Easter Changes Everything - It Changes How You Live Life (Easter 3)

There are certain events that stick in one’s mind. Events that when they occur, change everything. You remember not only everything that happened, but how that event changed the rest of your life.  One of those big, life-changing events is the birth of a child. Suddenly, diapers aren’t the only things being changed—priorities change, schedules changes, family life changes.

Easter too is one of those events. As we have heard on Easter, it is an event that changed everything. Today, we watch as the risen Lord appears in power to Saul on the road to Damascus. The risen Lord changes Saul’s heart in such a profound way that Saul turns from persecutor of the church to its greatest missionary. In the same way the light of our Risen Savior has shined in the darkness of our sin-filled hearts. Though we still feebly struggle with sin and are not "worthy" to even approach God’s presence, Christ gathers us to constantly receive the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus’ Easter victory changes us, our hearts, our lives—so much so that it changes our priorities in life, it changes what we see as important, it changes how we live life.