Our Savior's Kids

September 13, 2020 - Lesson 2: The Sun Stands Still

Imagination Time Machine_Logo.png

Big Idea: God has power over all things, so we can battle our fear with faith.

Bible Basis: Joshua 9-10

Key Verse: “I looked to the Lord, and he answered me. He saved me from everything I was afraid of.” Psalm 34:4 (NIrV)


God, thank you for giving us this opportunity to come together around your Word. As we pause from the struggles of this sinful world, help us focus on you, trust in your promises, and find peace in your incredible love for us. Strengthen our faith through your Word and keep us always focused on the ultimate gift of eternal life that you have given us through the perfect life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of the story to imagine? How did you imagine it?

    • Why do you think God told Joshua not to be afraid?

  • For older kids:

    • What was your favorite part of the story to imagine? How did you imagine it?

    • During the battle, why do you think the 5 armies were filled with fear while the army of Israel wasn’t?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer telling God about a fear of yours. Ask Him to give you courage.

    • Journal Station prompt: Write a song or poem to God. Tell God thank you for saving you from your fears.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Joshua 10:1–15. Draw a picture of the story or write to God your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: Draw a picture of something you’re afraid of. While you’re drawing, ask Jesus to take that fear away. When finished, draw a large X over your picture to show that your fear is gone.



+ Imagination Time Machine Connect Activity

  • Say: Are you all ready for another week of “Imagination Time Machine”? Today, we’re going to imagine again what it would be like to live in Bible times. Who remembers what story we imagined last week? (Rahab Helps the Two Spies.) Nice job! This week we get to imagine we’re in the middle of a huge battle, but first, I have a question for you. We’re going to answer it in a fun way, though.
  • Directions: Tell the kids that they’ll get to choose who answers the question by tossing an imaginary object to each other. It could be something really small like a flopping fish, something really big like a car, something hot like a fireball, etc. After announcing the object of their choosing, a kid will pretend to throw the object to another kid, adjusting how they throw or catch based on the object. (For example, if it’s a refrigerator, the thrower might grunt when tossing it and the catcher might pretend to get crushed.) After answering the question, the catcher can toss a different object to another kid. Continue until everyone has had a chance to answer the question below:
  • Say: If the sun didn’t go down for an entire 24-hour day, what would you do with the extra daylight?

+ Fear Knot (Application Activity)

  • Say: We all get afraid sometimes, but God says “fear not.” We’re going to play a game right now that will help us think about how having faith in God can keep us from getting tangled up with fear.
  • Directions: Tell your children to stand shoulder to shoulder in a tight circle. Chose a kid to go first. Ask them to share something that they are genuinely afraid of. After answering, have them reach across the circle and hold someone’s hand. Have the kid who received the hand holding to share a fear, then reach across the circle with their free hand and hold someone else’s hand. Continue until every kid has shared a fear and all hands are being held. When finished, the kids will be in a tangled knot.
  • Say: This is what fear does to us—it puts us in a tangled knot. But God has the power to free us from the fear knot. Psalm 34:4 says, “I looked to the Lord, and he answered me. He saved me from everything I was afraid of.” Let’s see if we can get free from the fear knot.
  • Directions: Challenge your group to untangle themselves and make a circle without letting go of each other’s hands. They’ll have to pass over and under one another’s arms to untangle the knot. Assist the kids only as needed. When finished, have the kids take a seat and ask the questions below. Afterwards, if time and interest permits, allow the kids to create more knots and attempt to get free.
  • Question:: How can having faith in God help you with your fear?
  • Question:: God has power over all things! Does knowing that give you courage when you are afraid? Why or why not?

+ Ring-A-Verse (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Set up:: For each small group, cut the middle circle out of 8 paper plates. The end result should be 8 paper rings. On each ring, use a marker to write the 1/8th portion of today’s Bible verse. “I looked | to the Lord, | and he | answered me. | He saved me | from everything | I was afraid of.” | Psalm 34:4 (NIrV) Next, for each group, use tape to create a “throw line” on the floor. Place a full water bottle (or something similar) on the floor approximately 5 feet beyond the line. Depending on the age and abilities of the kids, you may want to move the bottle further from or closer to the line.
  • Directions: Have the kids place the 8 rings on the floor in order of the verse. For younger kids, you may need to assist. When the rings are in order, practice reading and reciting the verse as a group. When finished, turn the rings over and mix them up. On “go,” have the kids race to flip the rings back over, and take turns tossing them in the correct order over the water bottle. The kids may not step over the tape line. If they miss the bottle, they can quickly retrieve the ring, return to the line and try again. Time the kids to see how quickly they can toss all of the rings over the bottle in the correct order. When finished, have the group recite the verse. Repeat several times to see if the group can beat their previous time.
  • Question: Has God ever saved you from something you were afraid of? Tell us about it?

+ Prayer Huddle (Prayer Activity)

  • Directions: Encourage everyone in your group to share general prayer requests or praises with one another. Ask the kids to share anything they are afraid of or if they have a situation where they need to ask God for faith in their time of fear. When kids are finished sharing, have them get on one knee and huddle in a circle with their arms around one another. Open the group in prayer. Allow the kids in the group to take turns praying aloud for themselves or for each other. When finished, close the group with a final prayer.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, thank you for sending your Spirit to bring me to faith. Thank you for sending your Son to die for my sins. Help me show my faith in you by how I live my life. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • Joshua 9-10

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

September 6, 2020 - Lesson 1: Rahab Helps the Spies

Imagination Time Machine_Logo.png

Big Idea: God wants us to put our faith into action.

Bible Basis: Joshua 2

Key Verse: ““It is the same with faith. If it doesn’t cause us to do something, it’s dead.” James 2:17 (NIrV)


God, thank you for giving us this opportunity to come together around your Word. As we pause from the struggles of this sinful world, help us focus on you, trust in your promises, and find peace in your incredible love for us. Strengthen our faith through your Word and keep us always focused on the ultimate gift of eternal life that you have given us through the perfect life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of the story to imagine? What was it like?

    • How did Rahab show that she had faith in God?

  • For older kids:

    • What was your favorite part of the story to imagine? What was it like?

    • How do we really know that Rahab had faith in God?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer telling God that you believe in Him or have faith in Him.

    • Journal Station prompt: What are some ways that you can put your faith into action this coming week? Tell God about it.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Joshua 2. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: How can you put your faith into action? Draw a picture of it.



+ Imagination Time Machine Connect Activity

  • Say: This is the first week of a series called “Imagination Time Machine.” We’re going to imagine what it would be like to live in Bible times. To help get us started, I have a question for you, but we’re going to answer it in a fun way.
  • Directions: Tell the kids that they’ll get to choose who answers the question by tossing an imaginary object to each other. It could be something really small like a flopping fish, something really big like a car, something hot like a fireball, etc. After announcing the object of their choosing, a kid will pretend to throw the object to another kid, adjusting how they throw or catch based on the object. (For example, if it’s a refrigerator, the thrower might grunt when tossing it and the catcher might pretend to get crushed.) After answering the question, the catcher can toss a different object to another kid. Continue until everyone has had a chance to answer the question below:
  • Say: If you had a time machine, where and when would you travel to?

+ Lights, Camera, Action (Application Activity)

  • Say: In today’s story, we saw how Rahab put her faith into action by helping the two spies from Israel. It’s easy to say that we believe in God, but if we have faith in Him and follow Jesus, it will also show through our actions. We’re going to do an activity right now that will help us think of some ways that we might act out our faith.
  • Directions: Help your child(ren) pair up with each other. If there’s an odd number of kids, the leader can pair up with a kid. Tell the pairs to think of one way they can put their faith into action over the coming week. In other words, what’s a way that you can be helpful or show love to someone? Tell the pairs that they’ll also have to come up with a way to silently act out their action for the others to guess. Allow the pairs a little bit of time to practice. When the kids are ready, choose a pair to act out their action first while the other kids guess what it is. Continue until every pair has had a chance to act. When finished, discuss the following questions.)
  • Question: When we put our faith into action, how do you think it helps other people with their faith?
  • Question:: Are there certain times or places where you have trouble putting your faith into action?

+ Bible Verse Tic-Tac-Toe (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Set up:: Using tape, create a tic-tac-toe board on the floor in the middle of the group. The squares should be large enough to fit an 8½ x 11 sheet of paper.
  • Directions: Place the Bible verse sign in the middle of the group and read it carefully with your kids several times so they can begin to memorize it. When everyone is ready, turn the sign over so they can no longer read it. Today’s Bible verse says: "It is the same with faith. If it doesn’t cause us to do something, it’s dead.” James 2:17 (NIrV) Divide your group into two teams. Give one team the “X” papers and the other team the “O” papers. Have your child recite the verse. If they do so successfully, allow them to place their team’s letter on any open square. If they are unable to recite the verse, their team may not place their letter on the board. Next, give the other team a turn. Continue playing until one team has filled three spaces in a row (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) with their letters or until every space on the board has been filled.
  • Question: Tell us about a time you put your faith into action. What was that like? How did people react?

+ Artrageous Prayers (Prayer Activity)

  • Set Up: Provide one plain white self-adhesive name badge for each kid in the group. Hang a piece of poster board or butcher block paper on a wall in the room. At the top of the board write the words, “I give my THANKS to God.”
  • Directions: Give everyone a blank name badge sticker. Place some colored markers in the middle of the group. Tell everyone to think of something that they’re thankful for and draw or write about it on their name badge. When finished, allow the kids to show their prayer art and talk about it. Next, lead your group in a closing prayer. Encourage the kids to tell God “thanks!” for the things they drew. Finally, when the prayer is over, lead the kids to the poster board sign that says, “I give my THANKS to God.” Tell them to give their thanks to God by removing the sticker and sticking it to the sign. In the end, the kids will have created a visual art collage.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, thank you for sending your Spirit to bring me to faith. Thank you for sending your Son to die for my sins. Help me show my faithin you by how I live my life. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • Joshua 2

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

August 30, 2020 - Lesson 5: The Book of Deuteronomy


Big Idea: God takes care of us, so we should remember the many things He has done.

Bible Basis: The Book of Deuteronomy

Key Verse: “Remember the days of long ago. Think about what the Lord did through those many years.” Deuteronomy 32:7 (NIrV)


God, thank you for giving us this opportunity to come together around your Word. As we pause from the struggles of this sinful world, help us focus on you, trust in your promises, and find peace in your incredible love for us. Strengthen our faith through your Word and keep us always focused on the ultimate gift of eternal life that you have given us through the perfect life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of the Book of Deuteronomy?

    • What did you learn about God from the Book of Deuteronomy?

  • For older kids:

    • What do you think the Book of Deuteronomy shows us about God?

    • After hearing about the Book of Deuteronomy, how do you think you should live your life differently?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Do you remember anything cool God has done for you? Write a prayer and praise Him for it.

    • Journal Station prompt: Think of how God has cared for you and given you all the things you need. Write them down and thank God for His faithfulness!

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Deuteronomy 30:11-20. Write down your favorite verse or draw a picture of it.

    • Art Station prompt: Think of one special thing that God has given you or done for you. Draw a picture of it. Tell Him “thanks” while you’re drawing.



+ Zoom Connect Activity

  • Set-up: Print the “Zoom: Moving Truck” picture cards on 8½ x 11 cardstock paper and cut apart.
  • Say: Today we’re finishing a super fun series called “Zoom.” During “Zoom,” we’ve been zooming in and out of the first 5 books of the Bible—also known as the “Books of Moses.” Do you remember what the first 4 books are? (Take answers: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers.) Today, we’re going to zoom in and out of the last “Book of Moses,” but first, we’re going to zoom in and out of something else. Let’s see if you can guess what it is.
  • Directions: Keep the “Zoom: Moving Truck” pictures turned over until the appropriate time. Each card is numbered 1–4. When ready, turn over the first card and place it in the middle of your group. Ask everyone what they think is pictured and why they think that. After everyone has shared, turn over the second card and repeat. Each card will zoom further out on the mystery picture making it easier to identify. Continue until all four cards have been turned over and the mystery picture is revealed. Congratulate everyone who guessed it right. When finished, ask the following question:
  • Question: Have you ever moved to a different house before? What sort of things did you have to remember for the big move?

+ The Remembering Rainbow (Application Activity)

  • Say: In the Book of Deuteronomy, Moses wanted the Israelites to remember all that God did for them. We should still do this today! Let’s play a game that will help us remember some of the things God has done for us.
  • Directions: Give each kid a spoonful of Skittles®, but don’t let them eat the candy yet. Each color of candy will correspond to a category (see below). Let the kids choose which color they want to eat first. Go around the circle, and for everyone who has that color, have them answer the corresponding question. After each kid shares, they can eat that color of Skittles®! Repeat with the other colors. PURPLE: What is something cool that God has done for you? GREEN: What is something special that God has given you? RED: What is one of God’s rules that you need to remember the most? ORANGE: What is something God did for the Israelites? YELLOW: God has done all of these things for us. What is something we can do for God? (Have a friendship with Him, follow Him, obey His commands, etc.)
  • Question: Why do you think it is important to remember what God has done for us in the past?
  • Question:: Why do you think it is important to remember and follow God’s perfect rules for our life?

+ Stone Face (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Directions: Place the Bible verse sign in the middle of the group and read it carefully with your child(ren) several times so they can begin to memorize it. Today’s Bible verse says: “Remember the days of long ago. Think about what the Lord did through those many years.” Deuteronomy 32:7 When ready, remove the Bible verse sign. Tell the kids to recite the verse together while remaining stone faced. They may not laugh or smile. Choose one kid to be the “Face Maker.” While the other kids are reciting the verse, the “Face Maker” will make a funny face or do something silly in an attempt to get the other kids to laugh or smile. Keep track of how many kids laugh or smile before the verse has been fully recited and give the “Face Maker” a point for each one. Continue until all of the kids have had a turn being the “Face Maker.”
  • Question: Sometimes it’s easy to forget what God has done for us. What can we do to help us remember those things?

+ One Word Prayers (Prayer Activity)

  • Directions: Challenge the kids in your group to remember everyone’s name and a prayer request. Select someone to go first and have them share a prayer request. After the first person shares, have the group say their name followed by one or two words that sum up their request. For example, if Brandon needs help not fighting with his brother, say “Brandon, no fighting.” After the second person has shared their request, say the name of the first person who shared and their request, followed by the second person who shared and their request. For example, “Brandon, no fighting. Connor, patience.” Continue this pattern for everyone in the group until everyone has had a turn. At the end, see if your group can remember everyone’s name and request. Encourage them to remember each other during the week and pray for each other. Finally, close your group by leading them in prayer.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, thank you for taking care of all my needs. Help me to remember all that you have done for me so that I will praise you all my days. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the different accounts from Genesis that were mentioned as part of this week’s lesson:

    • Exodus 1-3 (Birth of Moses and the Burning Bush)

    • Exodus 7-11 (The 10 Plagues)

    • Exodus 13:17-14:31 (Crossing the Red Sea)

    • Exodus 15:22-17:7 (God miraculously provides for his people in the desert)

    • Exodus 20 (The Ten Commandments)

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

August 23, 2020 - Lesson 4: The Book of Numbers


Big Idea: God takes sin seriously, so we should live our lives His way.

Bible Basis: The Book of Numbers

Key Verse: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23 (NIV)


God, thank you for giving us this opportunity to come together around your Word. As we pause from the struggles of this sinful world, help us focus on you, trust in your promises, and find peace in your incredible love for us. Strengthen our faith through your Word and keep us always focused on the ultimate gift of eternal life that you have given us through the perfect life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of the Book of Numbers?

    • What did you learn about God from the Book of Numbers?

  • For older kids:

    • What do you think the Book of Numbers shows us about God?

    • What were some of the consequences of the Israelites’ sin?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer to God. Just like Moses, tell Him about your sins and ask Him for forgiveness.

    • Journal Station prompt: After hearing today’s story, what do you want to say to God? Write it down here.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Numbers 13–14. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: What can you do to live life God’s way? Draw a picture of it.



+ Zoom Connect Activity

  • Set-up: Print the “Zoom: Pizza” picture cards on 8½ x 11 cardstock paper and cut apart.
  • Say: Once again, we’re going to be zooming in and out of the Bible today. But first, let’s get started by zooming in and out of a mystery picture. See if you can guess what this is.
  • Directions: Keep the “Zoom: Pizza” pictures turned over until the appropriate time. Each card is numbered 1–4. When ready, turn over the first card and place it in the middle of your group. Ask the kids what they think is pictured and why they think that. After everyone has shared, turn over the second card and repeat. Each card will zoom further out on the mystery picture making it easier to identify. Continue until all four cards have been turned over and the mystery picture is revealed. Congratulate the kids who guessed it right. When finished, ask the following question:
  • Question: If you had to eat the same food all day, every day, what food would you want to eat?

+ Disappearing Sin (Application Activity)

  • Set-up: Fill a bowl with water. Cut a piece of water soluble “disappearing” paper into strips of about 1 inch thick so that every kid has one strip.
  • Say: In the Book of Numbers, we learned about some of the sins that the Israelites committed. Do you remember what Moses did each time the Israelites sinned? (Take answers.) That’s right—Moses prayed to God and confessed their sins. That means he told God about the bad things they had done and asked for forgiveness. We’re going to do an activity right now that will help us remember what happens to our sins when we ask for forgiveness.
  • Directions: Give each kid in your group one slip of “disappearing” paper and a pen or pencil. Tell the kids to quietly think of a sin that they’ve recently committed and write it down on the slip of paper. If you have younger kids who struggle with spelling, tell them it’s okay—God knows what they’re trying to write. When everyone is finished writing, give the kids a chance to confess their sin to the group. Next, remind the kids that when you ask God to forgive your sins, it’s like they disappear. God no longer remembers or sees them. Open your group in prayer. Allow anyone who would like to ask God for forgiveness aloud or silently the chance to do so before closing the group in one last prayer of thanksgiving for God’s forgiveness. When the prayer is over, place a bowl of water in the middle of the group and allow the kids to put their strip of paper in the water one at a time and watch it disappear. You may need to stir the water with a spoon a bit for the paper to completely disappear. Afterwards, ask the following questions.
  • Question: How does that activity remind you of God’s forgiveness?
  • Question:: A lot of times sin causes damage. For example, people might stop trusting you or you might hurt someone’s feelings. How might you fix the damage that your sin has caused? (For example: tell someone sorry, fix something they broke, return something they stole, etc.).
  • Question:: What can you do to avoid doing that sin again in the future?

+ Bible Bombardment (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Set-up: Place a long tape line on the floor.
  • Directions: Place the “Bible Verse” sign in the middle of your group. Read the verse several times with your group so that they can begin to memorize it. Today’s Bible verse says: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” Romans 6:23. Divide your group into two teams. Choose one kid from each team to be the “cupbearer.” Have the cupbearer kneel down approximately 4 feet (1.2 meters) from the tape line and hold a plastic cup to the top of their head. Give all of the other kids 3 cotton balls and tell them to gather behind the tape line while facing their teammate with the cup. On the count of 3, have all of the kids begin throwing their cotton balls at their cupbearer, attempting to land it in the cup. They may not cross the tape line. (Hint: It’s easier to score a cotton ball in the cup if the cupbearer tilts forward a bit.) When finished, count up how many cotton balls each team got in their cup. However many cotton balls the team scored is how many times the other team has to recite the verse aloud. Play multiple rounds and allow different kids to be the cupbearer
  • Question: What do you think eternal life in Heaven with Jesus will be like?

+ Prayer Stones (Prayer Activity)

  • Directions: Tell the kids in your group that stones were often used in the Bible as a reminder of how good and faithful God is. Give each of the kids in your group one small stone and a permanent marker. Tell them to be careful not to write on anything but the stone. Ask them to think of something they need prayer for or something they’re thankful for. Instruct them to think of one word or picture that describes their prayer and write it down on their stone. For example, if they need help from God to get through a tough situation with a friend, they could write the word “friend” or draw their friend on their stone. Be ready to help kids translate their prayer into a word or picture. When everyone has had a chance to write their one-word or picture prayer, have them place the stones on the floor in front of them. Go around the circle and have each kid show what they wrote on their stone. Let them explain their prayer request or praise. Afterwards, tell the kids to keep the stone in their pocket all week long. Anytime they reach in and feel the stone, they’ll be reminded to bring their prayer request or praise to God. End the activity by leading your kids in a prayer.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, thank you for sending Jesus to forgive all my sins and give me eternal life with you. Help me live each day as your child. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the different accounts from Genesis that were mentioned as part of this week’s lesson:

    • Numbers 10:11-11:15 (Israel Leaves Sinai and the People Complain)

    • Numbers 13 (The 12 Spies)

    • Numbers 14 (The People Rebel)

    • Watch the “Numbers” video from The Bible Project (use the link below)

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

August 16, 2020 - Lesson 3: The Book of Leviticus


Big Idea: Jesus is the ultimate atonement, so we can put our faith in Him.

Bible Basis: The Book of Leviticus

Key Verse: “Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.” 1 John 2:2 (NIV)


God, thank you for giving us this opportunity to come together around your Word. As we pause from the struggles of this sinful world, help us focus on you, trust in your promises, and find peace in your incredible love for us. Strengthen our faith through your Word and keep us always focused on the ultimate gift of eternal life that you have given us through the perfect life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of the Book of Leviticus?

    • What did you learn about God from the Book of Leviticus?

  • For older kids:

    • What do you think the Book of Leviticus shows us about God?

    • How does the Day of Atonement remind you of what Jesus did for us?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer and tell Jesus how awesome He is.

    • Journal Station prompt: After hearing today’s story, what do you want to say to God? Write it down here.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Leviticus 16:1-10. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: Draw a picture of Jesus on the cross. While you’re drawing, tell Jesus how thankful you are for the sacrifice He made.



+ Zoom Connect Activity

  • Set-up: Print the “Zoom: Calendar” picture cards on 8½ x 11 cardstock paper and cut apart.
  • Say: What did you think about this week of “Zoom”? Today. we zoomed in on a special day that happened every year in the nation of Israel. Let’s zoom in and out of a mystery picture. See if you can guess what it is.
  • Directions: Keep the “Zoom: Calendar” pictures turned over until the appropriate time. Each card is numbered 1–4. When ready, turn over the first card. Ask what they think is pictured and why they think that. After everyone has shared, turn over the second card and repeat. Each card will zoom further out on the mystery picture making it easier to identify. Continue until all four cards have been turned over and the mystery picture is revealed. When finished, ask the following question:
  • Question: Is there one day of the year that’s the most special to you? What is it and why?

+ Stay on Target (Application Activity)

  • Say: In the Book of Leviticus, we learned about the Day of Atonement. Atonement means to “cover up.” The blood of the bull and goat atoned for or “covered up” the sins of the people. Whose blood atones for our sins now? (Take answer.) That’s right—Jesus is the ultimate atonement! We’re going to play a game right now that will remind us that we all have sins that need atoning.
  • Directions: Place the printed target on the floor in the middle of the group and have all the participants sit about 3 feet away. Give each a penny. Tell them that the object of the game is for every kid to land their penny on the target in the same round. Count to 3 and have the kids flick their penny (as if a coin toss) into the air toward the target. Discourage the kids from leaning too far forward in order to make it easy. If younger kids struggle with flicking their penny, they can toss it. Inevitably, some or most of the pennies will miss the target. Have the kids retrieve their penny and prepare for the next round. Continue playing round after round until it becomes apparent that someone is always going to miss the target. When finished collect the pennies.
  • Say: Did anyone hit the target every single time? (Kids respond.) We all miss the target sometimes. It’s the same with sin. No matter how hard we try to obey God, we all sin.
  • Question: What are some ways that you have “missed the target” or sinned this week?
  • Question:: Does knowing that your sins are atoned for or covered make you feel like it’s okay to sin more? Why or why not? (Answer: It shouldn’t! Read Romans 6:1-2).
  • Question:: How can we show God that we’re thankful for His atonement through Jesus?

+ Stack 'Em High (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Set-up: Use a marker to write a portion of the Bible verse on the side of a plastic or paper cup. Divide the Bible verse among 8 different cups: “Jesus is the | atoning sacrifice | for our sins, | and not only | for ours | but also for the sins | of the world.” | 1 John 2:2.
  • Directions: Have the kids place the 8 cups on the floor in order of the verse. For younger kids, you may need to assist. When the cups are in order, practice reading and reciting the verse as a group. When finished, mix the cups up. On “go,” have the kids race to stack the cups into a tower with one cup on top of the other in the order of the verse (beginning of the verse on bottom.) When stacking, alternate the cups upside down and right side up so that the like-sized ends are touching. If the tower falls, have the kids recite the entire verse from memory before beginning again. If the kids successfully build the whole tower, have them recite the verse, knock the tower over, then try again to see if they can build it even faster.
  • Question: What do you think it means that Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for our sins? (Answer: When Jesus died on the cross, his blood covered the sins of the world so that we can have a friendship with God.)

+ Popsicle Prayers (Prayer Activity)

  • Directions: Give everyone a Popsicle stick and some markers. Tell them to spend a minute or two writing their name on the stick and decorating it however they would like. When time is up, have the kids place their sticks in a plastic cup. Next, have the kids take turns pulling a stick out of the cup without looking and read the name aloud. If they happen to pull out their own stick, have them put it back and draw again. Have the kid whose name is on the stick share a prayer request. Everyone should listen carefully to the request, but encourage the person who drew the name to pay special attention. The person who drew the name will keep the stick in their pocket over the coming week and pray for that person every time they see or feel the stick. Continue taking turns until all of the sticks have been drawn. Finish by closing in a family prayer. When all the sticks have been drawn, tell the group they can pray for some of the things they shared. After opening the group in prayer, allow the kids time to pray aloud. When the kids are finished praying, close the group in one final prayer.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, thank you for sending Jesus to be the atoning sacrifice for all my sins. Continue to keep my faith strong through your Word. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the different accounts from Genesis that were mentioned as part of this week’s lesson:

    • Exodus 1-3 (Birth of Moses and the Burning Bush)

    • Exodus 7-11 (The 10 Plagues)

    • Exodus 13:17-14:31 (Crossing the Red Sea)

    • Exodus 15:22-17:7 (God miraculously provides for his people in the desert)

    • Exodus 20 (The Ten Commandments)

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

August 9, 2020 - Lesson 2: The Book of Exodus


Big Idea: God has the power to provide, so we can trust that He will give us all that we need.

Bible Basis: The Book of Exodus

Key Verse: “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 (NIV)


God, thank you for giving us this opportunity to come together around your Word. As we pause from the struggles of this sinful world, help us focus on you, trust in your promises, and find peace in your incredible love for us. Strengthen our faith through your Word and keep us always focused on the ultimate gift of eternal life that you have given us through the perfect life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of the Book of Exodus?

    • What did you learn about God from the Book of Exodus?

  • For older kids:

    • What do you think the Book of Exodus shows us about God?

    • Why do you think the Israelites complained even though God provided them with everything they needed?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: What do you need? Write a prayer to God and tell Him about it.

    • Journal Station prompt: After hearing today’s story, what do you want to say to God? Write it down here.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Exodus 16:11-18. Draw a picture of the story or write to God your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: Draw a picture of something that God has provided for you. While you’re drawing, pray to God and tell Him “thanks.”



+ Zoom Connect Activity

  • Set-up: Print the “Zoom: Airplane” picture cards on 8½ x 11 cardstock paper and cut apart.
  • Say: Today we’re in the second week of a series called “Zoom.” Do you know what it means to zoom in and out of something? (Take answers.) That’s right—it means you look at something really close up or really far away. We’re going to get started by zooming in and out of a mystery picture. Let’s see if you can guess what it is.
  • Directions: Keep the “Zoom: Airplane” pictures turned over until the appropriate time. Each card is numbered 1–4. When ready, turn over the first card. Ask what they think is pictured and why they think that. After everyone has shared, turn over the second card and repeat. Each card will zoom further out on the mystery picture making it easier to identify. Continue until all four cards have been turned over and the mystery picture is revealed. When finished, ask the following question:
  • Question: What’s the longest trip you’ve ever taken? Where did you go and what did you do?

+ Want or Need (Application Activity)

  • Set-up: Place two tape lines parallel to each other on the floor about 15 ft. (4.5 meters) apart. Each tape line should be long enough to fit half of the small group along it. Print the “Want or Need” signs (see Resource Folder) on 8½ x 11 paper and cut apart. Tape the two “Want” signs on either side of a small trash can or bucket. Tape the two “Need” signs on either side of another small trash can or bucket. Place the two trash cans or buckets in the middle of the two tape lines.
  • Say: In the Book of Exodus, we learned that God has the power to provide for all of our needs, but sometimes it’s easy to confuse things that we need for things that we want. We’re going to play a game right now that will help us think about the difference between needs and wants.
  • Directions: Divide into two teams. Give each person on one team a colored piece of paper. Give each kid on the other team a different colored piece of paper. Tell the kids to crumple their paper into a ball. Have one team line up behind one of the tape lines and the other team line up behind the opposing tape line. Read one of the “Wants or Needs” from the list below, then count to 3. Every kid will have 3 seconds to decide if what you read is a want or a need and throw their paper ball into the corresponding trash can or bucket. Give each team one point for every paper ball that lands in the correct can or bucket. Paper balls that miss receive no points. Afterwards, ask why they targeted the can or bucket that they did. To help promote better discussion, consider asking some “what if” questions. For example, if your child says that new shoes are a need, ask them “What if you already have some perfectly good shoes?” Continue playing rounds until each of the “Wants or Needs” have been discussed. Afterwards discuss the questions below.
  • Wants or Needs: A bike; Cell phone; Friends; New shoes; Candy; Pizza; Water; 1st place in a sport; Family; Soda
  • Question:: What are some things that you truly need right now?.
  • Question:: What are some things that God has provided for you in the past?

+ Bible Verse Blitz (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Set-up: Print out 2 copies of the Bible Verse cards on 8½ x 11 paper and cut apart. (See Resource Folder.) Each of the 8 cards will have a portion of the Bible verse on it.
  • Directions: Place 1 set of Bible verse cards in the middle of the group. Each of the 8 cards will have a portion of the Bible verse. Place the cards in the correct order. Read the verse carefully with your child(ren) several times so they can begin to memorize it. Today’s Bible verse says: "“And my God will meet all of your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19. Next, divide into 2 teams. Give each team one set of Bible verse cards and tell them to thoroughly mix the cards up. When you say “go,” have the two teams race to put the cards back in the right order. For the first round allow the kids to use their hands to move the cards, but for each additional round, choose a different body part such as forehead, nose, foot, knee, elbow, cheek, etc. The first team to assemble the cards in the right order wins the round and a point for the team. After each round, cover the cards up and have each team take turns reciting the verse from memory.
  • Question: This verse says that God will give us all of our needs, not our wants. What do you think is the difference between a need and a want?

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, thank you for providing all that I need. Best of all, thank you for sending your Son to be may Savior and taking away all my sins. Help me to trust in your power to provide all that I need. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the different accounts from Genesis that were mentioned as part of this week’s lesson:

    • Exodus 1-3 (Birth of Moses and the Burning Bush)

    • Exodus 7-11 (The 10 Plagues)

    • Exodus 13:17-14:31 (Crossing the Red Sea)

    • Exodus 15:22-17:7 (God miraculously provides for his people in the desert)

    • Exodus 20 (The Ten Commandments)

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!

August 2, 2020 - Lesson 1: The Book of Genesis


Big Idea: Jesus defeated sin, we we can have a friendship with God.

Bible Basis: The Book of Genesis

Key Verse: “Nothing at all can separate us from God’s love. That’s because of what Christ Jesus our Lord has done.” Romans 8:39b


God, thank you for giving us this opportunity to come together around your Word. As we pause from the struggles of this sinful world, help us focus on you, trust in your promises, and find peace in your incredible love for us. Strengthen our faith through your Word and keep us always focused on the ultimate gift of eternal life that you have given us through the perfect life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of the Book of Genesis?

    • What did you learn about God from the Book of Genesis?

  • For older kids:

    • What do you think the Book of Genesis shows us about God?

    • After people sinned, God didn’t just give up on them. Why do you think that is?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: How does it feel to know that Jesus died for your sins? Tell Jesus about it in a prayer.

    • Journal Station prompt: What do you think it means to have a friendship with God? Tell God about some of the things you want to do with Him.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Genesis 1:26-31. Draw a picture of the story or write to God your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: What does a friendship with God look like to you? Draw a picture of it.



+ Zoom Connect Activity

  • Set-up: Print the “Zoom: Wrecking Ball” picture cards on 8½ x 11 cardstock paper and cut apart.
  • Say: This week, we’re starting a super fun new series called “Zoom.” For the next 5 weeks, we’re going to zoom in and out on the first 5 books of the Bible. To get started, though, we’re going to zoom in and out on something else. Let’s see if you can guess what it is.
  • Directions: Keep the “Zoom: Wrecking Ball” pictures turned over until the appropriate time. Each card is numbered 1–4. When ready, turn over the first card. Ask your kid what they think is pictured and why they think that. After they have shared, turn over the second card and repeat. Each card will zoom further out on the mystery picture making it easier to identify. Continue until all four cards have been turned over and the mystery picture is revealed. When finished, ask the following question:
  • Question: Have you ever created or built something really cool and then someone totally wrecked it? Tell me about it.

+ Crossing the Divide (Application Activity)

  • Set-up: In the Book of Genesis, we learn that God created us to have a perfect friendship with Him, but then sin wrecked everything. Sin created a separation between us and God. We’re going to do an activity that will help us picture that.
  • Directions: Lay 2 pieces of rope parallel to each other on the floor with about 6 inches between them. Instruct your child to stand along the edge of one rope while facing the other rope. Say, “1, 2, 3…Jump!” and have the kids do a standing broad jump over the gap to the opposite side of the other rope. Next, with the help of your kid, move one of the ropes 6 inches further away so that the gap becomes bigger. Repeat the instructions above. Continue moving the ropes further away from each other until no one can jump all the way across. Ask the following questions.
  • Question: How does this activity remind you of sin?
  • Question: What did Jesus do to help bridge the “sin gap” that separates us from God?
  • Directions: Using tape, create a cross that stretches from one rope to the other. Tell your child to walk along the cross from one side of the gap to the other.
  • Say: Romans 8:39 says, “Nothing at all can separate us from God’s love. That’s because of what Christ Jesus our Lord has done.” When Jesus died on the cross, he defeated sin. Now there’s nothing that can separate us from a friendship with God.
  • Question: What do you think it means to have a friendship with God?
  • Question: What kinds of things can you do with God? (Possible answers: Talk to Him through prayer, learn about Him through the Bible, sing to Him through worship, spend time with Him at church, be with Him someday in heaven, etc.)

+ Sticky Note Relay Race (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Set-up: Print the Bible Verse sign on 8½ x 11 paper. (Download below.) Write each word from the verse below (including the reference) on a different Post-it® Note.
  • Directions: Using the “Bible Verse” sign, read the verse several times with your child so that they can begin to memorize it. Today’s Bible verse says: “Nothing at all can separate us from God’s love. That’s because of what Christ Jesus our Lord has done.” Romans 8:39b. Next, remove the “Bible Verse” sign and replace it with the Post-it® Notes. Each Post-it® Note will have one word from the verse. Be sure that the Post-it® Notes are mixed up and facing down. When you say “go,” have your child grab a note, race to a nearby wall, and stick the note to the wall. As the words are stuck to the wall, they must be added in the right order. Time your child to see how long it takes them to put the verse in the right order. When finished, recite the verse from memory. Play several rounds to see if they can beat their previous time.
  • Question: Are you ever afraid that God stops loving you when you sin? What does this verse say about that?


Dear Jesus, thank you for coming to earth in order to defeat sin so that I could have a friendship with God.


  • Read in the Bible the different accounts from Genesis that were mentioned as part of this week’s lesson:

    • Genesis 1-3 (Creation and Fall into Sin)

    • Genesis 12:1-9; Genesis 15 (Abraham)

    • Genesis 37, 42-45, 50 (Joseph)

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!