September 6, 2020 - Lesson 1: Rahab Helps the Spies

Imagination Time Machine_Logo.png

Big Idea: God wants us to put our faith into action.

Bible Basis: Joshua 2

Key Verse: ““It is the same with faith. If it doesn’t cause us to do something, it’s dead.” James 2:17 (NIrV)


God, thank you for giving us this opportunity to come together around your Word. As we pause from the struggles of this sinful world, help us focus on you, trust in your promises, and find peace in your incredible love for us. Strengthen our faith through your Word and keep us always focused on the ultimate gift of eternal life that you have given us through the perfect life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of the story to imagine? What was it like?

    • How did Rahab show that she had faith in God?

  • For older kids:

    • What was your favorite part of the story to imagine? What was it like?

    • How do we really know that Rahab had faith in God?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer telling God that you believe in Him or have faith in Him.

    • Journal Station prompt: What are some ways that you can put your faith into action this coming week? Tell God about it.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Joshua 2. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: How can you put your faith into action? Draw a picture of it.



+ Imagination Time Machine Connect Activity

  • Say: This is the first week of a series called “Imagination Time Machine.” We’re going to imagine what it would be like to live in Bible times. To help get us started, I have a question for you, but we’re going to answer it in a fun way.
  • Directions: Tell the kids that they’ll get to choose who answers the question by tossing an imaginary object to each other. It could be something really small like a flopping fish, something really big like a car, something hot like a fireball, etc. After announcing the object of their choosing, a kid will pretend to throw the object to another kid, adjusting how they throw or catch based on the object. (For example, if it’s a refrigerator, the thrower might grunt when tossing it and the catcher might pretend to get crushed.) After answering the question, the catcher can toss a different object to another kid. Continue until everyone has had a chance to answer the question below:
  • Say: If you had a time machine, where and when would you travel to?

+ Lights, Camera, Action (Application Activity)

  • Say: In today’s story, we saw how Rahab put her faith into action by helping the two spies from Israel. It’s easy to say that we believe in God, but if we have faith in Him and follow Jesus, it will also show through our actions. We’re going to do an activity right now that will help us think of some ways that we might act out our faith.
  • Directions: Help your child(ren) pair up with each other. If there’s an odd number of kids, the leader can pair up with a kid. Tell the pairs to think of one way they can put their faith into action over the coming week. In other words, what’s a way that you can be helpful or show love to someone? Tell the pairs that they’ll also have to come up with a way to silently act out their action for the others to guess. Allow the pairs a little bit of time to practice. When the kids are ready, choose a pair to act out their action first while the other kids guess what it is. Continue until every pair has had a chance to act. When finished, discuss the following questions.)
  • Question: When we put our faith into action, how do you think it helps other people with their faith?
  • Question:: Are there certain times or places where you have trouble putting your faith into action?

+ Bible Verse Tic-Tac-Toe (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Set up:: Using tape, create a tic-tac-toe board on the floor in the middle of the group. The squares should be large enough to fit an 8½ x 11 sheet of paper.
  • Directions: Place the Bible verse sign in the middle of the group and read it carefully with your kids several times so they can begin to memorize it. When everyone is ready, turn the sign over so they can no longer read it. Today’s Bible verse says: "It is the same with faith. If it doesn’t cause us to do something, it’s dead.” James 2:17 (NIrV) Divide your group into two teams. Give one team the “X” papers and the other team the “O” papers. Have your child recite the verse. If they do so successfully, allow them to place their team’s letter on any open square. If they are unable to recite the verse, their team may not place their letter on the board. Next, give the other team a turn. Continue playing until one team has filled three spaces in a row (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) with their letters or until every space on the board has been filled.
  • Question: Tell us about a time you put your faith into action. What was that like? How did people react?

+ Artrageous Prayers (Prayer Activity)

  • Set Up: Provide one plain white self-adhesive name badge for each kid in the group. Hang a piece of poster board or butcher block paper on a wall in the room. At the top of the board write the words, “I give my THANKS to God.”
  • Directions: Give everyone a blank name badge sticker. Place some colored markers in the middle of the group. Tell everyone to think of something that they’re thankful for and draw or write about it on their name badge. When finished, allow the kids to show their prayer art and talk about it. Next, lead your group in a closing prayer. Encourage the kids to tell God “thanks!” for the things they drew. Finally, when the prayer is over, lead the kids to the poster board sign that says, “I give my THANKS to God.” Tell them to give their thanks to God by removing the sticker and sticking it to the sign. In the end, the kids will have created a visual art collage.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, thank you for sending your Spirit to bring me to faith. Thank you for sending your Son to die for my sins. Help me show my faithin you by how I live my life. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • Joshua 2

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!