JOB: God is in Control

Our current worship series is looking at the book of Job. Most people know that Job was a man who suffered, who went through a lot of heartbreaking things that nobody would want to go through. But that is only the first 2chapters of the book. In the remaining 40 chapters are all about the journey through life that Job went on-where he learned a lot about himself, about his God, and about life along the way.

The feeling of not being in control is unsettling. Sometimes that happens when we are in a bad or seemingly hopeless situation. Other times, things may happen that are outside of our control and serve as an uncomfortable reminder that we don't have as much control over life as we may like. . In our worship today, we look at verses in which Job’s loss of control had become too much for him to bear. Perhaps like Job, you've been there too. Before we panic over our loss of control, God can use it for our good. God uses this feeling to help us answer the question of who/what our God really is. Do we make that feeling of being in control a false god? Is our god our ability to control our lives? Do we worship God only to get good things from him? Or is our God the true God; the one who uses his control over all things to love us and save us from our brokenness? Today, we are comforted and encouraged by the truth that God is in control!

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