Big Idea: God takes sin seriously, so we should live our lives His way.
Bible Basis: The Book of Numbers
Key Verse: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23 (NIV)
God, thank you for giving us this opportunity to come together around your Word. As we pause from the struggles of this sinful world, help us focus on you, trust in your promises, and find peace in your incredible love for us. Strengthen our faith through your Word and keep us always focused on the ultimate gift of eternal life that you have given us through the perfect life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Amen.
Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.
For younger kids:
What was your favorite part of the Book of Numbers?
What did you learn about God from the Book of Numbers?
For older kids:
What do you think the Book of Numbers shows us about God?
What were some of the consequences of the Israelites’ sin?
After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.
Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer to God. Just like Moses, tell Him about your sins and ask Him for forgiveness.
Journal Station prompt: After hearing today’s story, what do you want to say to God? Write it down here.
Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Numbers 13–14. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.
Art Station prompt: What can you do to live life God’s way? Draw a picture of it.
+ Zoom Connect Activity
- Set-up: Print the “Zoom: Pizza” picture cards on 8½ x 11 cardstock paper and cut apart.
- Say: Once again, we’re going to be zooming in and out of the Bible today. But first, let’s get started by zooming in and out of a mystery picture. See if you can guess what this is.
- Directions: Keep the “Zoom: Pizza” pictures turned over until the appropriate time. Each card is numbered 1–4. When ready, turn over the first card and place it in the middle of your group. Ask the kids what they think is pictured and why they think that. After everyone has shared, turn over the second card and repeat. Each card will zoom further out on the mystery picture making it easier to identify. Continue until all four cards have been turned over and the mystery picture is revealed. Congratulate the kids who guessed it right. When finished, ask the following question:
- Question: If you had to eat the same food all day, every day, what food would you want to eat?
+ Disappearing Sin (Application Activity)
- Set-up: Fill a bowl with water. Cut a piece of water soluble “disappearing” paper into strips of about 1 inch thick so that every kid has one strip.
- Say: In the Book of Numbers, we learned about some of the sins that the Israelites committed. Do you remember what Moses did each time the Israelites sinned? (Take answers.) That’s right—Moses prayed to God and confessed their sins. That means he told God about the bad things they had done and asked for forgiveness. We’re going to do an activity right now that will help us remember what happens to our sins when we ask for forgiveness.
- Directions: Give each kid in your group one slip of “disappearing” paper and a pen or pencil. Tell the kids to quietly think of a sin that they’ve recently committed and write it down on the slip of paper. If you have younger kids who struggle with spelling, tell them it’s okay—God knows what they’re trying to write. When everyone is finished writing, give the kids a chance to confess their sin to the group. Next, remind the kids that when you ask God to forgive your sins, it’s like they disappear. God no longer remembers or sees them. Open your group in prayer. Allow anyone who would like to ask God for forgiveness aloud or silently the chance to do so before closing the group in one last prayer of thanksgiving for God’s forgiveness. When the prayer is over, place a bowl of water in the middle of the group and allow the kids to put their strip of paper in the water one at a time and watch it disappear. You may need to stir the water with a spoon a bit for the paper to completely disappear. Afterwards, ask the following questions.
- Question: How does that activity remind you of God’s forgiveness?
- Question:: A lot of times sin causes damage. For example, people might stop trusting you or you might hurt someone’s feelings. How might you fix the damage that your sin has caused? (For example: tell someone sorry, fix something they broke, return something they stole, etc.).
- Question:: What can you do to avoid doing that sin again in the future?
+ Bible Bombardment (Bible Memorization Activity)
- Set-up: Place a long tape line on the floor.
- Directions: Place the “Bible Verse” sign in the middle of your group. Read the verse several times with your group so that they can begin to memorize it. Today’s Bible verse says: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” Romans 6:23. Divide your group into two teams. Choose one kid from each team to be the “cupbearer.” Have the cupbearer kneel down approximately 4 feet (1.2 meters) from the tape line and hold a plastic cup to the top of their head. Give all of the other kids 3 cotton balls and tell them to gather behind the tape line while facing their teammate with the cup. On the count of 3, have all of the kids begin throwing their cotton balls at their cupbearer, attempting to land it in the cup. They may not cross the tape line. (Hint: It’s easier to score a cotton ball in the cup if the cupbearer tilts forward a bit.) When finished, count up how many cotton balls each team got in their cup. However many cotton balls the team scored is how many times the other team has to recite the verse aloud. Play multiple rounds and allow different kids to be the cupbearer
- Question: What do you think eternal life in Heaven with Jesus will be like?
+ Prayer Stones (Prayer Activity)
- Directions: Tell the kids in your group that stones were often used in the Bible as a reminder of how good and faithful God is. Give each of the kids in your group one small stone and a permanent marker. Tell them to be careful not to write on anything but the stone. Ask them to think of something they need prayer for or something they’re thankful for. Instruct them to think of one word or picture that describes their prayer and write it down on their stone. For example, if they need help from God to get through a tough situation with a friend, they could write the word “friend” or draw their friend on their stone. Be ready to help kids translate their prayer into a word or picture. When everyone has had a chance to write their one-word or picture prayer, have them place the stones on the floor in front of them. Go around the circle and have each kid show what they wrote on their stone. Let them explain their prayer request or praise. Afterwards, tell the kids to keep the stone in their pocket all week long. Anytime they reach in and feel the stone, they’ll be reminded to bring their prayer request or praise to God. End the activity by leading your kids in a prayer.
(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)
Dear God, thank you for sending Jesus to forgive all my sins and give me eternal life with you. Help me live each day as your child. Amen.
Read in the Bible the different accounts from Genesis that were mentioned as part of this week’s lesson:
Numbers 10:11-11:15 (Israel Leaves Sinai and the People Complain)
Numbers 13 (The 12 Spies)
Numbers 14 (The People Rebel)
Watch the “Numbers” video from The Bible Project (use the link below)
Do more of the activities list above with your child.
Leave them in the comments below!