
Elemental - Prayer

Elemental—a word that Merriam Webster defines as being the basic or essential constituent of something, the fundamental or key components that make up something. For example, without hydrogen molecules, H20 isn’t water.

What are the key components, the elemental pieces that make up the believers life? What are those things that affect how we as children of God view life and live as followers of Christ? Our worship series the next several weeks is going to look at those key components of the Christian’s walk with Jesus: things like the Word, prayer, service, and love—those elemental items that change how we approach life, that adjust how we see our priorities, and how we as believers live life.

Today, we see that another essential component of the Christian life is prayer, the privilege we have as children of God to talk to our heavenly Father. Our God wants us to pray. His ears are open; let us then boldly ask for the blessings he promises. Lord, teach us to pray!

Easter Changes What You Pray For (Easter 7)

There are certain events that stick in one’s mind. Events that when they occur, change everything. You remember not only everything that happened, but how that event changed the rest of your life.

Now as then, our risen and ascended Lord Jesus prays for Spirit-inspired unity between the Father and his church. We too pray that we may have unity, that we may be one, as brothers and sisters who live in harmony, as servants gathered to worship Him, as disciples who follow Him always. Then, with much anticipation, we look for the coming of the Holy Spirit, confidently living a new life of faith in our ascended Lord.