The Coming of the Holy Spirit - The Day of Pentecost

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Plenty of people have witnessed the church at its worst. Because churches are made up of sinful people, every church has its ugly moments - including ours. That’s why it’s so important for churches to remember Christ’s design for them - a design whose beauty is in its simplicity, a design that keeps the body of Christ working at its best. Today we see that Christ has poured out on his Church one Spirit to work one faith. On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit’s work in the church began. From that day until the last day, the Holy Spirit points every member of the Church to Christ’s saving work for it.

Pentecost is the third great festival of the Church and has been commemorated since at least 217 A.D. The Church dresses in red to remind us of the tongues of fire that marked the Spirit’s gift and the blood of the martyrs which was the seed of the Church. This day culminates the Season of Easter when our risen Lord now empowers his people to be witnesses of the resurrection for the world.

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