February 21, 2021 - Lesson 3: Jesus Raises A Dead Girl

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Big Idea: Jesus has power over sickness and death, so we can pray to Him for healing.

Bible Basis: Mark 5:35-43

Key Verse: “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death. And there will be no more sadness. There will be no more crying or pain.” Revelation 21:4a


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of this story? Why?

    • If you were Jairus, would you have had faith that Jesus could heal your daughter? Why or why not?

  • For older kids:

    • What does this story teach you about Jesus?

    • Jesus told the sick woman, “Your faith has healed you.” Why do you think He said that?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Do you know someone who is sick or hurt? Write a prayer to Jesus and ask Him to heal that person.

    • Journal Station prompt: Imagine you were at Jairus’ house when Jesus healed the little girl. Write a letter about what you saw.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Mark 5:35–43. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: What do you think it will be like in Heaven? Draw a picture of it.



+ Freeze Frame Community Builder

  • Say: Raise your hand if you’re dead. (Kids respond.) I’m just kidding you! If you were dead, I’m pretty sure you couldn’t raise your hand. Unless, that is, you’re the girl in our true Bible story for today. In just a little bit, we’re going to hear how Jesus performed one of the most incredible miracles ever. A miracle is something amazing that only Jesus can do. Before we get to that, though, I want to ask you a question.
  • Question: Have you ever been REALLY sick? What was wrong with you and what did you do to get better?

+ The Floating Ball (Application Activity)

  • Set-Up: Sit somewhere close to an outlet. For each small group, plug an extension cord into the outlet, then plug a hair dryer into the extension cord. Place a bucket in the middle of the small group.
  • Say: In our story today, Jairus (pronounced Jī-ruhs) had faith that Jesus could heal his daughter even after she died. (Hold a hair dryer so that it’s pointing upward and set a ping pong ball on top of blower.) When Jesus saw the little girl, He said, “Little girl, I say to you, get up.” (Turn hair dryer on low. The ball will rise up and float in the air.) And just like that, the little girl rose from the dead. (After a moment, turn off hair dryer.) We saw this during large group, now we get to try it for ourselves.
  • Question: Have you or someone you know ever been sick and asked Jesus for healing? What happened?
  • Question: If no, what do you think would happen if you did?
  • Directions: Allow each kid to answer the question(s) above. After answering, give them the hair dryer and ping pong ball. Have them place the ball on top of the blower and turn it on low. Once they get the ball floating in the air, give them the following challenges: • Move the hair dryer and ball in a circular motion. • Quickly pass your free hand between the ball and hair dryer without dropping the ball. • Tilt the hair dryer at a slight angle without dropping the ball. • Move the ball toward the bucket in the middle and drop it in without missing. Continue until every kid has had a turn answering the question(s) and performing some or all of the challenges. When finished, ask the following additional questions:
  • Question: How does it help you to know that Jesus is more powerful than sickness and death?
  • Question: TWhat if you pray for someone to get better and they don’t? Do you think that means Jesus can’t heal them? Why or why not? (Suggested answer: Jesus will eventually heal everybody who follows Him when they get to Heaven.)
  • Question: In addition to praying for sick people, what else can you do to show them the love of Jesus?

+ Words Away (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Directions: Have your kids sit in a small circle. After writing the Bible verse on a small dry erase board, hold the board up so that your group can see the verse and read it together. Today’s verse says: “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death. And there will be no more sadness.” Revelation 21:4a. After reading it one time, pass the board to the kid on your right and tell them to erase one word. Instruct the kid to hold the board up and have your group read the verse again, this time reciting the missing word from memory. Keep on passing the board around the circle, allowing each kid to erase one word and then reading/reciting the verse as a group. Continue until all of the words are gone and your group can recite the entire verse.
  • Question: What do you think the best part of Heaven will be?

+ Prayer Bag (Prayer Activity)

  • Set-up: place a handful of Band-Aids in a paper lunch bag and fold it closed.
  • Directions: Pass the “Prayer Bag” around the circle. The bag will contain a handful of Band-Aids. Tell the kids to feel how heavy the bag is without shaking it or looking inside. After the bag makes one round, tell the kids to guess what’s inside. Next, pass the “Prayer Bag” around the circle again, but this time allow the kids to shake the bag. After the bag makes it around the circle, tell the kids to take another guess. Finally, pass the bag around the circle one last time, but this time, without looking at it, allow the kids to reach inside and feel the object. When finished, ask the kids what they think the object is. After the kids have guessed, reveal the object to the group.
  • Read: Open your Bible and read Psalm 103:3.
  • Say: The Bible says that God can heal our bodies from sickness. He can also heal our broken hearts from sadness.
  • Directions: Tell the kids to think about someone who is sick or sad and ask them to share it with the group. When finished, open the kids in prayer. Encourage the kids to take turns praying that God would heal them or the person they’re thinking of.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, Thank you for dying on the cross to take away all my sins. Thank you for rising from the dead so that I can be certain that I too will rise on the last day. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • Mark 5:35-43

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!