Big Idea: Jesus can open our eyes to see that he is the Son of God.
Bible Basis: John 9
Key Verse: “Open my eyes so that I can see the wonderful truths in your law.” Psalm 119:18
Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.
For younger kids:
What was your favorite part of this story? Why?
Why do you think the Pharisees were so angry at Jesus?
For older kids:
What does this story teach you about Jesus?
Why do you think the Pharisees were unable to see that Jesus was the Son of God?
After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.
Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer to God. Ask him to help you see with your heart that Jesus is the Son of God.
Journal Station prompt: Write down all the tings you know are true about Jesus. When you’re finished, tell God thanks for giving you his Son.
Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: John 9:1-34. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell him why you like it.
Art Station prompt: Draw a picture of Jesus healing the blind man. While you’re drawing, pray to God and tell him why you think Jesus is so wonderful.
+ Seeing Jesus (Application Activity)
- Set up: Print the “Jesus Illusion” on 8½ x 11 cardstock. Cut the black shapes out and discard the rest.
- Directions: Randomly place the black shapes in the middle of the group on a piece of blank paper. Tell the kids that they have to arrange the shapes on the paper to spell the name Jesus. Let the kids struggle to make sense of it for a short time. Next, help the kids by placing the shapes in the right order, but not in the right direction. (See picture below for reference.) Again, let the kids struggle to make sense of it for a short time. Finally, place the shapes in the right order and the right direction. Ask the kids if they can see the name of Jesus now. If the kids are still struggling, give them one final hint: focus on the white spaces instead of the black shapes. At this point, the name of Jesus should become clear to everyone. If younger kids need additional help seeing the word, it might help to lay something with a straight edge such as rulers, books, or magazines along the top and bottom of the letters.
- Say: At first you were blind to the name of Jesus, but then, with a little bit of help, it all became clear. Does that remind you of anything? (Allow kids to answer.) It kind of reminds us of today’s story. At first, the blind man couldn’t see Jesus, but then, with a little bit of help, he was able to see Jesus for who He really is—the Son of God.
- Directions: Ask the questions below. When finished, if time remains, jumble the shapes up again and see if the kids can reorder them to spell the name of Jesus.
- Question: Why do you think it’s important to see that Jesus is more than just a regular guy and that He’s the Son of God?
- Question: What do you think it means to love Jesus with your whole heart?
- Question: How do you think seeing Jesus as the Son of God changes the way you worship? How does it change the way you pray?
+ It's a Cover Up (Bible Memorization Activity)
- Supplies: Butcher block paper, marker, Post-it® Notes
- Directions: Place a piece of butcher block paper (or poster board) in the middle of the group. Using a marker, write the verse below in big letters on the paper. Read the verse several times with your group so that they can begin to memorize it. Today’s Bible verse says: "Open my eyes so that I can see the wonderful truths in your law” (Psalm 119:18). Next, give each kid one Post-it® Note. Tell the kids that the object is to cover the letters with their Post-it® Notes. Tell them to close their eyes, count to 3, and have them blindly slap their note onto the Bible verse. If their note is touching any part of a letter, it can stay. If their note is not touching a letter, they must remove it and try again. When all of the notes are covering part of a letter, have the kids recite the verse. Continue playing rounds with additional Post-it® Notes until most or all of the verse is covered and the kids can recite the verse from memory.
- Question: God’s Word is filled with wonderful truth. Do you have a favorite story or verse from the Bible?
+ Post-It Prayers (Prayer Activity)
- Supplies: Post-It Notes .
- Directions: Give each kid a Post-it® Note and a marker or pen. Tell them to write their name on it along with something they need prayer for. For younger kids, just have them write their name. When everyone is finished, have them place their note face down in the middle of the group and mix them up. One at a time, have the kids slap their hand down on a random Post-it® Note, then lift it up with the note stuck to their hand. If a kid chooses their own, have them return it and choose another one. Tell them to read the name and (for older kids) the prayer request aloud. Next, have the kid who wrote the note tell a little bit more about their request (or for younger kids, share their request altogether.) Encourage the kids to keep the note they selected throughout the week as a reminder to pray for that kid. Continue until every note has been chosen. When finished, allow the kids to pray aloud for one another before closing the activity in a final prayer.
(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)
Dear God, Thank you for sending Jesus to forgive all my sins and make me part of your family. Continue to open my eyes and my heart so that I can see clearly that Jesus is your Son and my Savior. Amen.
Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:
John 9
Do more of the activities list above with your child.
Leave them in the comments below!