When Christ Went to Calvary: He Urges Us to Repent


A foreigner comes to Birmingham in the fall. It seems as though everyone is wearing crimson and white or navy and orange. They say words that when put together seem to make no sense, words like “War Eagle” and “Roll Tide.” Yet, they sense that something important is happening, they just don’t know or understand what.

Perhaps the same is true for us as we approach Easter. We know its important, we just aren’t sure why the church makes Easter such a big deal. In the week’s leading up to Easter, we are going to be looking at what happened When Christ Went to Calvary. Each week, we will see a different aspect of Christ’s battle on our behalf against sin, the devil, and death itself. Each week, we will have a clearer picture in our mind not only why Easter is important, but why Christ went to Calvary.

Today, the Scripture lessons urge us to a life of repentance. God is gracious. He is long-suffering. He grants time for repentance now. But there is a day of judgment ahead when those who have despised God’s call to repentance during this time of grace will surely perish. Our Savior went to Calvary so that we can be confident of our God’s forgiveness when we repent. So, here is our God’s invitation during Lent: turn from sin fully confident of the Lord’s deliverance.