The Holy Trinity - The First Sunday after Pentecost

The symbol above is called a ‘Triquetra’ or the Trinity knot. The word ‘Triquetra’ comes from the Latin for ‘three-cornered.’ The three points of the Trinity knot represent the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In its original form, it in…

The symbol above is called a ‘Triquetra’ or the Trinity knot. The word ‘Triquetra’ comes from the Latin for ‘three-cornered.’ The three points of the Trinity knot represent the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In its original form, it incorporates the fish which is a popular Christian symbol. Occasionally, you may see the Trinity knot enclosed within a circle as a means of emphasizing unity or eternity.

The doctrine of the Trinity is not a logical exercise or a dogmatic excursion. It’s central to our salvation. The Triune God is our Creator, Redeemer,  and Sanctifier. Lose this doctrine,  and as the Creed says, you lose it all. A Jesus who is less than God is also less than Savior. Today we see that Christ has given his church one mission with one means, a mission and means that reflect the nature of the one true God. God sends his church out into the world so that all people would again enjoy the fellowship enjoyed between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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