thankful for. Following your prayer, allow the kids who are comfortable praying out loud to do the same. When everyone is finished, close the group in a final prayer.
  • Question: Why do you think God deserves our thanks?

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, Thank you for sending Jesus to forgive all my sins and make me part of your family. Help me to worship and thank you every day for all that you do. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • Matthew 2:1–12

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

December 20, 2020 - Lesson 3: The Greatest Gift - Jesus is Born!

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Big Idea: Jesus is the greatest Christmas gift of all time, so we can give glory and praise to God.

Bible Basis: Matthew 1:18–25; Luke 2:1–20

Key Verse: “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him will not die but will have eternal life.” John 3:16


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of this story? Why?

    • Do you think Jesus is the greatest gift ever? Why or why not?

  • For older kids:

    • What do you think this story teaches us about God?

    • Do you think Jesus is the greatest gift ever? Why or why not?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer to God and thank Him for giving you Jesus—the best gift ever!

    • Journal Station prompt: Imagine you were there when Jesus was born. What did you see? What did you say? What did you do? Write a story about it.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Luke 2:1–20. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: Draw a picture of baby Jesus in a manger. While you’re drawing, think about why Jesus is the best gift ever.



+ Light It Up Connection Question

  • Say: Merry Christmas! Can you believe it’s finally (or almost) here?! Today we’re going to “Light it Up” again and learn about the very first Christmas—the day that Jesus was born. We’ll get to guess what’s inside of some presents and when we figure it out, the presents will help us tell the story. Before we get started, though, I want to ask you a question:
  • Question: What is the best Christmas gift you’ve ever received?

+ The Greatest Gift (Application Activity)

  • Set-up: Print one “Greatest Gift Template” on 8½ x 11 cardstock for each kid.
  • Say: We get so many awesome gifts during Christmas, but none of them come close to being as awesome as Jesus! We’re going to make a gift right now that will help us remember our Bible story and verse. When it’s finished, you can take it home and open it with your family on Christmas morning so that they can hear about the greatest gift too.
  • Directions: Give each kid in your group a “Greatest Gift Template” along with some scissors and markers or crayons. Help the kids follow the directions on the template in order to cut out, color, and create their own story box. When finished, the box will look like a present on the outside, while the inside will have the four story pictures that help them remember the Christmas story and Bible verse (John 3:16.) Ask the kids to recount the Christmas story and Bible verse using the pictures. When finished, have the kids fold and tape the box closed as per the instructions. Encourage the kids to take their “present” home and to open it with their family on Christmas morning. They can use the pictures inside to share the Christmas story and verse with their family. When they’re finished, ask them the question below.
  • Question: It’s so easy to get excited about opening Christmas presents and forget what Christmas is really about. If you could create a new tradition with your family that would help you remember the real reason for Christmas, what would it be?

+ Pass the Candy Cane (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Directions: Place the Bible verse sign in the middle of the group and read it carefully with your kids several times so they can begin to memorize it. Today’s Bible verse says: “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him will not die but will have eternal life.” John 3:16. Begin the game by passing a candy cane around the circle. As the candy cane is being passed, have the kids read or recite the Bible verse from the card in the middle. When the group has finished reading the verse, the candy cane can no longer be passed (just like in the game “Hot Potato”). Next, flip the Bible verse card over so that the verse is no longer visible. Have the kid who is holding the candy cane recite the verse from memory along with the kids sitting to their left and right. If the kid holding the candy cane successfully recites the verse, they can keep the candy cane. Otherwise, they have to give it back. Finally, flip the Bible verse card back over so the verse is visible again, begin passing another candy cane around the circle and repeat the previous instructions. Continue until the kids have confidently memorized the verse.
  • Question: This is one of the most well-known verses in the Bible. Why do you think it’s so popular?

+ Bite-sized Prayers (Prayer Activity)

  • Directions: Open a large bag of Christmas M&Ms®, but leave the candy inside. Pass a napkin to each person. One at a time, allow each kid to use the spoon to scoop as many M&Ms® as they can or want out of the bag with one scoop. Tell them that for each piece of candy they get, they’ll have to answer a question, so the more they get, the more they have to share. Tell the kids not to eat the candy until you instruct them. Once everyone has a scoop of candy on their napkin, choose someone to go first. Have that kid hold up one of their pieces of candy. Depending on the color of the candy, have them answer the corresponding question:
    • For each Red: God I’m thankful for…
    • For each Green: God, I need you for…
    • For each White: God, I’m sorry for…
  • Directions: When they’ve shared, allow them to eat that piece of candy. Continue around the circle until all of the candy is gone or enough prayer requests have been shared. Close the activity with prayer. Encourage the kids to tell God why they think Jesus is so wonderful and to thank God for the gift of His Son.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Thank you God for all the gifts you give us every day. The sun and moon and stars so bright and friends along the way. Most of all I thank you for the precious son who came So I could know and love like him, I’ll sing about his name. The best gift to me, his name is Jesus, thank you God for Jesus. The best gift to me. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • Matthew 1:18–25; Luke 2:1–20

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

December 13, 2020 - Lesson 2: John the Baptist is Born

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Big Idea: Jesus is the reason we celebrate Christmas, so we can prepare our hearts for Him.

Bible Basis: Luke 1:39-80

Key Verse: “God, create a pure heart in me. Give me a new spirit that is faithful to you.” Psalm 51:10 (NIrV)


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of this story? Why?

    • Why do you think baby John jumped for joy in his mom’s belly?

  • For older kids:

    • Why do you think God sent John to help people get ready for the coming of Jesus?

    • What did John do to help people get ready for Jesus?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer to God and tell Him why you think Christmas is so awesome.

    • Journal Station prompt: Tell God what you’re going to do to remember and celebrate Jesus’ birth.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Luke 1:57–80. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: If you were going to throw a birthday party for Jesus, what would it look like? Draw a picture of it.



+ Light It Up Connection Question

  • Say: Are you kids ready for another week of “Light it Up?” Just like last week, we’re going to use some light-up presents to tell the Christmas story. Before we get started, though, I want to ask you a question.
  • Question: What is your favorite Christmas tradition? Tell us about it.

+ Shot to the Heart (Application Activity)

  • Say: Today we learned that getting ready for Christmas isn’t so much about wrapping presents and putting up decorations. The best way to get ready is to prepare your heart. We’re going to play a game right now that will help us think of ways to get our heart ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
  • Directions: Place a small dry erase marker board in the middle of the group. With a red dry erase marker, draw a large heart on the board. Ask the kids what kind of things they do to make their hearts unclean. As the kids share, write short-hand versions of their answers with a dark washable marker in the middle of the heart. When the heart is filled with darkness from the writing, choose a kid to stand and hold the marker board up with the heart facing the group. Ask the kids what they can do this week to make or keep their heart clean. Examples might include forgiving someone, asking God for forgiveness, avoiding sin, changing their attitude, being more thankful, etc. After a kid answers, have them stand about 6–8 feet from the marker board, give them a small squirt gun or squirt bottle and allow them to take 3 shots at the dirty heart in an attempt to clean it up. After taking their shots, have the shooter hold the board while another kid answers the question and takes 3 shots. The water will wash away the dark washable marker while the dry erase heart remains. Continue until everyone has had a turn. Have a towel on hand just in case.

+ The Great Bible Skate (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Set-Up: Use tape to create a starting line on the floor. Print the “Bible Verse” cards on 8½ x 11 cardstock paper and cut apart. (See Resource Folder.) Each card contains a portion of the Bible verse. Place the Bible cards in order in the middle of the group and read them carefully with your kids several times so they can begin to memorize it. Today’s Bible verse says: “God, create a pure heart in me. Give me a new spirit that is faithful to you.” Psalm 51:10.
  • Directions: Once the kids have memorized the verse, place the “Bible Verse” cards on the floor about 15 feet (4.5 meters) from the starting line. Have the kids in your group line up behind the starting line. Tell the first kid in line to place one piece of wax paper beneath each of their feet. When you say “go,” instruct that kid to “skate” to the Bible Verse cards, pick one up and “skate” back. When they return, they can set their card on the floor and pass their “skates” (the wax paper) to the next kid in line. Have the kids continue taking turns “skating” until each card has been retrieved. When all of the cards have been retrieved, the kids must race to assemble the cards in the order of today’s verse. Use a stopwatch or smartphone to time them. Stop the timer as soon as they have assembled the verse in the right order. For younger kids, assist them as needed in assembling the cards in the right order. Once the verse is in the right order, read it together several times until the kids have it memorized. Then, flip the cards over and have your group recite it from memory. Repeat the activity several times to see if the group can beat their previous time.
  • Question: What do you think it means to have a pure heart?

+ Faithful Chain (Prayer Activity)

  • Set-Up: Cut sheets of red, green, and white colored paper into 4 long strips. There should be enough strips of paper so that every kid has at least one.
  • Directions: Give each kid in your group a strip of colored paper. Tell the kids to think of one way they can be faithful to God that week. (Examples could be: tell someone about Jesus, invite someone to church, do something nice for someone, or give someone a gift they weren’t expecting.) Next, have them write their answer on the strip of paper in the most fun, colorful, and imaginative way they can. When finished, ask the kids to share what they wrote down. Next, lead your group in a closing prayer. Encourage the kids to pray that God would help them to be faithful. Finally, when the prayer is over, link the strips of paper together in the form of a chain using tape or staples to connect each link. If applicable, consider linking your group’s chain together with the other group’s chains and display on a Christmas tree or around the room.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, Thank you for sending Jesus to forgive all my sins and make me part of your family. That took a lot of work. Help me to work together with my fellow believers so that we can build your kingdom by telling others about all that you have done for them. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • Luke 1:39-80

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

December 6, 2020 - Lesson 1: Zechariah and Elizabeth

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Big Idea: God is gracious, so we can find joy in the gift of His Son.

Bible Basis: Luke 1:5-25

Key Verse: “The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” Psalm 145:8 (NIrV)


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of this story? Why?

    • Why do you think Zechariah had a hard time believing what the angel told him?

  • For older kids:

    • What does this story teach you about God?

    • Why do you think it was such a big deal that Zechariah didn’t believe what the angel told him?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer to God and thank Him for giving you the gift of Jesus, even though you don’t deserve it.

    • Journal Station prompt: Tell God why you think Jesus is the best gift ever.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Luke 1:5-25. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: Draw a picture of yourself holding Jesus—the best gift ever.



+ Light It Up Connection Question

  • Say: Can you believe it? Christmas is coming really soon! To kick off the Christmas season, we’re starting a brand-new series called “Light it Up!” For the next four weeks, we’re going to be talking about the birth of the most amazing “light” the world has ever seen: Jesus—the “Light of the World.”
  • Question: What gift are you most hoping to get this Christmas?

+ Candy Cane Relay (Application Activity)

  • Say: (Hold 2 candy canes upside down for the kids to see.) Candy canes are really cool! When you hold a candy cane upside down, it looks like a “J.” That reminds us of the best Christmas gift ever—Jesus. It also reminds us of the word “Joy.” We’re going to practice passing the joy of Jesus to the people around us.
  • Directions: Give everyone in your group (including yourself) one candy cane and tell them to put the straight end in their mouth. Hook another candy cane onto the end of the candy cane in your mouth. Time the group to see how fast they can pass the dangling candy cane around the circle using only the candy cane in their mouth. Play several rounds to see if the kids can beat their previous time.
  • Say: In the game we just played, the joy of Jesus got passed from person to person. That’s kind of how it is in real life. When you have the joy of knowing Jesus in your life, it’s easy for the people around us to get it too.
  • Question: Why should the gift of Jesus make us feel joy or happiness?
  • Question: How can you share the joy you have for Jesus with your family and friends during Christmas?
  • Question: How can you make sure that the joy of Jesus doesn’t get lost in your excitement for opening presents?

+ Kiss-A-Verse (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Set-Up: Using a Sharpie marker, write a number 1-12 on the bottom of 12 different Hershey’s Kisses®. Print the 12 “Bible Verse Cards” on 8½ x 11 cardstock and cut apart.
  • Directions: Place the 12 “Bible Verse Cards” on the floor in the order of the verse. Each card will be numbered in order. Read the verse several times with your group so that they can begin to memorize it. Today’s Bible verse says: “The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” Psalm 145:8. Next, randomly place the Hershey’s Kisses® in the middle of the group with the numbers facing down. Select a kid to pick up any one of the Kisses®, show the number, unwrap it and eat it. Remove that numbered card from the verse and have the group recite the verse again with the missing words. Continue having kids take turns eating the Kisses®, removing words and reciting the verse. As more of the Kisses® (and words) disappear, the kids will have to recite the verse from memory. Keep playing until all of the Kisses® are gone and the kids have completely memorized the verse.
  • Question: How has God been gracious and compassionate in your life? In other words, what has God done for you or given you that was kind?

+ Prayer Ornaments (Prayer Activity)

  • Set-Up: Print enough “Christmas Prayer Ornaments” on 8½ x 11 cardstock paper so that every kid gets one ornament. (See Resource Folder.) There are 4 ornaments to a sheet, so cut the ornaments apart.
  • Directions: Give each kid an ornament. Place some markers, scissors, 6” pieces of string, and a hole punch in the middle of the group. Encourage the kids to cut their ornament out and color it however they would like. While the kids are working, read the Christmas themed Bible verse printed on the card and ask the question below.
  • Bible Verse: “Let us give thanks to God for his gift. It is so great that no one can tell how wonderful it really is!” 2 Corinthians 9:15
  • Question: The good news of Jesus is for all people. Do you know anyone who doesn’t know about Jesus? How can you tell them?
  • Closing: When finished, tell the kids to punch a hole in the top of the ornament and tie a string loop through the hole so that they can hang the ornament on a Christmas tree. Close the activity with prayer. Ask the kids to pray for the people they know who don’t know or believe the good news of Jesus. Encourage them to pray for the courage to tell their friends about Jesus.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, Thank you for sending Jesus to forgive all my sins and make me part of your family. That took a lot of work. Help me to work together with my fellow believers so that we can build your kingdom by telling others about all that you have done for them. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • Luke 1:5-25

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

November 29, 2020 - Lesson 4: Nehemiah Rebuilds the Wall

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Big Idea: God wants us to work together to build His kingdom.

Bible Basis: The book of Nehemiah

Key Verse: “Two people are better than one. They can help each other in everything they do.” Ecclesiastes 4:9 (NIrV)


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of this story? Why?

    • How do you think the story would have turned out differently if no one had helped Nehemiah?

  • For older kids:

    • How did Nehemiah go about solving the problem in this story?

    • How do you think the story would have turned out differently if no one had helped Nehemiah?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer to God and tell Him how much you love Him.

    • Journal Station prompt: Have you ever worked together with other people to do something helpful or kind? Write a letter to God and tell Him about it.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Nehemiah 4. Draw a picture of the story or write to God your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you like it.

    • Art Station prompt: Ezra helped the people of Jerusalem worship God together. We can do that too! Draw a picture of yourself singing and worshipping God with your friends.



+ Brick and Mortar (Application Activity)

  • Say: Bag od mini-marshmallows, container of frosting, popsicle sticks or plastic knives
  • Say: Nehemiah and the people of Jerusalem did something incredible—they rebuilt a giant wall in only 52 days! When we work together like they did, we can do some BIG things for God. We’re going to do an activity right now that will help us think about some ways that we can work together to build God’s Kingdom.
  • Directions: Show your group a bag of mini marshmallows. Tell them that they’re going to use the marshmallows like bricks to build a wall together. To get marshmallows, though, they have to answer a question. For each answer a kid gives, hand them 10 marshmallows:
  • Question: What are some of the things that the people of Jerusalem did together in today’s story? (Answer: gave money, gave materials, worked, guarded, listened to God’s Word, prayed, worshipped, celebrated, and confessed sins.)
  • Question: When the wall was finished, the people of Jerusalem worshipped and celebrated together. What are some ways that we can worship and celebrate together as a church or as a family?
  • Question: What can we do together to help build God’s Kingdom? In other words, what are some ways that we can help people know about Jesus and show God’s love to people?
  • Directions: When all of the kids have some marshmallows, place the container of frosting in the middle of the group along with some plastic knives or popsicle sticks. Allow the kids to use the frosting like mortar. They can spread a little bit on each marshmallow and stick them together in the form of a wall. Place a piece of cardstock paper or cardboard on the floor to use as a platform for the wall. Challenge your group to work together to make the wall as big and strong as possible.

+ Sing It Out (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Directions: Place the Bible verse sign in the middle of the group and read it carefully with your kids several times so they can begin to memorize it. “Two people are better than one. They can help each other in everything they do.” Ecclesiastes 4:9 Ask your group to listen carefully as you read the verse a few times. Then, tell your group that they’re going to make up a tune to sing the verse to. Start your group off with an example of how you might sing the verse and then ask the kids if they have any different suggestions. Consider clapping along to the beat of the song as your group sings. After singing the verse a few times, ask if anyone else wants to sing it to a different tune or in a different silly voice such as robot, giant bear, or super-fast. Let your group choose how they would like to sing it. Continue the activity until it appears that your group can remember the verse. Afterwards, ask the following question:
  • Question: It can be hard to follow Jesus all by yourself. How can being in a group like this help you love and follow Jesus more?
  • Option 2: Place the Bible verse sign in the middle of the group and read it carefully with your kids several times so they can begin to memorize it. Then, tell your group that they’re going to make up a tune to sing the verse to. Ask if anyone in your group would like to try it first. After the volunteer sings the verse to a tune, have the rest of the group sing the verse back to the same tune. Next, choose another volunteer to sing the verse to a different tune. This time, ask them to sing it using one of the following musical genres: Rock ‘n Roll; Rap; Country; Opera. Continue the activity until all of the genres have been used or until everyone who wants a turn has had one. When finished, ask the following question:
  • Question: It can be hard to follow Jesus all by yourself. How can being in a group like this help you love and follow Jesus more?

+ Show Me Prayers (Prayer Activity)

  • Directions: Ask the kids in your group to think of something that they need prayer for. Choose a kid to share first, but instead of sharing their request aloud, ask them to show their prayer request as a charade. Allow the other kids to guess the prayer request. When the group has guessed successfully, allow the kid to verbally share specifics of their request. If a kid doesn’t want to perform the request as a charade, has trouble performing the request, or if the group has trouble guessing, allow them to share their request verbally. As kids share, write down their request. When finished, open the group in prayer. Allow any kid who would like to pray aloud to do so.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, Thank you for sending Jesus to forgive all my sins and make me part of your family. That took a lot of work. Help me to work together with my fellow believers so that we can build your kingdom by telling others about all that you have done for them. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • The Book of Nehemiah

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

November 22, 2020 - Lesson 3: Queen Esther

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Big Idea: God has a purpose for my life and wants me to do something good through me.

Bible Basis: The book of Esther

Key Verse: “God is working in you. He wants your plans and your acts to fulfill his good purpose.” Philippians 2:13 (NIrV)


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of this story? Why?

    • For what purpose or reason do you think God made Esther the queen?

  • For older kids:

    • What do you think would have happened to the Israelites if Esther wasn’t the queen?

    • God had a purpose for Esther’s life. Do you think He has a purpose for your life too? Why or why not?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer to God. Ask Him to help you show love and share the good news of Jesus with the world around you.

    • Journal Station prompt: What do you think God’s purpose for your life might be? In other words, what are some ways God can use you to do good in the world? Write about it.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Esther 5:1–8. Draw a picture of the story or write to God your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you like it.

    • Art Station prompt: God has a purpose for your life: to tell others about Jesus. Draw a picture of yourself telling a friend about Jesus.



+ Beat That (Application Activity)

  • Say: It’s not just by dumb luck that you are here. God has placed you in the world for a purpose. He wants to use you to do something good. We’re going to play a game right now that will help us think about some of the good things that God might want to do through us.
  • Directions: Choose a kid to go first and hand them 3 dice. Tell the kid to roll the dice and place them in order to form the highest possible number. For example, if they roll a 1, 4, and 3, the highest possible number is 431. Next, have the roller hand the dice to the next kid and say “Beat that!” Continue the round until every kid has rolled the dice and a winner has been determined. At the end of each round, ask the kids the question below. Allow the winner of the round to answer first followed by the other kids. Each round will challenge the kids to think through how God might use them for a good purpose in a different location or context. After 5 rounds, remove the dice and discuss the remaining questions:
  • Question: What are some of the good things that God might use you to do at your… Round 1: School; Round 2: Church; Round 3: Home; Round 4: Neighborhood; Round 5: Sports team
  • Question: In the dice game that we played, the winner was decided by pure luck or chance. How is that different from the way that Esther became queen? (Answer: It wasn’t by luck that Esther became queen. God chose Esther to be queen so that she could save His people.)
  • Question: God used Esther to save His people and He wants to save people through us too. One purpose that God has for all of us is to tell others about Jesus so they can be saved from sin. Who has God placed in your life that you can tell about Jesus?

+ Bible Bit Mix-Up (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Directions: Give each kid in your group a “Bible Bit” card. Each “Bible Bit” card has just one bit of the Bible verse on it. For Younger Kids, the cards will have numbers in the corner to help with the ordering. This week's Bible Verse: “God is working in you. He wants your plans and your acts to fulfill his good purpose.” Philippians 2:13. For round 1: Have the children arrange the “Bible Bits” in the correct order on the floor. Children can only touch their own card. If someone touches a card other than their own, all the cards must be picked up and the round begins again. When they have completed each round successfully, gather the cards up and have the group recite the verse from memory. For round 2: Redistribute the cards to the children making sure they have different cards this time. Children must repeat the instructions for round 1, but without talking this time. For round 3: Repeat the above instructions, but children may neither talk, nor use their hands. For round 4: Repeat the above instructions, but children may not talk, use their hands, nor smile. (You’d be surprised how hard it is not to smile when you’re trying not to smile.) If anyone smiles, the cards are picked back up and the round begins again.
  • Question: Before today, had you ever thought about God’s purpose or reason for your life?
  • Question: How does it make you feel to know God has a good purpose for your life?

+ Beach Ball Prayers (Prayer Activity)

  • Directions: Have the kids in your group sit in a circle. Tell the kids to pay attention to all of the prayer requests, but especially to the request of the kid who they throw the ball to. Begin by throwing the beach ball to a kid across the circle from you. When the kid catches the ball, have them look to see what color their right thumb is touching. Depending on the color, encourage the kid to share one of the following: Yellow: What are you thankful to God for? Red: What is something you are sorry for? Blue: Does someone you know need prayer? What for? White: What is something you need God’s help with? Other: What is a reason you can praise God? When the first kid is finished sharing, have them toss the ball to another kid across the circle and repeat. Continue until everyone has had a chance to share. Encourage the kids to remember the requests of the kid they threw the ball to and to pray for them throughout the week. Finally, open the kids in prayer. Allow anyone who would like to pray for themselves or someone else in the group to do so.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, Thank you for sending Jesus to be my Savior and forgiving all my sins. Help me to show love to those around me and to be bold in telling others about you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • The Book of Esther

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

November 15, 2020 - Lesson 2: Daniel and the Lions Den

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Big Idea: God wants to be the leader of your life, so you should follow Him instead of the crowd.

Bible Basis: Daniel 6

Key Verse: “Do not follow the crowd when they do what is wrong.” Exodus 23:2a (NIrV)


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of this story? Why?

    • Why do you think Daniel prayed to God even though He knew it would get him thrown into the lions’ den?

  • For older kids:

    • What does this story teach you about God?

    • How can you apply the story of Daniel to your life? What can you do differently?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer to God. Ask God to help you follow Him instead of the crowd.

    • Journal Station prompt: Tell God about a time you followed the crowd when they did what was wrong. Ask Him to forgive you.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Daniel 6. Draw a picture of the story or write to God your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you like it.

    • Art Station prompt: God wants to be the leader of your life. What does it look like for you to follow God? Draw a picture of it.



+ A Different Beat (Application Activity)

  • Say: Today’s Bible verse says, “Do not follow the crowd when they do what is wrong.” Daniel did a great job of that. Even though everyone was praying to the king, Daniel still prayed to the one true God. That’s not always easy, though. Sometimes it’s hard to do something that’s different from everyone else. Let me show you what I mean.
  • Directions: Begin by creating a simple beat by clapping your hands, slapping your legs, and/or tapping the floor. Once you’ve established a beat, tell the kids to join you while you continually repeat the beat. While the kids are following your beat, choose one kid and challenge them to create and maintain a completely different beat from the rest of the group. (There should now be two beats going at the same time.) Some kids will find it difficult to create and maintain a different beat—that’s okay! Keep the two beats going for about 10 seconds or until the one kid loses their beat. For the second round, allow the one kid to create another beat for the group. When the rest of the group is following their beat, choose another kid to create and maintain a different beat. Continue playing rounds until everyone has had a turn to create a beat. When finished, ask the following questions:
  • Question: How hard was it for you to create and keep a different beat from the rest of the group?
  • Question: How is that similar to or different from following God instead of the crowd? (Suggested answer: If everyone is doing the wrong thing, it can be hard to follow God and do the right thing.)
  • Question: What are some things “the crowd” does that go against God’s Word?
  • Question: Have you ever been tempted to do what everyone else was doing even though they were doing the wrong thing? Tell us about it.
  • Question: How are you going to be like Daniel this week? In other words, how are you going to follow God instead of the crowd?

+ Bible Emoji? (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Set-Up: Print 2 copies of the “Bible Emoji Pieces.” Each copy will have 4 different pieces to an emoji (mouth, eyes, tongue, etc.) Each piece will have one of the numbers 2–5 on it. Cut the pieces out.
  • Directions: Place the “Bible Verse” sign in the middle of your group. Read the verse several times with your group so that they can begin to memorize it. Today’s Bible verse says: “Do not follow the crowd when they do what is wrong.” Exodus 23:2a When ready, remove the Bible verse sign and divide your group into two teams. Choose a team to go first and have them recite the Bible verse together. If they fail to recite it, the turn moves to the other team. If they recite it successfully, allow that team to roll a die. If they roll a 1, give them the plate. If they roll a 2–5, give them the emoji piece with that number on it. If they roll a 6, they can choose the plate or any emoji piece they want. If they roll a number that they’ve already rolled, they receive no additional piece and the turn moves to the other team. Have each team take turns reciting the verse and rolling the die until one team has successfully collected all of the pieces and assembled their emoji.
  • Question: Why is it so tempting to do what other people are doing, even if it’s wrong?

+ Prayer Poses (Prayer Activity)

  • Say: When we pray to God, there’s no right or wrong way to position our bodies. What matters the most is that our hearts are in the right place. But sometimes praying in different positions helps us to remember the different ways we can pray to God. We’re going to practice praying in one of those positions right now.
  • Directions: Ask the kids in your group to share why they need forgiveness. When finished, tell them they’re going to pray on their knees with their heads bowed low. Explain to them that this position is a way of telling God that they are sorry for their sins. When the kids are in position, open the group in prayer. Allow any kid who feels comfortable to pray aloud. When finished, close the group in a final prayer.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, Thank you for guarding and protecting me each day. Give me the courage to follow you when I am tempted to sin. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • Daniel and the Lions Den - Daniel 6

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

November 8, 2020 - Lesson 1: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

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Big Idea: God blesses us when we suffer for doing what is right, so we can stand up for Him.

Bible Basis: Daniel 3

Key Verse: “Blessed are those who suffer for doing what is right. The kingdom of heaven belongs to them.” Matthew 5:10 (NIrV)


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of this story? Why?

    • Could you have made the same choice as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? Why or why not?

  • For older kids:

    • What does this story teach you about God?

    • Why do you think Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were willing to stand up for God even if it meant losing their life?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer to God. Ask Him to give you the courage to stand up for Him.

    • Journal Station prompt: Tell God about a time that you stood up for Him. What happened? What did you do or say to stand up for Him.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Daniel 3. Draw a picture of the story or write to God your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you like it.

    • Art Station prompt: Think of a way you can stand up for God in your school or neighborhood. Draw a picture of it.



+ Prepare for Battle - Team Flag

  • Say: For the next four weeks we’re going to be a part of a huge battle called “Space Ninjas vs. Pirate Squirrels!” It’s going to be super fun, but more than that, it’s going to help us see how God cared for His people even when they were forced out of the Promised Land. Let’s get ready for the battle!
  • Directions: Have your child create a flag for their team they choose using the provided materials. Help your child plan ahead by asking them what they think the flag should look like. Place the blank flag in the center of the group along with the markers or other coloring utensils and allow the kids to begin creating. Be sure that everyone has a chance to contribute something to the flag. Afterwards, save the flag and encourage your child to use it during each week of the “Space Ninjas vs. Pirate Squirrels” unit. If time permits, ask the following question.
  • Question: Where is the hottest place you’ve ever been? What did it feel like?

+ Stand Up for God (Application Activity)

  • Say: In today’s story, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego stood up for God even though they could have been killed for it. Following Jesus might not be that dangerous for us, but it isn’t always the popular thing to do. In fact, sometimes it can be really hard to stand up for God. We’re going to do an activity right now that will help us think of ways that we can stand up for God.
  • Directions: Choose two kids to sit back-to-back and link arms in the middle of the circle. Challenge them to stand up together without their arms coming apart. Once they have successfully completed the challenge (or failed multiple times), read one of the situations below and allow the two kids to say how they could stand up for God in that situation.
  • "Glory to God" Situations: Your friend is spending the night at your house and sees that you have a Bible on the nightstand by your bed. She points to it and says, “You don’t really read that thing, do you?”; You’re going to miss your basketball game tomorrow because it’s at the same time as church. One of your teammates asks why you would want to miss the game for church; At the lunch table, you bow your head and say a silent prayer before you eat. One of the other kids at the table sees you and asks why you do that; The kid next door sees that you’re wearing a cross necklace. He says, “Why do you even wear that thing? God isn’t real anyway.”; You’re at a sleepover with your friends when they begin watching an inappropriate video. When you walk away, one of them says, “Where are you going? Why don’t you watch it with us?”; You play your favorite Christian song for your cousin. She says, “That song was dumb. All it ever talked about was God.”
  • Question: Have you ever stood up for God before? What did you say or do?

+ Pass the Planet? (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Directions: Place the Bible verse sign in the middle of the group and read it carefully with your kids several times so they can begin to memorize it. Practice saying it together a few times. When everyone is ready, turn the sign over so they can no longer read it. Today’s Bible verse says, “Blessed are those who suffer for doing what is right. The kingdom of heaven belongs to them.” Matthew 5:10. Show the kids a beach ball and tell them to pretend it’s a planet. The object of the game is to keep the planet in space until the group can recite the entire verse from memory. Kids must use their hands or other body parts to bump the ball in the air to each other. They cannot catch and throw it. Every time someone bumps the ball, the group must say one word of the verse. If the ball hits the ground before the entire verse has been recited, pick it up and start over from the beginning. Continue playing until you get through the verse several times. If you need to make it harder, tell the kids they can use any body part except for their hands. For younger kids, consider using a balloon instead of a beach ball.
  • Question: Have you suffered or been made fun of for doing what is right? Tell us about it.

+ Acrostic Prayers (Prayer Activity)

  • Directions: Place a piece of butcher block paper or a poster board in the middle of the circle. In big letters, use a marker to write the words “Thank You God” in the middle of the paper. Tell the kids to write down things that they are thankful for, but those things have to begin with one of the letters in the words “Thank You God.” When finished, open the group in prayer. Encourage the kids to pray aloud and thank God for the things they wrote down.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, thank you guarding and protecting me every day. Thank you for standing up for me and forgiving me all my sins. Give me the courage to stand up for you like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • Daniel 3

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

November 1, 2020 - Lesson 5: Daniel and the Deadly Dream

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Big Idea: God is the giver of all good things, so we can give Him the glory.

Bible Basis: Daniel 1-2

Key Verse: “Every good and perfect gift is from God.”  James 1:17a (NIrV)


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.


This month’s theme, The Fab Five, has a superhero / comic sheet feel. So, as we go through the Bible lessons, your child will be able to add their drawings to the Bible History comic sheet available below. The comic sheet will include panels with background scenery, but the primary drawings are missing. As our leader goes through the story, encourage your child to draw the missing pictures.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of this story? Why?

    • How do you think Daniel got all of his talents and abilities?

  • For older kids:

    • What does this story teach you about God?

    • In what ways did Daniel give God the credit for his talents and abilities?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer to God and tell Him about a talent that you have. Thank God for giving you that talent.

    • Journal Station prompt: How can you “shine the light” on God this coming week? Write down some ways that you can give God the glory when people notice your talents.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Daniel chapter 2. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: Draw a picture of yourself doing something that you are really good at. While you are drawing, tell God “thank you” for giving you that ability.



+ The Fab Five Connect Activity

  • Say: You look like a pretty talented bunch! Today, we’re going to hear about a prophet named Daniel who had a TON of talent. In fact, he had one really cool talent that I’ll bet none of us have. We’ll learn about that in a little bit, but first, I want to ask you a question. Instead of telling us the answer, though, you’re going to draw it!
  • Directions: Give each kid a blank piece of paper. Place a box of markers, crayons, or colored pencils in the middle of the group. When ready, ask the question below and have the kids draw a picture of their answer. When finished, allow the kids to show their picture and tell a little bit about what they drew.
  • Question: What is your greatest talent or ability?

+ Fruit Croquet (Application Activity)

  • Set-up: You will need 2 teams to do this activity. Take one apple or orange and place it in one leg of a pair of pantyhose. Repeat the same for a second pair of pantyhose. Use tape to create a starting line and a finish line with about 10 feet (3 meters) in-between.
  • Say: Whenever we have a talent, it’s easy for us to take the credit for it, but the Bible says we should shine the light on God and give Him the glory. We’re going to play a game right now that will help us think of some ways we can do that in our everyday lives.
  • Directions: Choose one player from each team to go first. Tie the pantyhose around the players’ waists so that the fruit is in front of the players and hanging between their legs. Place another piece of fruit on the starting line in front of each player. On “go,” without using their hands, the two players must swing the fruit in the pantyhose to knock the fruit on the floor from the starting line to the finish line. When one of the players has successfully completed the challenge, award their team with a point and have the players take a seat with the group. Next, read one of the “Glory to God” situations below and ask the kids how they can give God the glory in that situation. Begin with the winning team, and then alternate back and forth allowing each team to give as many unique answers as they can. Give each team one point for every unique answer. When the kids have run out of answers, choose two more players and repeat until all of the situations have been used.
  • "Glory to God" Situations: • You get a perfect score on your math test. Your friend sees it and asks you how you got so smart; Instead of birthday presents, you ask your friends to give you money to help an orphanage. Your friend asks why you would do that; Your drawing is picked to be in your school’s art show. After the show, everyone tells you what an amazing artist you are; You score the winning shot during your basketball game. The next day at school, everyone keeps asking you about it; You invite the new kid in your class to sit with you and your friends during lunch. Your teacher notices what you did and asks how you got to be such a great kid; You’re the only one in your family who can solve a Rubik’s Cube®. Your cousin asks you how you always figure these things out so fast; You were chosen to have the lead role in the school play. After the play, your mom asks you how in the world you can remember all of those lines; You let your little brother borrow your new bike even though he crashed your old one. Your friend asks you why you would be so nice to Him.
  • Question: What gifts or talents do you have and how can you use them to give God glory?

+ Who Nose the Bible? (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Set-up: Using a Sharpie marker, write a number 1–12 on the bottom of 12 different Hershey’s Kisses®. Print the 12 “Bible Verse Cards” on 8½ x 11 cardstock and cut apart.
  • Directions: Place the 8 Bible verse cards in the middle of your group. Give the kids in your group a moment to line the cards up in the right order. Once they’re in order, carefully read the verse aloud with your group several times so they can begin to memorize it. Today’s Bible verse says: “Every good and perfect gift is from God.” James 1:17a (NIrV) When ready, flip the cards over so that they’re facing down and mix them up. Spread them out. Place a small dab of petroleum jelly on each of the kid’s noses. (Allergy Alert: Be sure no one is allergic to petroleum jelly.) When you say “go,” have the kids race to press their nose onto the back of one card and pick it up so that only the other kids can see it. When every kid has picked up a card, they’ll have to quickly help each other stand in the right order so that the verse reads from beginning to end. Time the kids to see how long it takes them. When finished, have the kids recite the verse aloud. Place the cards face down and mix them up on the floor again and repeat the activity. Note: place the beginning of the verse in order while the kids pick up a card from the end of the verse. For younger kids, allow them to pick up the card with their nose, but the leader can be the one to quickly line them up in order
  • Question: Why do you think God gives us good and perfect gifts? Question for Older Kids: How does knowing that all good things come from God change the way you think about your gifts and talents?

+ "Letters" to God (Prayer Activity)

  • Supplies: Letter game pieces from Scrabble® or Boggle Jr.®.
  • Directions: Place the letter pieces from a game such as Scrabble® or Boggle Jr.® in the center of your group. Tell the kids to think of something they need prayer for. One at a time, have them reach into the center and choose the letter pieces needed to spell out a key word from their prayer request. Have the rest of the group try to guess the word before the spelling is complete. For younger kids who are still learning to spell, you may choose to have them find only the first letter of the word and then share that word. Be prepared to help. Once they’ve spelled the word out or have found the first letter, ask them to say more about their request. When everyone has had a turn spelling out their request, open the group in prayer. Allow anyone who would like to pray an opportunity to do so. When it seems like everyone who wants a turn has prayed, close the group in a final prayer. Encourage your kids to remember everyone’s prayer request and to be praying for them throughout the week.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, thank you guarding and protecting me every day. Thank you for all the blessings you have given me in my life. Help me to always be thankful to you for all things! Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • Daniel 1-2

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

October 25, 2020 - Lesson 4: Jeremiah and the Fall of Judah

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Big Idea: God is close to people with broken hearts, so we can find comfort in Him when we’re sad.

Bible Basis: Jeremiah 27-28, 37-39; 2 Kings 25; Lamentations 1

Key Verse: “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18 (NIV)


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.


This month’s theme, The Fab Five, has a superhero / comic sheet feel. So, as we go through the Bible lessons, your child will be able to add their drawings to the Bible History comic sheet available below. The comic sheet will include panels with background scenery, but the primary drawings are missing. As our leader goes through the story, encourage your child to draw the missing pictures.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of this story? Why?

    • Why do you think Jeremiah was so sad?

  • For older kids:

    • What does this story teach you about God?

    • How would you have felt if you were Jeremiah? Why?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Are you sad about anything? Write a prayer to God and tell Him about it. Ask Him to be close to you.

    • Journal Station prompt: When Jeremiah was sad, he wrote a poem about it. Try writing a poem to God about your sadness. It doesn’t even have to rhyme.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Jeremiah 39:1–14. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: What do you look like when you’re sad? Draw a picture of it. While you’re drawing, tell God what makes you sad and ask Him to be close to you.



+ The Fab Five Connect Activity

  • Say: Today we’re going to hear a bummer of a story. It’s a story about one of the Fab Five prophets who lost not only his entire house, not only his entire city, but his entire nation. To get us started, I want to ask you a question. Instead of telling us the answer, though, you’re going to draw it!
  • Directions: Give each kid a blank piece of paper. Place a box of markers, crayons, or colored pencils in the middle of the group. When ready, ask the question below and have the kids draw a picture of their answer. When finished, allow the kids to show their picture and tell a little bit about what they drew.
  • Question: If your house was going to be destroyed and you could only save one thing from it, what would you save?

+ The Restoration Race (Application Activity)

  • Set-up: Print one copy of the “Broken Heart” worksheet for every kid on 8½ x 11 paper.
  • Say: In today’s story, Jeremiah had a lot of things to be sad about, but God was close to him and kept Jeremiah from being crushed by his sadness. It’s the same for us. We all experience things that break our heart and make us sad, but God is right there with us and helps to piece our heart together again. We’re going to do an activity that will help us think about that.
  • Directions: Give each kid a “Broken Heart” puzzle and a pair of scissors. The worksheet will contain a heart with Psalm 34:18 written on it. Instruct the kids to cut the heart out of the paper and then to cut the heart into pieces along the provided lines. Tell the kids that cutting the paper into pieces reminds us of a broken heart. While the kids are cutting along the lines, ask what kind of things have happened to make them broken hearted or sad. Allow the conversation to continue for as long as it needs to, even if kids are finished cutting.
  • Say: When those kinds of things happen to us, it’s easy to feel like this paper—broken hearted. But in Psalm 34:18, it says, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” No matter how sad something is, He doesn’t allow sadness to crush us and He helps us piece our heart back together. We’re going to give that a try right now.
  • Directions: Tell the kids to mix up their heart pieces on the floor. On “go,” have them race to piece the heart back together. If time permits, have them repeat the race several times. When finished, ask the questions below. At the end, give each kid an envelope to hold their heart pieces.
  • Question: What do you think God does for you when you’re sad? How do you know He’s close?
  • Question: In the Bible, it says that even Jesus wept. How can knowing this help you the next time you’re sad?
  • Question: Sometimes God uses other people to help heal a heart. What can you do to help someone when they’re feeling sad?
  • Pray: One of the best things to do when you’re sad is to pray. Open your group in prayer and then allow kids to tell God about what’s making them sad and ask Him to be close to them.

+ Kiss-A-Verse (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Set-up: Using a Sharpie marker, write a number 1–12 on the bottom of 12 different Hershey’s Kisses®. Print the 12 “Bible Verse Cards” on 8½ x 11 cardstock and cut apart.
  • Directions: Place the 12 “Bible Verse Cards” on the floor in the order of the verse. Each card will be numbered in order. Read the verse several times with your group so that they can begin to memorize it. Today’s Bible verse says: “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18 (NIV) Next, randomly place the Hershey’s Kisses® in the middle of the group with the numbers facing down. Select a kid to pick up any one of the Kisses®, show the number, unwrap it and eat it. Remove that numbered card from the verse and have the group recite the verse again with the missing words. Continue having kids take turns eating the Kisses®, removing words and reciting the verse. As more of the Kisses® (and words) disappear, the kids will have to recite the verse from memory. Keep playing until all of the Kisses® are gone and the kids have completely memorized the verse.
  • Question: How do you think God shows that He is close to you when you feel sad?

+ Prayer Bands (Prayer Activity)

  • Directions: Give each of the kids in your group a marker and a Tyvek® wristband. Go around the group and have the kids share what they need prayer for. After each kid shares, have them sum up their request in one word. Next, have the rest of the group write down that person’s name and their one-word prayer request on their wristband. For younger kids, you can have them write only their name and their one-word prayer summary on their band. When everyone is finished sharing, encourage the group to put on their wristband. Tell your group that every time they see their Prayer Band over the coming week, it should be a reminder to pray for the other kids in the group. Finally, close your group by leading them in prayer.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, thank you so much for your patience and sending Jesus to be my Savior. Help me to remember always the forgiveness of sins that you have given me. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • Jeremiah 27-28, 37-39; 2 Kings 25; Lamentations 1

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

October 18, 2020 - Lesson 3: Jonah and the Giant Fish

The Fab Five_Title Graphic.jpg

Big Idea: God is patient, so we can go to Him for a second chance.

Bible Basis: Jonah 1-3

Key Verse: “God is patient with you. He doesn’t want anyone to be destroyed. Instead, he wants all people to turn away from their sins.” 2 Peter 3:9b (NIrV)


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.


This month’s theme, The Fab Five, has a superhero / comic sheet feel. So, as we go through the Bible lessons, your child will be able to add their drawings to the Bible History comic sheet available below. The comic sheet will include panels with background scenery, but the primary drawings are missing. As our leader goes through the story, encourage your child to draw the missing pictures.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of this story? Why?

    • Why do you think God was so patient with Jonah and with Nineveh?

  • For older kids:

    • What does this story teach you about God?

    • Why do you think God gave Jonah a second chance instead of finding someone else to go to Nineveh?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer to God and thank Him for giving you another chance when you mess up.

    • Journal Station prompt: Write a letter to God and tell Him about a time that you sinned recently. Ask Him for forgiveness and to give you another chance.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Jonah chapters 1 and 2. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: Draw a picture for God that shows how thankful you are that He gives you another chance even when you sin big time!



+ The Fab Five Connect Activity

  • Say: Does anyone here love catching fish? (Take answers.) Well, how would you like it if the fish was catching you? Today we’re going to hear about one of the “Fab Five” prophets that ended up on the wrong end of the fishing pole. Instead of eating the fish, the fish ate him. To get us started, I want to ask you a question. Instead of telling us the answer, though, you’re going to draw it!
  • Directions: Give each kid a blank piece of paper. Place a box of markers, crayons, or colored pencils in the middle of the group. When ready, ask the question below and have the kids draw a picture of their answer. When finished, allow the kids to show their picture and tell a little bit about what they drew.
  • Question: If you were going to spend 3 days in the belly of a giant fish, what is one thing you would want to bring with you?

+ The Big Whale Fail (Application Activity)

  • Say: We all miss the mark sometimes—that’s called sin. In our story for today, Jonah and the people of Nineveh both missed the mark big time! But God was patient and gave them a second chance to turn away from sin. We’re going to do an activity right now that will help us see how hard it is to stay on the right path when we’re focused on sin.
  • Directions: Give each kid a “Jonah’s Giant Fish (Whale Fail)” outline drawing along with a marker. Tell them to study the picture for a moment. The object is for the kids to trace the outline of the fish without messing up or coloring off of the line. But as with all good fish stories—there’s a catch! The kids will have to do it without looking. When ready, have them place their marker somewhere on the outline of the fish. Hold up the sign that says, “Sin.” Tell the kids that they have to keep their eyes on the “Sin” sign while tracing the outline of the fish. Kids may not look where they are drawing. When they think they’re finished, allow them to look down and show each other how they did. No one will be able to trace the outline without messing up. Next, tell the kids that you have good news—they get a second chance. Allow the kids to do it again, but this time they can turn away from the “Sin” sign and keep their eyes on the drawing while they trace it. When finished, ask the kids how they did the second time.
  • Say: When you were focused on the “Sin” sign, it was impossible for you to trace the drawing perfectly. But then I gave you a second chance. And when you turned away from the “Sin” sign, you were able focus on the drawing and stay on the lines.
  • Question: How is that kind of like following God?
  • Say: God gives us a path to follow—He tells us what is right and wrong. But when we’re focused on sin, it’s impossible to stay on His path. Fortunately, when we mess up, God gives us a second chance. And when we turn away from sin, like Jonah and the people of Nineveh did, we’re able to follow God and stay on the right path.
  • Question: When is a time that God gave you a second chance to do the right thing?
  • Question: In the story, God did big things through Jonah when he turned away from sin. What kind of big things do you think God might want to do through you if you keep your eyes on Him?

+ Find-A-Match (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Directions: : Place the 16 “Find-a-Match” Bible verse cards face down in the middle of your group. Each card contains a portion of the Bible verse. Allow the kids in your group to take turns flipping over 2 cards at a time in search of a match. If the cards they flip over are a match, they get to keep the cards. If the cards are not a match, they must turn them back over in the middle. Continue playing until all the cards have been matched. Next, tell your group to arrange the cards in the right order. Once they’re in order, carefully read the verse aloud with your group several times so they can begin to memorize it. Today’s Bible verse says: “God is patient with you. He doesn’t want anyone to be destroyed. Instead, he wants all people to turn away from their sins.” 2 Peter 3:9b. Finally, return the cards face down in the middle of the circle and have the kids recite the verse from memory. Continue playing rounds until kids can confidently recite the verse
  • Question: Why do you think God keeps giving us another chance when we mess up?

+ Praying the Bible (Prayer Activity)

  • Say: The Bible is filled with the prayers of people who loved and followed God. Reading those prayers in the Bible can help us know how to talk to God.
  • Directions: Encourage the kids to turn to Habakkuk 3:2. When ready, choose a kid to read the verse aloud or read it aloud yourself: “Lord, I know how famous you are. I have great respect for you because of your mighty acts. Do them again for us. Make them known in our time. When you are angry, please have mercy on us.” Habakkuk 3:2
  • Say: Habakkuk took time to remember the amazing things God had done and he stood in awe of God. Can you remember some amazing things that God has done in your life or the lives of people you know?
  • Directions: When everyone is finished sharing, open your group in prayer. Thank God for some of the amazing things He’s done in your life and tell God that you are in awe of Him. Consider opening the prayer to the rest of your group and allowing them to praise God for the things they shared.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, thank you so much for your patience and sending Jesus to be my Savior. Help me to remember always the forgiveness of sins that you have given me. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • Jonah 1-3

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

October 11, 2020 - Lesson 2: Elisha and Naaman

The Fab Five_Title Graphic.jpg

Big Idea: God’s grace is a free gift, so we can go to Him to have our sins washed clean.

Bible Basis: 2 Kings 5:1-16

Key Verse: ““God’s grace has saved you because of your faith in Christ. Your salvation doesn’t come from anything you do. It is God’s gift.” Ephesians 2:8 (NIrV)


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.


This month’s theme, The Fab Five, has a superhero / comic sheet feel. So, as we go through the Bible lessons, your child will be able to add their drawings to the Bible History comic sheet available below. The comic sheet will include panels with background scenery, but the primary drawings are missing. As our leader goes through the story, encourage your child to draw the missing pictures.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of this story? Why?

    • Why do you think Elisha refused to take a payment for healing Naaman?

  • For older kids:

    • What does this story teach you about God?

    • Why do you think Elisha refused to take a payment for healing Naaman?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer to God. Tell Him thank you for washing your sins clean.

    • Journal Station prompt: When Naaman saw that his skin was healed, he was overcome with joy. Write a letter to God telling Him how it makes you feel knowing that your sins have been washed clean.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: 2 Kings 5:1-16. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: The best way to say “thanks” to God for His grace is to praise Him. Draw a picture of yourself praising God.



+ The Fab Five Connect Activity

  • Say: Are you ready for another week of “The Fab Five”? Once again, we’ll be going on a comic book adventure through the Bible to learn about five fabulous prophets from the Old Testament. The prophets had something like a superpower—with the help of God, they could see things in the future. To get us started, I want to ask you a question. Instead of telling us the answer, though, you’re going to draw it!
  • Directions: Give each kid a blank piece of paper. Place a box of markers, crayons, or colored pencils in the middle of the group. When ready, ask the question below and have the kids draw a picture of their answer. When finished, allow the kids to show their picture and tell a little bit about what they drew.
  • Question: If you were a superhero, what kind of costume would you want to wear?

+ Mirror Mess Up (Application Activity)

  • Say: In today’s lesson, we learned that God’s grace is a free gift. There is no amount of money that you can pay to get it. There is no amount of good things you can do to earn it. The only thing that can wash our sins away is believing in Jesus. We’re going to do an activity that will help us think about that.
  • Directions: Place a small mirror in the middle of the circle. Ask your group for examples of different sins that a kid might commit. For each sin that is shared, use the permanent marker to color a small circle on the mirror. After everyone has had a chance to share, allow each kid to hold the mirror and look into it. It will appear as though they have spots on their face.
  • Say: When you look into the mirror, you see what Naaman must have seen. But instead of leprosy, the spots you see are caused by sin. Sometimes people think they can get rid of their sin by being really good. (Try to rub the “sin” spots off with your finger. Allow kids to try too.) But the sin won’t go away. Sometimes people think they can get rid of their sin by giving lots of money to the church or poor people. (Try to rub the “sin” spot off with a paper towel or cloth. Allow kids to try too.) But the sin still won’t go away. There is only one thing that can wash away our sins.
  • Directions: Hold up the red dry erase marker. Tell the kids that the red reminds us of Jesus’ blood. Tell them the only thing that can wash away our sins is believing that Jesus died for us and rose again. Use the dry erase marker to color over the top of the permanent marker, making it disappear. Allow some of the kids in the group to color over the remaining “sin” spots. When all of the spots have been colored over, wipe over the mirror with the paper towel or cloth. All of the marker will wipe away so that the mirror is clean again. When finished, share with the kids in your group when and how you became a Christian. Try to keep it around a few minutes and use age-appropriate details.
  • Question: Did any of you pray to become a follower of Jesus for the first time today? (If yes, be sure to celebrate that kid.) What was that like?
  • Question: Have any of you ever prayed in the past to become a follower of Jesus? When did you do it? How did it happen?

+ Battle-Verse (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Directions: : Lay the “Bible Verse Segment” cards face up in the middle of your group. Each card contains only a small part of the Bible verse. Encourage your group to help you place the cards in the right order. Read the verse carefully with your group several times so they can begin to memorize it. Today’s Bible verse says: “God’s grace has saved you because of your faith in Christ. Your salvation doesn’t come from anything you do. It is God’s gift.” Ephesians 2:8 Next, divide your group into 2 teams. Choose one kid from each team to battle against each other by playing a round of “Rock, Paper, Scissors.” Have both kids chant, “rock, paper, scissors, shoot.” On “shoot,” the kids will show with their hand which of the three items they’ve chosen. For “rock” they’ll display a closed fist. For “paper” they’ll hold their hand open flat with palm facing downward. For “scissors,” they’ll hold out their pointer and middle finger in the form of scissors. Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, and paper beats rock. Play the best 2 out of 3 to determine which kid wins the round. Direct the winning kid to remove one card from the Bible verse. The team that lost the round will then have to recite the verse with the missing words. Continue playing until all of the cards have been removed and the teams have recited the verse completely from memory.
  • Question: If there’s nothing you can do to earn a “forever life in heaven,” is there any reason to be good? Why or why not? (For help with the answer, look up Romans 6:1-2.)

+ Prayer Knot (Prayer Activity)

  • Directions: Tell you group to get in a tight circle, standing shoulder to shoulder. Tell everyone to reach into the circle with their right hand and grab the hand of someone across the circle. Next, tell everyone to reach into the circle with their left hand and grab a different person’s hand. It’s important that everyone is holding the hands of two different people. Challenge your group to untangle themselves and make a circle without breaking the chain of hands. Consider the age and abilities of your group when determining how much help to give them. Once your group is in a circle and holding hands, have them take a seat. Choose a kid in the circle to share their name and a prayer request. Everyone should listen carefully to the request, but encourage the two kids on either side of her to pay special attention. Those two kids should remember her request and pray for her over the coming week. Continue around the circle sharing requests. Finish by closing in a group prayer .

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, in your grace and mercy, you have forgiven my sin by sending Jesus to be my Savior. Thank you for your grace and Christ’s forgiveness. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • 2 Kings 5

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

October 4, 2020 - Lesson 1: Elijah vs. The Prophets of Baal

The Fab Five_Title Graphic.jpg

Big Idea: The Lord is the one and only God, so we can put Him first in our life.

Bible Basis: 1 Kings 18:16-39

Key Verse: “Do not put any other gods in place of me.” Exodus 20:3 (NIrV)


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.


This month’s theme, The Fab Five, has a superhero / comic sheet feel. So, as we go through the Bible lessons, your child will be able to add their drawings to the Bible History comic sheet available below. The comic sheet will include panels with background scenery, but the primary drawings are missing. As our leader goes through the story, encourage your child to draw the missing pictures.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of this story? Why?

    • Why do you think Elijah’s prayer was the only one that brought down fire from the sky?

  • For older kids:

    • What does this story teach you about God?

    • How does this story help you in your life?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer to God. Tell Him how awesome you think He is for being the one and only God.

    • Journal Station prompt: Write a letter to God. Tell Him about a problem you have or something you need and ask Him to help you.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: 1 Kings 18:16-39. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: Draw a giant number one. Color and decorate it in any way that you want. While you’re drawing, say a prayer and thank the Lord for being the one and only God.



+ The Fab Five Connect Activity

  • Say: Today, we started a new series called “The Fab Five.” t’s like a comic book adventure through the Bible. We’re going to hear all about five fabulous prophets from the Old Testament. To get us started, I want to ask you a question. Instead of telling us the answer, though, you’re going to draw it.!
  • Directions: Give each kid a blank piece of paper. Place a box of markers, crayons, or colored pencils in the middle of the group. When ready, ask the question below and have the kids draw a picture of their answer. When finished, allow the kids to show their picture and tell a little bit about what they drew.
  • Question: If you could see into the future, what one thing would you want to see or know?

+ Fitting God First (Application Activity)

  • Set-up: Place 3 ping pong balls in a clear Mason jar, then fill it up close to the top with rice so that the rice fills the gaps between the balls. Next, pour the rice out of the jar and into a plastic sandwich bag and remove the ping pong balls from the jar. .
  • Say: Today we saw how the Israelites were worshipping a fake god named Baal (pronounced: bale). Even though we might not worship Baal, we can still have fake gods in our life. Whenever we love something more than God, it becomes like a fake god that we put in His place. We’re going to do an activity right now that will help us see why we should put God first in our life.
  • Directions: Place the glass Mason jar in the middle of the group. Pour the bag of rice into the jar. Show the kids the 3 ping pong balls and challenge them to fit the balls inside of the jar with the rice. (The balls cannot be standing out above the rim of the jar.) Let them know that it is definitely possible to fit all of the balls and the rice inside of the jar. Let the group work together while trying to solve the problem. When the kids are ready to give up, hold the jar up for them to see.
  • Say: This jar is kind of like our life. The ping pong balls are like things we do with God—prayer, reading the Bible, going to church. The rice is like all of the other things we do during the day—watching TV, playing sports, hanging out with friends. When we put all of those things first in our life, there isn’t really room for God. But look at what happens when we put God first.
  • Directions: Remove the balls and pour the rice back into the bag. Place the 3 ping pong balls back into the jar first and then pour the rice over the balls. The rice will fill the gaps between the balls and fit within the jar.
  • Question: What does this show us about putting God first in our life?
  • Say: When we put God first in our life, not only do we have time to spend with Him, we also have time to do everything else we like doing.
  • Question: What are some things that you sometimes put before God or love more than Him?
  • Question: What can you do to put God first this coming week?

+ Bible Body Motions (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Directions: Place the Bible verse sign in the middle of the group and read it carefully with your kids several times so they can begin to memorize it. Today’s Bible verse says: "Do not put any other gods in place of me.” Exodus 20:3. Tell your group they have to work together to come up with motions for the verse using their body. The activity will take place over 3 rounds. Each round will involve a different part of the body. For each round, call on kids one at a time and ask for their suggestions. When they’re ready, flip the Bible verse card over and have the group repeat the verse several times using the motions. When finished, move on to the next round. The list of rounds: (1) hand motions; (2) foot motions; (3) head motions.
  • Question: What do you think is a consequence (result) of making other things more important than God?

+ Play Dough Prayers (Prayer Activity)

  • Directions: Give everyone in your group a small piece of play dough. For today’s prayer, tell them to form their play dough into the shape of something they’re thankful for. Ask them to show their creation and share why they’re thankful.When everyone has had a chance to share, open the kids in prayer by saying “thanks” to God for everything they shared. Following your prayer, allow the kids who are comfortable praying out loud to do the same. When everyone is finished, close the group in a final prayer.
  • Say: During the coming week, remember to thank God every day. In fact, make a list in your mind and tell us next week all of the amazing gifts from God that you noticed.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, you showed me how important I am to you by sending Jesus to forgive all my sins. Help me to show how important you are by putting you first in my life. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • 1 Kings 18

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

September 27, 2020 - Lesson 4: The Kingdom Divided

Imagination Time Machine_Logo.png

Big Idea: Sin tears God’s people apart, so we should confess and turn away from our sinful desires.

Bible Basis: 1 Kings 11:1–12:24

Key Verse: “Why do you fight and argue among yourselves? Isn’t it because of your sinful desires? They fight within you.” James 4:1 (NIrV)


God, thank you for giving us this opportunity to come together around your Word. As we pause from the struggles of this sinful world, help us focus on you, trust in your promises, and find peace in your incredible love for us. Strengthen our faith through your Word and keep us always focused on the ultimate gift of eternal life that you have given us through the perfect life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of the story to imagine? Tell us about it.

    • Why do you think the nation of Israel was torn into two?

  • For older kids:

    • What was your favorite part of the story to imagine? Tell us about it.

    • How do you think Solomon and Rehoboam’s sin affected the nation of Israel?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer to God. Tell Him about one of your sins and ask Jesus for forgiveness.

    • Journal Station prompt: What do you think you could do to keep sin from tearing your group of friends apart? Write a letter to God and tell Him about it.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: 1 Kings 11:27–40. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: What is your favorite thing to do with your friends? Draw a picture of it.



+ Imagination Time Machine Connect Activity

  • Say: Today we’re going to take one last trip in the ITM. What does that stand for? (Allow kids to answer.) That’s right—the Imagination Time Machine. We’re going to hear a story about a group of people that were torn in two. But first, I have a question for you. We’re going to answer it in a really fun way!
  • Directions: Tell the kids that they’ll get to choose who answers the question by tossing an imaginary object to each other. It could be something really small like a flopping fish, something really big like a car, something hot like a fireball, etc. After announcing the object of their choosing, a kid will pretend to throw the object to another kid, adjusting how they throw or catch based on the object. (For example, if it’s a refrigerator, the thrower might grunt when tossing it and the catcher might pretend to get crushed.) After answering the question, the catcher can toss a different object to another kid. Continue until everyone has had a chance to answer the question below:
  • Say: When is the last time you had an argument or fight with a friend? What caused it?

+ Circle Sit (Application Activity)

  • Say: In today’s story, we saw how Solomon and Rehoboam’s sin caused the nation of Israel to be torn in two. The same can happen to us. Our sin has the power to destroy community and tear friendships apart. We’re going to play a game right now that will help us picture that and think about ways we can stop that from happening.
  • Directions: Tell the kids in your group to stand shoulder to shoulder in a tight circle facing inward. Next, ask the kids to make a quarter turn to the left so that everyone is standing front to back. Have the kids move in even closer to one another so that they are almost touching. On the count of 3, have the kids all sit down at once. If done right, the kids should all be sitting on each other’s knees and the whole circle will support itself. If the circle falls, tell the kids to get up and keep trying until they’re successful. Once successful, allow the kids to remain seated for about 10 seconds before gently pulling one of the kids out of the circle so that the whole thing collapses. If time permits and the kids are interested, you can repeat the game multiple times. When finished, tell the kids to take a seat in a circle on the floor and ask the following questions.
  • Question: How does that game remind you of what sin can do to a community or a circle of friends?
  • Say: In the game, the circle was kind of like a community or a circle of friends. Everyone supported and helped each other. But I was kind of like sin. When sin comes into a community, it can tear friends apart and knock the whole community down.
  • Question:: Has that kind of thing ever happened to a group of your friends? In other words, has someone ever done something that caused your group of friends to break apart? What happened?
  • Question:: What can you do to stop sin from destroying your community or group of friends?
  • Question:: How can this small group of friends right here help each other follow Jesus more?
  • Additional Challenge:: If there is extra time, challenge the kids to perform the “circle sit” one more time. This time tell the kids to make the circle walk by all taking a small step forward at the same time with the same foot.

+ Over Under (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Directions:: Place the Bible verse sign in the middle of the group and read it carefully with your kids several times so they can begin to memorize it. Today’s Bible verse says: “Why do you fight and argue among yourselves? Isn’t it because of your sinful desires? They fight within you.” James 4:1. Next, split your group into 2 equal sized teams. (If the teams are uneven, consider having the first kid from the smaller team go twice.) Have the kids line up front to back with their team. Give the first kid in each line a beach ball. When you say, “ready, set, go,” prompt the first kid in each line to quickly recite the verse. Upon completion, they’ll pass the beach ball over their head to the kid behind them. That kid will then pass the beach ball through their legs to the kid behind them. Alternate this “over-under” method until the last kid in line has the beach ball. That kid will then race to the front of the line, recite the verse, and begin passing the ball all over again. The first team to have every kid recite the verse and pass the ball through the line is the winner. If time permits, play multiple rounds.
  • Question: Have you ever apologized and asked one of your friends for forgiveness? What happened? Are you still friends?

+ Hang Ten Prayers (Prayer Activity)

  • Directions: Begin by teaching the kids in your group how to give the “Hang Ten” hand sign made popular by the surf culture. Extend your thumb and pinky fingers outward while curling your middle three fingers inward. Turn your hand so that your thumb is pointing toward yourself while your pinky is pointed toward others. Tell your kids they can use this as a reminder to pray not only for themselves, but for others too. Go around the circle having each kid practice the “Hang Ten” sign. While they’re practicing the sign, have them share one prayer request for themselves and one prayer request for someone else. When all of the kids have had a chance to share their requests, open the group in prayer. Allow anyone who would like to pray an opportunity to do so. When it seems like everyone who wants a turn has prayed, close the group in a final prayer. Encourage your kids to remember everyone’s prayer request and to be praying for them throughout the week .

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, thank you for sending your Spirit to bring me to faith. Thank you for sending your Son to die for my sins. Help me to say no to sin and to turn away from it. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • 1 Kings 11-12

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

September 20, 2020 - Lesson 3: Solomon Builds the Temple

Imagination Time Machine_Logo.png

Big Idea: The Holy Spirit lives within the Church, so we should make meeting together our #1 priority.

Bible Basis: 1 Kings 5–9

Key Verse: “And because you belong to him, you too are being built together. You are being made into a house where God lives through his Spirit.” Ephesians 2:22 (NIrV)


God, thank you for giving us this opportunity to come together around your Word. As we pause from the struggles of this sinful world, help us focus on you, trust in your promises, and find peace in your incredible love for us. Strengthen our faith through your Word and keep us always focused on the ultimate gift of eternal life that you have given us through the perfect life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of the story to imagine? Tell us about it.

    • Why do you think Solomon built a temple for God?

  • For older kids:

    • What was your favorite part of the story to imagine? Tell us about it.

    • In the story, God’s Spirit filled the temple. Where do you think God’s Spirit lives today?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer. Tell God what you love about being a part of His Church.  

    • Journal Station prompt: Make a list of all the things that might get in the way of you going to church. Write a letter telling God how you can overcome those things.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: 1 Kings 6:1–28. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: What is your favorite thing to do at church? Draw a picture of it.



+ Imagination Time Machine Connect Activity

  • Say: Who remembers what the ITM is? (Take answers.) That’s right—it’s the “Imagination Time Machine.” Once again, we’re going to imagine what it would be like to be an Israelite in the Promised Land, but this week we’re going to be a part of a huge construction project. First, though, I have a question for you. We’re going to answer it in a really fun way!
  • Directions: Tell the kids that they’ll get to choose who answers the question by tossing an imaginary object to each other. It could be something really small like a flopping fish, something really big like a car, something hot like a fireball, etc. After announcing the object of their choosing, a kid will pretend to throw the object to another kid, adjusting how they throw or catch based on the object. (For example, if it’s a refrigerator, the thrower might grunt when tossing it and the catcher might pretend to get crushed.) After answering the question, the catcher can toss a different object to another kid. Continue until everyone has had a chance to answer the question below:
  • Say: What is the coolest thing you’ve ever built?

+ The Power of We (Application Activity)

  • Set up: Cut out two 24” x 24” cardboard squares for each group.
  • Say: In today’s story, God’s Spirit filled Solomon’s temple. We don’t have the temple anymore, but that’s okay—God’s Spirit now lives inside the community of believers known as the Church. We’re going to do an activity right now that will help us see how God’s Spirit gives us power when we’re a part of His Church.
  • Directions: Give each kid in your small group a Dixie® cup and a marker. Tell them to write their name on their cup. When finished, collect the markers. Next, ask the kids what they think would happen if they never came to church. After taking answers, place one cup upside down in the middle of the group.
  • Say: When you rarely or never come to church, you become kind of like this lone cup. (Step on the cup and crush it.) It’s easy for the devil to crush you with doubts and fears. But when you spend time with God’s family, His Spirit gives you strength.
  • Directions: Place one 24” x 24” cardboard square on the floor in the middle of the group. Instruct the kids to place their cups upside down on the square. (If you have fewer than 12 kids in the group, add additional cups to the square.) Next, place a second 24” x 24” cardboard square on top of the cups. Tell the kids that this is what it looks like to be a part of God’s Church. Let the kids take turns carefully stepping on top of the Dixie® cup platform. You may want to give them a hand for balance and support. If time allows afterwards, let the kids experiment with removing a cup at a time and seeing how many are needed to support their weight. When finished, ask the following questions.
  • Question:: How is this like being a part of God’s Church? (Suggested answer: When we’re together with other believers, our faith is stronger and we can stand up to doubts and fears.)
  • Question:: What can we do as a group to help each other love and follow Jesus?
  • Pray:: When finished, ask the kids how the group can be praying for them. After sharing, have the kids hold hands or link arms. Open them in prayer, then allow them to pray aloud for one another.

+ Bible Emoji (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Set up:: Print 2 copies of the “Bible Emoji Pieces.” Each copy will have 4 different pieces to an emoji (mouth, eyes, tongue, etc.) Each piece will have one of the numbers 2–5 on it. Cut the pieces out.
  • Directions: Place the “Bible Verse” sign in the middle of your group. Read the verse several times with your group so that they can begin to memorize it. Today’s Bible verse says: “And because you belong to him, you too are being built together. You are being made into a house where God lives through his Spirit.” Eph. 2:22. When ready, remove the Bible verse sign and divide your group into two teams. Choose a team to go first and have them recite the Bible verse together. If they fail to recite it, the turn moves to the other team. If they recite it successfully, allow that team to roll a die. If they roll a 1, give them the plate. If they roll a 2–5, give them the emoji piece with that number on it. If they roll a 6, they can choose the plate or any emoji piece they want. If they roll a number that they’ve already rolled, they receive no additional piece and the turn moves to the other team. Have each team take turns reciting the verse and rolling the die until one team has successfully collected all of the pieces and assembled their emoji.
  • Question: How can we be built together as a group? In other words, what can we do to make this group even stronger?

+ Prayer Circle (Prayer Activity)

  • Say: It’s really easy to remember to pray for ourselves, but sometimes we forget that God wants us to pray for others too. We’re going to spend some time right now and over the next week doing just that.
  • Directions: Go around the circle and ask each kid to share one thing they would like prayer for over the coming week. Start the group by sharing something age-appropriate that you need prayer for. This is a great way to demonstrate vulnerability. After each kid shares, ask the rest of the group if there’s someone who would like to pray for that person at the end. When everyone is finished sharing, open the group in prayer and then allow the kids to take turns praying for one another. Encourage the kids to remember these prayer requests throughout the week and to pray for them continually.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, thank you for sending your Spirit to bring me to faith. Thank you for sending your Son to die for my sins. Help me to make you the most important thing in my life. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • 1 Kings 5–9

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!