November 1, 2020 - Lesson 5: Daniel and the Deadly Dream

The Fab Five_Title Graphic.jpg

Big Idea: God is the giver of all good things, so we can give Him the glory.

Bible Basis: Daniel 1-2

Key Verse: “Every good and perfect gift is from God.”  James 1:17a (NIrV)


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.


This month’s theme, The Fab Five, has a superhero / comic sheet feel. So, as we go through the Bible lessons, your child will be able to add their drawings to the Bible History comic sheet available below. The comic sheet will include panels with background scenery, but the primary drawings are missing. As our leader goes through the story, encourage your child to draw the missing pictures.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of this story? Why?

    • How do you think Daniel got all of his talents and abilities?

  • For older kids:

    • What does this story teach you about God?

    • In what ways did Daniel give God the credit for his talents and abilities?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer to God and tell Him about a talent that you have. Thank God for giving you that talent.

    • Journal Station prompt: How can you “shine the light” on God this coming week? Write down some ways that you can give God the glory when people notice your talents.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Daniel chapter 2. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: Draw a picture of yourself doing something that you are really good at. While you are drawing, tell God “thank you” for giving you that ability.



+ The Fab Five Connect Activity

  • Say: You look like a pretty talented bunch! Today, we’re going to hear about a prophet named Daniel who had a TON of talent. In fact, he had one really cool talent that I’ll bet none of us have. We’ll learn about that in a little bit, but first, I want to ask you a question. Instead of telling us the answer, though, you’re going to draw it!
  • Directions: Give each kid a blank piece of paper. Place a box of markers, crayons, or colored pencils in the middle of the group. When ready, ask the question below and have the kids draw a picture of their answer. When finished, allow the kids to show their picture and tell a little bit about what they drew.
  • Question: What is your greatest talent or ability?

+ Fruit Croquet (Application Activity)

  • Set-up: You will need 2 teams to do this activity. Take one apple or orange and place it in one leg of a pair of pantyhose. Repeat the same for a second pair of pantyhose. Use tape to create a starting line and a finish line with about 10 feet (3 meters) in-between.
  • Say: Whenever we have a talent, it’s easy for us to take the credit for it, but the Bible says we should shine the light on God and give Him the glory. We’re going to play a game right now that will help us think of some ways we can do that in our everyday lives.
  • Directions: Choose one player from each team to go first. Tie the pantyhose around the players’ waists so that the fruit is in front of the players and hanging between their legs. Place another piece of fruit on the starting line in front of each player. On “go,” without using their hands, the two players must swing the fruit in the pantyhose to knock the fruit on the floor from the starting line to the finish line. When one of the players has successfully completed the challenge, award their team with a point and have the players take a seat with the group. Next, read one of the “Glory to God” situations below and ask the kids how they can give God the glory in that situation. Begin with the winning team, and then alternate back and forth allowing each team to give as many unique answers as they can. Give each team one point for every unique answer. When the kids have run out of answers, choose two more players and repeat until all of the situations have been used.
  • "Glory to God" Situations: • You get a perfect score on your math test. Your friend sees it and asks you how you got so smart; Instead of birthday presents, you ask your friends to give you money to help an orphanage. Your friend asks why you would do that; Your drawing is picked to be in your school’s art show. After the show, everyone tells you what an amazing artist you are; You score the winning shot during your basketball game. The next day at school, everyone keeps asking you about it; You invite the new kid in your class to sit with you and your friends during lunch. Your teacher notices what you did and asks how you got to be such a great kid; You’re the only one in your family who can solve a Rubik’s Cube®. Your cousin asks you how you always figure these things out so fast; You were chosen to have the lead role in the school play. After the play, your mom asks you how in the world you can remember all of those lines; You let your little brother borrow your new bike even though he crashed your old one. Your friend asks you why you would be so nice to Him.
  • Question: What gifts or talents do you have and how can you use them to give God glory?

+ Who Nose the Bible? (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Set-up: Using a Sharpie marker, write a number 1–12 on the bottom of 12 different Hershey’s Kisses®. Print the 12 “Bible Verse Cards” on 8½ x 11 cardstock and cut apart.
  • Directions: Place the 8 Bible verse cards in the middle of your group. Give the kids in your group a moment to line the cards up in the right order. Once they’re in order, carefully read the verse aloud with your group several times so they can begin to memorize it. Today’s Bible verse says: “Every good and perfect gift is from God.” James 1:17a (NIrV) When ready, flip the cards over so that they’re facing down and mix them up. Spread them out. Place a small dab of petroleum jelly on each of the kid’s noses. (Allergy Alert: Be sure no one is allergic to petroleum jelly.) When you say “go,” have the kids race to press their nose onto the back of one card and pick it up so that only the other kids can see it. When every kid has picked up a card, they’ll have to quickly help each other stand in the right order so that the verse reads from beginning to end. Time the kids to see how long it takes them. When finished, have the kids recite the verse aloud. Place the cards face down and mix them up on the floor again and repeat the activity. Note: place the beginning of the verse in order while the kids pick up a card from the end of the verse. For younger kids, allow them to pick up the card with their nose, but the leader can be the one to quickly line them up in order
  • Question: Why do you think God gives us good and perfect gifts? Question for Older Kids: How does knowing that all good things come from God change the way you think about your gifts and talents?

+ "Letters" to God (Prayer Activity)

  • Supplies: Letter game pieces from Scrabble® or Boggle Jr.®.
  • Directions: Place the letter pieces from a game such as Scrabble® or Boggle Jr.® in the center of your group. Tell the kids to think of something they need prayer for. One at a time, have them reach into the center and choose the letter pieces needed to spell out a key word from their prayer request. Have the rest of the group try to guess the word before the spelling is complete. For younger kids who are still learning to spell, you may choose to have them find only the first letter of the word and then share that word. Be prepared to help. Once they’ve spelled the word out or have found the first letter, ask them to say more about their request. When everyone has had a turn spelling out their request, open the group in prayer. Allow anyone who would like to pray an opportunity to do so. When it seems like everyone who wants a turn has prayed, close the group in a final prayer. Encourage your kids to remember everyone’s prayer request and to be praying for them throughout the week.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, thank you guarding and protecting me every day. Thank you for all the blessings you have given me in my life. Help me to always be thankful to you for all things! Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • Daniel 1-2

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!