JOB: It's OK to Question God

Our current worship series is looking at the book of Job. Most people know that Job was a man who suffered, who went through a lot of heartbreaking things that nobody would want to go through. But that is only the first 2 chapters of the book. In the remaining 40 chapters are all about the journey through life that Job went on - where he learned a lot about himself, about his God, and about life along the way.

This week shows us Job confronting God directly and lamenting, “I have no peace, no quietness; I have no rest, but only turmoil.” Can those words be spoken by a child of God? Is it possible that Job lost his faith during his struggle? Can you sincerely question God and still have sincere faith? At the very least, this week shows the very real impact suffering and pain can have on even the most godly disciples. Job obviously didn’t understand everything that was happening to him. But he didn’t need to in order to find comfort. He simply needed to be reminded who his God is. In our moments of hardships and suffering, because we don’t have God’s understanding, we’re going to have questions for him. However, we don’t need answers or understanding of what is going on to find comfort. Instead, we are reminded of the goodness of our God and his unending love for us, even when things don’t look very good.

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