September 27, 2020 - Lesson 4: Solomon Asks for Wisdom

Copy That Copycat_Logo.png

Big Idea: God helps me make good choices.

Bible Basis: 1 Kings 2:1–12, 3:1–15

Key Verse: “If you love me (hug yourself), obey my commands (march in place).” John 14:15 (extend hands like you’re holding a book).


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.



  1. What is your favorite part of this Bible lesson?

  2. How does God help you make good choices?


Choose one (or more) of these activities to do with your child.


+ Wish List

  • Supplies: Age-appropriate magazines (4–5), scissors (1 per child), glue sticks (1 per child), poster board (1)
  • Directions: Lead your child(ren) in creating a wish list collage. Tell them to flip through the magazines and cut out anything they wish they could have, then have them glue it to the poster board. As the children glue things to the board, ask them questions like, “Why do you like this thing?” or “What would you do with this thing?”.
  • Say:In today’s true Bible story, God tells King Solomon that he can have anything he wants. You might be surprised by what King Solomon asks for. We’ll find out what it is in just a little bit. We’ll also learn that God helps us make good choices.

+ Freeze Dance (Application Activity)

  • Supplies: None
  • Directions: In today’s true Bible story, God tells King Solomon that he can have anything he wants. You might be surprised by what King Solomon asks for. We’ll find out what it is in just a little bit. We’ll also learn that God helps us make good choices.
  • Say: Believe it or not, this game helps us remember how to make good choices. When you feel like doing something bad, you can FREEZE! Then say, “Dear God, help me do what is right.” When we pray to God, He helps us make good choices.
  • Dance List: Silly robot dance; Silly chicken dance; Silly snake dance; Silly elephant dance; Silly kangaroo dance; Silly ant dance
  • Question: When is it hard for you to make a good choice? (Note: After each answer, remind the children to FREEZE, then pray, “Dear God, help me do what is right.”)

+ Road Trip (Application Activity)

  • Supplies: None
  • Say: In today’s true Bible story, God helped King Solomon make good choices. God helps us make good choices too. Let’s play a game that helps us think about the good choices we can make for God no matter where we are.
  • Directions: Tell the children that they’re going on a pretend road trip in the car, but they have to figure out where they are going. During the road trip, the children must follow the leader and do everything you do. Begin by pretending to drive a car. Stop at each of the destinations listed below one at a time. While the children mimic you, act out what you might do while at that destination until the children can guess where they are. When they have guessed correctly, ask the children, “What are some good choices you could make at the [fill in location]?” After taking some answers, continue driving to the next destination.
  • Locations: Soccer game; Swimming pool; Playground; Doctor’s office; Grocery store; Airport/Airplane; Church.

+ Copy That (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Supplies: None
  • Today's Bible Verse: “If you love me (hug yourself), obey my commands (march in place).” John 14:15 (extend hands like you’re holding a book).
  • Directions: Practice the verse together several times. When ready, tell your child to say the verse with you while copying your action. For example, spin around, or hop on one foot, or hold your tongue, or do a silly dance. When finished, allow your child to be the leader, then have everyone say the verse while copying them. Take turns several times to reinforce the memory verse.

+ Story Bop (Bible Story Review Activity)

  • Supplies: Balloon, music player
  • Directions: Have the everyone stand in a cluster, then begin playing music. As the music plays, everyone must continually bop the balloon into the air. Let the music play for 5 to 20 seconds before pausing it. When the music stops, everyone must try to catch the balloon. Ask whoever who catches it, “What happened first in today’s Bible story?” Only allow them to tell a small part of the story. Allow the others to help answer if needed. When finished, begin playing the music and bopping the balloon in the air again. Ask the next person who catches the balloon, “What happened next in the story?” Repeat this until the whole story has been told!
  • Question: What was your favorite part of this story? Why did you like that part?

+ Let's Say Sorry (Response to God Activity)

  • Supplies: GO! Home Guide (1 per child), markers or crayons
  • Directions: Give each child a GO! Home Guide and some crayons or markers. The sheet will have a space for your child to draw. Tell the children to draw a picture of a sad face. While they’re drawing, ask them to tell about a time they made a bad choice and sinned.
  • Say: When we make bad choices, it makes God sad. But if we ask Jesus to forgive us, He washes our sins away so that we can be friends with Him forever. Let’s say a prayer and tell Jesus we’re sorry for making these bad choices.
  • Prayer: Begin by asking if any of the children would like to pray. Allow any children who want to pray the opportunity to do so. When they’re finished, ask Jesus to forgive the children for the sins they talked about and thank Him for loving you no matter what.

+ Coloring Sheet (GO! Deeper Activity)

  • Supplies: Bible story coloring sheet, markers or crayons
  • Directions: Give each child a Bible story coloring sheet and some crayons or markers. While the children are coloring, ask the following questions to help them go deeper into the story.
  • Question: God said to Solomon, “Ask me for anything you want and I’ll give it to you.” What did Solomon ask for? What would you ask for?
  • Question: Solomon could have asked for money, long life, or victory in battle, but instead, he asked for help making good choices. Why do you think he did that?

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, You are bigger than all of the things that scare me. Please help me to be brave when something scary happens. Amen.


  • Read the account of Solomon asking for Wisdom in your child’s favorite Bible storybook.

  • Say this week’s Bible verse every morning with the actions (see above).

  • Read the account of Solomon from the Bible in 1 Kings 2-3 with your child.

  • Do more of the activities above!


  • Leave them in the comments below!

September 20, 2020 - Lesson 3: Eli's Bad Boys

Copy That Copycat_Logo.png

Big Idea: God helps me make good choices.

Bible Basis: 1 Samuel 2:12–26

Key Verse: “If you love me (hug yourself), obey my commands (march in place).” John 14:15 (extend hands like you’re holding a book).


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.



  1. What is your favorite part of this Bible lesson?

  2. How does God help you be brave?


Choose one (or more) of these activities to do with your child.


+ Copy Cat

  • Supplies: None
  • Say: Do you remember Otis the cat? He copies everything we do. Let’s play a game were we pretend to be Otis and copy each other’s actions.
  • Directions: Play a game of “Copy Cat” (a.k.a. Follow the Leader) with the children. Make up a fun action, then have the children repeat it after you like Otis the Cat. Next, let the children take turns being the leader. Continue playing for as long as interest allows.
  • Say:You did a great job being Otis the cat! Today, Otis is going to help us tell the Bible story again. With the help of Otis, we’re going to learn that God helps me make good choices.
  • Question: Did you make any good choices this week? Tell me about it.

+ If You Love God (Application Activity)

  • Supplies: None
  • Say: The Bible says that we can show God our love by following His commands. Let’s sing a song and play a game that helps us think about ways we can follow God’s commands.
  • Directions: Begin by singing the song below to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know It.” Encourage the children to sing along and perform the action. When finished, ask the children, “What is one way you can make a good choice and obey God this week?” Choose one child to answer, then allow them to pick a new action for the song. Sing the song with the children again, this time inserting the new action. When finished, choose another child to answer the question and pick an action. Continue until all of the children have had a turn.
  • Song:If you love God and you show it, clap your hands. If you love God and you show it, clap your hands. If you love God and you show it, then He really, really knows it. If you love God and you show it, clap your hands.

+ Father, May I (Application Activity)

  • Supplies: None
  • Say: In today’s true Bible story, Eli’s two sons stole food from God. But not Samuel—he loved God and made good choices. Let’s play a game that helps us think about the good choices we can make for our Father, God.
  • Directions: Have the children stand against one wall in the room. Tell them the goal is to reach the opposite wall. If you say a good choice, the children may take one giant step forward. If you say a bad choice, the children may take no steps forward. Begin by saying, “Father, may I…” then read one of the bad choices from the list below. The children should say, “No,” and take no steps forward. Next, ask the children about a good choice they could make in that situation, then say, “Father, may I…” and insert the good choice suggested by the child. The children should say, “Yes,” and take one giant step forward. Continue alternating between bad choices and good choices until the children have reached the opposite wall.
  • Bad Choice List: Tell my mom a lie; Push my brother when he pushes me; Disobey my dad when he tells me to clean my room; Steal a toy that I really, really want; Yell mean things when I’m angry; Eat a cookie when my mom said “no."; Push my way into the front of the line.

+ Copy That (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Supplies: None
  • Today's Bible Verse: “If you love me (hug yourself), obey my commands (march in place).” John 14:15 (extend hands like you’re holding a book).
  • Directions: Practice the verse together several times. When ready, tell your child to say the verse with you while copying your action. For example, spin around, or hop on one foot, or hold your tongue, or do a silly dance. When finished, allow your child to be the leader, then have everyone say the verse while copying them. Take turns several times to reinforce the memory verse.

+ Story Bop (Bible Story Review Activity)

  • Supplies: Balloon, music player
  • Directions: Have the everyone stand in a cluster, then begin playing music. As the music plays, everyone must continually bop the balloon into the air. Let the music play for 5 to 20 seconds before pausing it. When the music stops, everyone must try to catch the balloon. Ask whoever who catches it, “What happened first in today’s Bible story?” Only allow them to tell a small part of the story. Allow the others to help answer if needed. When finished, begin playing the music and bopping the balloon in the air again. Ask the next person who catches the balloon, “What happened next in the story?” Repeat this until the whole story has been told!
  • Question: What was your favorite part of this story? Why did you like that part?

+ Jesus Loves (Response to God Activity)

  • Supplies: GO! Home Guide (1 per child), markers or crayons
  • Directions: Give each child a GO! Home Guide and some crayons or markers. The sheet will have a space for your child to draw. Tell the children to draw a picture of themselves holding hands with Jesus. When finished, ask the children to show their picture to the group.
  • Say: Did you know that Jesus doesn’t just love grown-ups, He loves kids too! Whether you’re big or small, short or tall, Jesus loves you so, so much. Let’s say a prayer and thank Jesus for loving us so much.
  • Prayer: Begin by asking if any of the children would like to pray. Allow any children who want to pray the opportunity to do so. When they’re finished, close the prayer by thanking Jesus for loving each of the children by name.

+ Coloring Sheet (GO! Deeper Activity)

  • Supplies: Bible story coloring sheet, markers or crayons
  • Directions: Give each child a Bible story coloring sheet and some crayons or markers. While the children are coloring, ask the following questions to help them go deeper into the story.
  • Question: Eli’s two sons stole food from God and disobeyed their dad. Why do you think they did that?
  • Question: Samuel loved God and followed His commands. Do you think that was hard for Samuel or easy? Why do you think that?

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, You are bigger than all of the things that scare me. Please help me to be brave when something scary happens. Amen.


  • Read the account of Eli and Samuel in your child’s favorite Bible storybook.

  • Say this week’s Bible verse every morning with the actions (see above).

  • Read the account of Eli and his Sons from the Bible in 1 Samuel 2:12–26 with your child.

  • Do more of the activities above!


  • Leave them in the comments below!

September 13, 2020 - Lesson 2: Rahab Helps the Spies

Copy That Copycat_Logo.png

Big Idea: God helps me be brave.

Bible Basis: Joshua 2

Key Verse: “Be strong (flex muscles) and brave (power pose with fists on hips). Don’t be afraid (shake head and wag finger “no”)…I will be with you (hug yourself) everywhere you go (march in place). Joshua 1:9 (extend hands like you’re holding a book).


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.



  1. What is your favorite part of this Bible lesson?

  2. How does God help you be brave?


Choose one (or more) of these activities to do with your child.


+ Hide and Spy

  • Supplies: None
  • Directions: Tell the child(ren) that you are the king of Jericho and they are the good spies of Israel. Have the child(ren) hide around the room while you cover your eyes and count to 10. When ready, begin looking for the hidden children while repeatedly saying, “I search up high, I search down low, to spy the spies in Jericho.” When you find a child, say (for example), “I spy a spy behind the chair!” The child you find must now come out of hiding until the next round. Play for as long as time and interest allow.
  • Say: You little spies were great at hiding! In today’s true story, the king of Jericho goes looking for some hidden spies, but God uses a brave woman to keep them from being found. We’re going to hear that story in just a little bit and learn that God helps me be brave.
  • Question: Can you remember a time you felt brave? Why did you feel brave?

+ Spies of Jericho (Application Activity)

  • Supplies: Blanket or bed sheet
  • Say: In today’s true Bible story, Rahab was very brave. She hid the good spies from Israel in her house while the king’s men looked for them. Let’s play a game that helps us remember the brave thing Rahab did.
  • Directions: Choose one child to be Rahab. Tell everyone else to sit down and to close and cover their eyes. While their eyes are closed and covered, lead them in continually saying, “I search up high, I search down low, to spy the spies in Jericho.” While saying the rhyme, Rahab must quietly tap a child on the head. When tapped, the child becomes a spy. The spy must quietly follow Rahab and hide under the blanket. Once hidden, have all of the children open their eyes and guess who the spy is by looking to see who’s missing from the group. When the spy is revealed, have the child answer the question below. Play additional rounds. For each round, choose someone else to be Rahab.
  • Question:: When you feel scared, you can pray to God. What do you think you would say to God when you feel scared?

+ I Spy A Spy (Application Activity)

  • Supplies: None
  • Say: In today’s true Bible story, Rahab did something very brave—she hid the good spies of Israel from the king’s men. God helped Rahab be brave and He helps us be brave too! Let’s play a game that helps us remember that.
  • Directions: Have everyone sit down. Say, for example, “I spy a spy with a blue shirt.” Everyone with blue shirts must stand up and say, “God helps me be brave.” Choose one of the people who are standing to answer the question below, then have everyone sit down. Repeat the above instructions, each time choosing a different attribute such as brown hair, wearing sandals, is a boy, is a girl, etc. Continue for as long as time and interest allow.
  • Question: When do you need God to help you be brave?

+ Copy That (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Supplies: None
  • Today's Bible Verse: “Be strong (flex muscles) and brave (power pose with fists on hips). Don’t be afraid (Shake head and wag finger “no”)…I will be with you (hug yourself) everywhere you go (march in place). Joshua 1:9 (extend hands like you’re holding a book).
  • Directions: Practice the verse together several times. When ready, tell your child to say the verse with you while copying your action. For example, spin around, or hop on one foot, or hold your tongue, or do a silly dance. When finished, allow your child to be the leader, then have everyone say the verse while copying them. Take turns several times to reinforce the memory verse.

+ Story Bop (Bible Story Review Activity)

  • Supplies: Balloon, music player
  • Directions: Have the everyone stand in a cluster, then begin playing music. As the music plays, everyone must continually bop the balloon into the air. Let the music play for 5 to 20 seconds before pausing it. When the music stops, everyone must try to catch the balloon. Ask whoever who catches it, “What happened first in today’s Bible story?” Only allow them to tell a small part of the story. Allow the others to help answer if needed. When finished, begin playing the music and bopping the balloon in the air again. Ask the next person who catches the balloon, “What happened next in the story?” Repeat this until the whole story has been told!
  • Question: What was your favorite part of this story? Why did you like that part?

+ Brave Like Rahab (Response to God Activity)

  • Supplies: GO! Home Guide (1 per child), markers or crayons
  • Directions: Give each child a GO! Home Guide and some crayons or markers. The sheet will have a space for your child to draw. Tell the children to draw a picture of Rahab with the 2 spies. While they’re drawing, ask the children to tell about something that scares them.
  • Say: In today’s true Bible story, God helped Rahab be brave. He helps us be brave too! Let’s say a prayer to God. We can tell Him about the things that scare us and ask Him to help us be brave like Rahab.
  • Prayer: Begin by asking if any of the children would like to pray. Allow any children who want to pray the opportunity to do so. When they’re finished, close the prayer by praying for the children individually and asking God to help them be brave when the scary things they shared about happen.

+ Coloring Sheet (GO! Deeper Activity)

  • Supplies: Bible story coloring sheet, markers or crayons
  • Directions: Give each child a Bible story coloring sheet and some crayons or markers. While the children are coloring, ask the following questions to help them go deeper into the story.
  • Question: If you were Rahab, would you have helped hide the good spies of Israel from the king’s men? Why or why not?
  • Question: Do you think you could be as brave as Rahab? Why or why not?

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, You are bigger than all of the things that scare me. Please help me to be brave when something scary happens. Amen.


  • Read the account of Rahab in your child’s favorite Bible storybook.

  • Say this week’s Bible verse every morning with the actions (see above).

  • Read the account of Rahab and the Spies from the Bible in Joshua 2 with your child.

  • Do more of the activities above!


  • Leave them in the comments below!

September 6, 2020 - Lesson 1: The Two Brave Spies

Copy That Copycat_Logo.png

Big Idea: God helps me be brave.

Bible Basis: Numbers 13:1-14:10

Key Verse: “Be strong (flex muscles) and brave (power pose with fists on hips). Don’t be afraid (shake head and wag finger “no”)…I will be with you (hug yourself) everywhere you go (march in place). Joshua 1:9 (extend hands like you’re holding a book).


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.



  1. What is your favorite part of this Bible lesson?

  2. How does God help you be brave?


Choose one (or more) of these activities to do with your child.


+ I Spy a Giant

  • Supplies: Giant Person pictures (1 set of 10)
  • Preparation: Print the 10 Giant Person pictures on 8½ x 11 paper and cut apart. The giants look the same, but vary in size. Ahead of time, tape the giants in various locations around the room. Make some of them easy to find and some a little harder.
  • Directions: Tell the children to search the room for the hidden giants. Some will be easy to find and some a little harder. Continue searching until you have found all 10 giants.
  • Say: Way to go! We spied all 10 giants! In today’s true Bible story, there are two very brave spies who spied some giants in a giant land. We’re going to hear that story in just a little bit and learn that God helps me be brave.
  • Question: Can you remember a time you were brave? What happened?

+ Fear Disappear (Application Activity)

  • Supplies: Coffee filters (1 per child), washable markers, eye dropper, cup of water
  • Directions: Give your child a coffee filter and some washable markers. Tell them to think of something they’re afraid of and draw it on their coffee filter. When finished, have them show what they drew and share why that scares them.
  • Say:: When you’re a little kid, there are a lot of things that can make you feel afraid, but God is with us and He helps us be brave. We’re going to do something now that will help us remember that when we pray to God, He can make our fears disappear.
  • Directions: Have your child suck up water with the eye dropper and drip it onto their fear picture. The picture will slowly disappear.

+ Fear Fighters (Application Activity)

  • Supplies: “Scary Things” picture set, paper (1 piece per child), tape (1 roll)
  • Preparation: “Print each of the 5 “Scary Things” pictures on a separate piece of paper. Fold each piece in half so the picture stands up like a tent card. Using a roll of tape, create a “throw” line about 5–6 feet from where the picture will be placed.
  • Say: In today’s true Bible story, the two brave spies said, “Don’t be afraid, God is with us!” Let’s play a fun game that helps us remember to say that when we feel scared.
  • Directions: There are 5 “Scary Things” pictures. Each picture will be folded so that it stands up like a tent card. One at a time, stand the pictures on a table or chair. For each picture, ask the children if that thing ever makes them feel afraid, then ask them why. Next, give each child a crumbled piece of paper and have them stand behind the “throw line.” Lead the children in saying, “Don’t be afraid, God is with us!” then prompt them to throw their crumpled paper at the picture in an attempt to knock it down. If they miss, have them retrieve their paper and try again. If they knock it down, set up the next picture and repeat the above steps. Continue until all of the pictures have been knocked down.
  • Question: What do you think you could say to God when you feel afraid?

+ Copy That (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Supplies: None
  • Today's Bible Verse: “Be strong (flex muscles) and brave (power pose with fists on hips). Don’t be afraid (Shake head and wag finger “no”)…I will be with you (hug yourself) everywhere you go (march in place). Joshua 1:9 (extend hands like you’re holding a book).
  • Directions: Practice the verse together several times. When ready, tell your child to say the verse with you while copying your action. For example, spin around, or hop on one foot, or hold your tongue, or do a silly dance. When finished, allow your child to be the leader, then have everyone say the verse while copying them. Take turns several times to reinforce the memory verse.

+ Story Bop (Bible Story Review Activity)

  • Supplies: Balloon, music player
  • Directions: Have the everyone stand in a cluster, then begin playing music. As the music plays, everyone must continually bop the balloon into the air. Let the music play for 5 to 20 seconds before pausing it. When the music stops, everyone must try to catch the balloon. Ask whoever who catches it, “What happened first in today’s Bible story?” Only allow them to tell a small part of the story. Allow the others to help answer if needed. When finished, begin playing the music and bopping the balloon in the air again. Ask the next person who catches the balloon, “What happened next in the story?” Repeat this until the whole story has been told!
  • Question: What was your favorite part of this story? Why did you like that part?

+ Be Brave (Response to God Activity)

  • Supplies: GO! Home Guide (1 per child), markers or crayons
  • Directions: Give each child a GO! Home Guide and some crayons or markers. The sheet will have a space for your child to draw. Tell your child to draw a picture of something that makes them feel afraid. When finished, ask the child to share their picture and to tell about it.
  • Say: In today’s true Bible story, Joshua and Caleb were brave because they knew God was with them. God is always with us, so we can be brave too. Let’s say a prayer to God. We can tell Him about the things that make us afraid and ask Him to help us be brave.
  • Prayer: Begin by asking if anyone would like to pray. Allow any children who want to pray the opportunity to do so. When they’re finished, close the prayer by praying for the children individually and asking God to help them be brave during the situations depicted in their drawings.

+ Coloring Sheet (GO! Deeper Activity)

  • Supplies: Bible story coloring sheet, markers or crayons
  • Directions: Give each child a Bible story coloring sheet and some crayons or markers. While the children are coloring, ask the following questions to help them go deeper into the story.
  • Question: If you were one of the spies, how would you have felt when you saw the giant people? Why would you feel that way?
  • Question: Why do you think Joshua and Caleb were brave when all the other spies felt afraid?

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, You are bigger than all of the things that scare me. Please help me to be brave when something scary happens. Amen.


  • Read the account of the two brave spies in your child’s favorite Bible storybook.

  • Say this week’s Bible verse every morning with the actions (see above).

  • Read the account of the two brave spies from the Bible in Numbers 13-14 with your child.

  • Do more of the activities above!


  • Leave them in the comments below!

August 30, 2020 - Lesson 5: Joseph Says, "I Forgive You"

Big Idea: God wants me to forgive my family.

Bible Basis: Genesis 37, 43-45

Key Verse: “As for me (point to self with thumbs) and my family (trace a circle in front of you with fingers), we will serve (march in place) the Lord (point up).” Joshua 24:15 (extend hands like holding a book).


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.



  1. What is your favorite part of this Bible lesson?

  2. What is today’s Big Idea?


Choose one (or more) of these activities to do with your child.


+ Coat of Many Colors

  • Supplies: “Coat of Many Colors” activity sheet (1 per child), tissue paper squares (multiple colors, 1 sheet per child), glue sticks (1 per child), markers or crayons
  • Directions: Give your child a “Coat of Many Colors” activity sheet. Tell them to glue the colored tissue paper squares to Joseph’s coat. Encourage them to use many different colors. When finished, they can use markers or crayons to color the remainder of the picture.
  • Say: Wow—that is a very colorful coat! In today’s true Bible story, there was a boy who had a coat with many colors, but then something bad happened to it. Do you remember what? In the Bible story, we learned that God wants me to forgive my family!
  • Question: When someone does something mean to you, is it hard for you to say, “I forgive you?” Why or why not?

+ Covered in Forgiveness (Application Activity)

  • Supplies: Heart stickers (4 per child), Emoji pictures (1 set)
  • Say:: In today’s true Bible story, Joseph said, “I forgive you” to his brothers. God wants us to forgive our family too. Let’s play a game that teaches us how to cover our family with forgiveness.
  • Directions: Give each child a set of 4 heart stickers. One at a time, place an emoji picture in the middle of the group and ask the children, “Has anyone in your family ever made you [insert corresponding emotion]?” After the children have had a chance to share their story, tell them it’s time to cover their family with forgiveness. Have each child take one heart sticker and stick it on the emoji as they say, “I forgive you.” Tell them to cover the entire emoji so that it’s no longer showing. Repeat this for each of the 4 emoji pictures.
  • Question: How do you think it makes God feel when you forgive other people? How does it make you feel?

+ All Fall Down (Application Activity)

  • Supplies: None
  • Say: God gives us a family to love us and help take care of us, but sometimes our family can do things that make us mad. When that happens, God wants us to forgive our family. Let’s play a fun game that helps us say, “I forgive you” to our family.
  • Directions: Together with your child, walk around in a circle while holding hands and singing the rhyme below to the tune of “Ring around the Rosie.” At the end of the rhyme, have everyone fall down to the ground and say “I forgive you.” While on the ground, ask if they’ve ever forgiven someone in their family. Have them tell about it. After someone shares, have everyone stand up and repeat the rhyme. Each time you repeat the rhyme, you can replace “brother” with “sister” or “cousin.” Continue playing until everyone has had a turn sharing.
  • Question: Your brother ate your candy, got your clothes all sandy.Pushed you, tripped you, we all fall down.

+ Knock Down (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Supplies: 15 Plastic cups, paper (1 piece per child), tape (1 roll)
  • Today's Bible Verse: “As for me (point to self with thumbs) and my family (trace a circle in front of you with fingers), we will serve (march in place) the Lord (point up).” Joshua 24:15 (extend hands like holding a book).
  • Directions: Practice the verse together several times. When ready, use the plastic cups to build a pyramid. Allow your child to help. Create a tape line about 5-6 feet from the pyramid. Give your child a crumpled piece of paper and have them stand behind the line. Have your child say the verse, or say the verse together, then prompt them to throw their paper at the pyramid. If they knock down all of the cups above the bottom row, celebrate and rebuild the pyramid for another round. If they don’t, continue playing until all of the cups are knocked down. Your child must always recite the verse before throwing their paper ball. Play as many rounds as time and interest allow!

+ Bible Story Stack (Bible Story Review Activity)

  • Supplies: Story Pictures (download below), 5 small cardboard boxes
  • Preparation: Print the “Story Pictures” on paper, then cut apart. Tape each picture to a different, small cardboard box.
  • Directions: Place the story cubes with pictures in the middle of the group. Ask the children which story cube goes first. When they’ve chosen the correct cube, ask them to recount what happened in that part of the story. Place the first story cube on the floor or table, then stack each additional cube on top so the story progresses from the bottom up. Continue until the cubes are all stacked and the story is complete!
  • Question: What was your favorite part of this story? Why did you like that part?

+ I Forgive You (Response to God Activity)

  • Supplies: GO! Home Guide (1 per child), crayons
  • Directions: Give each child a GO! Home Guide and some crayons or markers. The sheet will have a space for your child to draw. Tell them to draw and decorate a picture of a heart. While the children are drawing, ask them if there’s someone they need to forgive.
  • Say: God forgives us when we do bad things and He wants us to forgive others too. Let’s say a prayer to God and tell Him about the people we want to forgive.
  • Prayer: Begin by asking if any of the children would like to pray. Allow any children who want to pray the opportunity to do so. When they’re finished, close the prayer by thanking God for forgiving us and ask Him to help us forgive other people.

+ Coloring Sheet (GO! Deeper Activity)

  • Supplies: Bible story coloring sheet, markers or crayons
  • Directions: Give each child a Bible story coloring sheet and some crayons or markers. While the children are coloring, ask the following questions to help them go deeper into the story.
  • Question: Why do you think Joseph’s brothers were so mean to him?
  • Question: If you were Joseph, would you have forgiven your brothers? Why or why not?

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear Jesus, Thank you for forgiving me when I do mean things. Please help me forgive my family when they do mean things to me. Amen.


  • Read the account of the Joseph forgiving his brothers in your child’s favorite Bible storybook.

  • Say this week’s Bible verse every morning with the actions (see above).

  • Read the account of Joseph forgiving his brothers from the Bible in Genesis 37, 43-45 with your child.

  • Do more of the activities above!


  • Leave them in the comments below!

August 23, 2020 - Lesson 4: Lot's in Lots of Trouble

Big Idea: God wants me to help my family.

Bible Basis: Genesis 14

Key Verse: “As for me (point to self with thumbs) and my family (trace a circle in front of you with fingers), we will serve (march in place) the Lord (point up).” Joshua 24:15 (extend hands like holding a book).


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.



  1. What is your favorite part of this Bible lesson?

  2. What is today’s Big Idea?


Choose one (or more) of these activities to do with your child.


+ Animal Buddies

  • Supplies: Stuffed animals (5-10)
  • Directions: Encourage your child(ren)to help the stuffed animals. As the children play, present them with different situations. For example, say, “Your animal is sleepy. How can you help him?” Then encourage the children to play act how they would help. Some other examples include, your animal is hungry, sick, hurt, or crying. Allow the children to adjust how they help their animal according to the situation.
  • Say: You are such good helpers! In today’s true Bible story, there was a helper named Abram who helped someone from his family. We learned that God wants us to help our family!
  • Question: Who are the people in your family? What do you love about them?

+ Hoppy Helpers (Application Activity)

  • Supplies: Paper plates (1 per child) - works best with more than 1 child.
  • Say:: Our families are a gift from God. Families are God’s way of loving and taking care of us. Let’s play a game that helps us think of ways we can help the people in our family.
  • Directions: Spread the paper plates out on the floor. If possible, leave a few feet between each plate. Each child should stand on a different plate. Next, ask the children how they could help someone in their family. It could be their mom, dad, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa, or anyone else in their family. After one child answers, shout, “Let’s be hoppy helpers,” then have the children hop to a different plate while saying the Big Idea: God wants me to help my family.” When the children arrive at a new plate, ask the question again, take another answer, then repeat the above instructions. Continue playing until everyone has had a turn answering. When finished, sit down with the children and ask the question below.
  • Question: Why do you think God wants us to help our family?

+ Helper Coupons (Application Activity)

  • Supplies: Helper coupons (3 per child), envelopes (1 per child), markers or crayons, pen
  • Say: In today’s true Bible story, Abram and Lot were in the same family. Abram helped Lot when he was in trouble. God wants us to help our families too. Let’s make some coupons to give to our family. They can use the coupons when they need our help with something.
  • Directions: Give each child a coupon and some markers or crayons. Encourage the children to color and decorate the coupon. As the children are working, tell them to think about ways they can help their family (mom, day, brother, sister, etc.). When a child has decided how they want to help, write it down on their coupon for them. Some examples might include, helping to make dinner, setting the dinner table, folding laundry, washing the car, feeding the dog, helping brother clean up, playing with sister, etc. Allow the children to create one coupon for each of the ways they come up with to help. When finished, have the children put their coupons in an envelope and tell them to give it to their family memeber.
  • Question: You are all great helpers, but God is the BEST helper! What are some ways that God helps you? (Note: Remind the children that God helps them by giving them Jesus and taking away their sins.)

+ Knock Down (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Supplies: 15 Plastic cups, paper (1 piece per child), tape (1 roll)
  • Today's Bible Verse: “As for me (point to self with thumbs) and my family (trace a circle in front of you with fingers), we will serve (march in place) the Lord (point up).” Joshua 24:15 (extend hands like holding a book).
  • Directions: Practice the verse together several times. When ready, use the plastic cups to build a pyramid. Allow your child to help. Create a tape line about 5-6 feet from the pyramid. Give your child a crumpled piece of paper and have them stand behind the line. Have your child say the verse, or say the verse together, then prompt them to throw their paper at the pyramid. If they knock down all of the cups above the bottom row, celebrate and rebuild the pyramid for another round. If they don’t, continue playing until all of the cups are knocked down. Your child must always recite the verse before throwing their paper ball. Play as many rounds as time and interest allow!

+ Bible Story Stack (Bible Story Review Activity)

  • Supplies: Story Pictures (download below), 5 small cardboard boxes
  • Preparation: Print the “Story Pictures” on paper, then cut apart. Tape each picture to a different, small cardboard box.
  • Directions: Place the story cubes with pictures in the middle of the group. Ask the children which story cube goes first. When they’ve chosen the correct cube, ask them to recount what happened in that part of the story. Place the first story cube on the floor or table, then stack each additional cube on top so the story progresses from the bottom up. Continue until the cubes are all stacked and the story is complete!
  • Question: What was your favorite part of this story? Why did you like that part?

+ My Family (Response to God Activity)

  • Supplies: GO! Home Guide (1 per child), crayons
  • Directions: Give each child a GO! Home Guide and some crayons or markers. The sheet will have a space for children to draw. Tell the children to draw a picture of their mom and dad. While the children are drawing, ask them what they would want to tell God about their mom and dad.
  • Say: God loves us so much. He gives us mommies and daddies to love us and help us. Let’s say a prayer and thank God for our mommies and daddies. You can tell God anything you want about your parents.
  • Prayer: Begin by asking if any of the children would like to pray. Allow any children who want to pray the opportunity to do so. When they’re finished, close the prayer by thanking God for all of the moms and dads and telling God about the things that were shared by the children.

+ Coloring Sheet (GO! Deeper Activity)

  • Supplies: Bible story coloring sheet, markers or crayons
  • Directions: Give each child a Bible story coloring sheet and some crayons or markers. While the children are coloring, ask the following questions to help them go deeper into the story.
  • Question: If you were Abram, would you have tried to rescue Lot from the 4 armies? Why or why not?
  • Question: How do you think Lot felt when his uncle, Abram, rescued him?

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, Thank you for giving me a family. They are so, so special! My family helps me so much. And I want to help them too. Amen.


  • Read the account of the Abram rescuing Lot in your child’s favorite Bible storybook.

  • Say this week’s Bible verse every morning with the actions (see above).

  • Read the account of Abram and Lot from the Bible in Genesis 14 with your child.

  • Do more of the activities above!


  • Leave them in the comments below!

August 16, 2020 - Lesson 3: Abram Shares with Lot

Big Idea: God wants me to share with my family.

Bible Basis: Genesis 13

Key Verse: “As for me (point to self with thumbs) and my family (trace a circle in front of you with fingers), we will serve (march in place) the Lord (point up).” Joshua 24:15 (extend hands like holding a book).


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.



  1. What is your favorite part of this Bible lesson?

  2. What is today’s Big Idea?


Choose one (or more) of these activities to do with your child.


+ Fruit Loop Necklace

  • Supplies: Fruit Loops (1 box), string (1 piece per child.
  • Directions: Tell the children to create a necklace by threading their string through the Fruit Loops® cereal. When finished, help the children tie the ends together so they can wear their necklace. Tell the children they can eat the cereal off of their necklace one piece at a time when they are with their family. Before eating each piece, they must tell one person in their family something they love about them.
  • Say: Did you know that your family is a gift from God. It’s true! When you see the members your family, you can eat the cereal off of your necklace. But for each piece of cereal you eat, you have to tell one person in your family something you love about them!
  • Question: What do you love most about your family?

+ The Last Limbo (Application Activity)

  • Supplies: Broom stick
  • Say:: In today’s true Bible story, Abram let Lot go first. Let’s play a fun game that helps us practice letting other people go first.
  • Directions: Have each child pair up with a partner. Tell the children to form a line while hooking elbows with each other. (One pair of children should be standing in front of the next pair and so on.) In front of the line, hold the broom stick horizontally like a limbo stick and tell the children to walk beneath it. (They don’t have to bend backwards like a traditional limbo, they can simply duck underneath the stick.) As each pair approaches the stick, ask if either child would like to let their partner go first. Thank the child who says “yes” and give them a high five, then direct the children to duck beneath the stick one at a time. As they duck beneath the stick, have them say, “God wants me to share with my family.” Continue until all of the pairs have had a turn. For each additional round, hold the stick lower to the ground.
  • Question: Was it hard for you to let your partner go first? Why or why not?
  • Question: How do you think it makes God feel when you let others go first?

+ Donut Dash (Application Activity)

  • Supplies: Donut Pictures (1 per child minus one)
  • Say: God gives us a family to love. One of the ways we can show love to the people in our family is by sharing with them. Let’s play a game that teaches us how to share.
  • Directions: This game is played like “Musical Chairs.” Place the “Donut Pictures” in a circle on the floor. There should be one less donut picture than there are participants. Have everyone walk in the same direction around the circle of donuts while singing the first verse of “Jesus Loves Me.” (See lyrics below.) When the song is over, the children must dash to sit down on one of the donuts. One of the children will not have a donut to sit on. Ask the children if anyone would like to make room and share their donut with the left-out child. While the left-out child takes a seat, thank the child who shared their donut and lead the group in cheering for them. Play additional rounds for as long as time or interest allows.
  • "Jesus Loves Me" Lyrics: Jesus loves me, this I know. For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong. They are weak, but He is strong!
  • Question: God loves it when we share with our family. What are some other ways you can show love to the people in your family?

+ Knock Down (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Supplies: 15 Plastic cups, paper (1 piece per child), tape (1 roll)
  • Today's Bible Verse: “As for me (point to self with thumbs) and my family (trace a circle in front of you with fingers), we will serve (march in place) the Lord (point up).” Joshua 24:15 (extend hands like holding a book).
  • Directions: Practice the verse together several times. When ready, use the plastic cups to build a pyramid. Allow your child to help. Create a tape line about 5-6 feet from the pyramid. Give your child a crumpled piece of paper and have them stand behind the line. Have your child say the verse, or say the verse together, then prompt them to throw their paper at the pyramid. If they knock down all of the cups above the bottom row, celebrate and rebuild the pyramid for another round. If they don’t, continue playing until all of the cups are knocked down. Your child must always recite the verse before throwing their paper ball. Play as many rounds as time and interest allow!

+ Bible Story Stack (Bible Story Review Activity)

  • Supplies: Story Pictures (download below), 5 small cardboard boxes
  • Preparation: Print the “Story Pictures” on paper, then cut apart. Tape each picture to a different, small cardboard box.
  • Directions: Place the story cubes with pictures in the middle of the group. Ask the children which story cube goes first. When they’ve chosen the correct cube, ask them to recount what happened in that part of the story. Place the first story cube on the floor or table, then stack each additional cube on top so the story progresses from the bottom up. Continue until the cubes are all stacked and the story is complete!
  • Question: What was your favorite part of this story? Why did you like that part?

+ My Family (Response to God Activity)

  • Supplies: GO! Home Guide (1 per child), crayons
  • Directions: Give each child a GO! Home Guide and some crayons or markers. The sheet will have a space for children to draw. Tell the children to draw a picture of their family. When finished, have the children show their picture and tell about it.
  • Say: Our families are a gift from God. God gives us a family to care for us and to help us love and follow Him. Let’s say a prayer and thank God for giving us the people in our family.
  • Prayer: Begin by asking if your child(ren) would like to pray. Allow any children who want to pray the opportunity to do so. When they’re finished, close the prayer by thanking God for for your family.

+ Coloring Sheet (GO! Deeper Activity)

  • Supplies: Bible story coloring sheet, markers or crayons
  • Directions: Give each child a Bible story coloring sheet and some crayons or markers. While the children are coloring, ask the following questions to help them go deeper into the story.
  • Question: If you were Abram, would you have let Lot pick the land first? Why or why not?
  • Question: How do you think Lot felt when Abram let him pick first?

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, Thank you for giving me a family. I love them very much. Help me share with my family. And help me let them go first. Amen.


  • Read the account of the Abram and Lot in your child’s favorite Bible storybook.

  • Say this week’s Bible verse every morning with the actions (see above).

  • Read the account of the Abram and Lot from the Bible in Genesis 13 with your child.

  • Do more of the activities above!


  • Leave them in the comments below!

August 9, 2020 - Lesson 2: Adam and Eve Ruin Everything

Big Idea: God made everything and it’s very good!

Bible Basis: Genesis 3

Key Verse: “God saw (make binoculars with your hands) everything He made (fan arms outward). And it was very good (give two thumbs up).” Genesis 1:31 (extend hands like holding a book).


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.



  1. What is your favorite part of this Bible lesson?

  2. What is today’s Big Idea?


Choose one (or more) of these activities to do with your child.


+ Sneaky Snake

  • Supplies: “Sneaky Snake” printout (1 per child), googly stick-on eyes (2 per child), safety scissors (1 per child), markers or crayons.
  • Directions: Give each child a “Sneaky Snake” printout and direct them to color and decorate the snake however they would like. When finished, have the children cut along the solid spiral line, then cut along the dotted line to remove the excess paper. Help the children add googly eyes to the head. When finished, tell the children to pick the snake up by its head and watch it uncoil.
  • Say: Wow—those are amazing snakes you made. Today, heard a true Bible story about a really sneaky snake. During our story, we learned that God created everything and it’s very good!

+ Snake Jump (Application Activity)

  • Supplies: Long rope
  • Say:: In today’s true Bible story, the sneaky snake told Adam and Eve to do something bad and they did it. Let’s play a game where we avoid the sneaky snake and say, “I can obey God!”
  • Directions: Stretch a rope out on the floor. Have all of participants stand on the same side of the rope. Wiggle the rope back and forth so that it slithers like a snake. On “go,” haveyour child(ren)try to jump over the snake without touching it. While jumping, have them shout, “I can obey God!” Play for as long as interest allows, then sit down and ask the question below.
  • Question: Just like Adam and Eve, we all sin sometimes. That means we all disobey God. How can you obey God this week? In other words, what’s a good choice that you can make?

+ Animal Builder (Application Activity)

  • Supplies: Pipe cleaners (5-6 per child)
  • Preparation: Ahead of time cut the pipe cleaners to different lengths. If possible, provide pipe cleaners of various colors.
  • Directions: Tell the children to imagine what it was like for God to create the very first animals. Place the pipe cleaners in the middle of the group. Encourage the children to use the pipe cleaners to create their very own animal. They can twist the pipe cleaners together and bend them into various shapes. Tell them to be creative. Their animal doesn’t have to look like any animal in the world. When finished, have the children play act with their animal. While playing, ask the children what they would call their animal.
  • Say: The animals we made look pretty good, but the animals that God made are WAY more amazing! They run, and jump, and fly up high! God made everything and it’s very good!
  • Question: If you could talk to God, what would you tell Him about His creation? (Remind your child(ren) that they can talk to God. Encourage them to say those things to God in prayer.)

+ Knock Down (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Supplies: 15 Plastic cups, paper (1 piece per child), tape (1 roll)
  • Today's Bible Verse: “God saw (make binoculars with your hands) everything He made (fan arms outward). And it was very good (give two thumbs up).” Genesis 1:31 (extend hands like holding a book).
  • Directions: Practice the verse together several times. When ready, use the plastic cups to build a pyramid. Allow your child to help. Create a tape line about 5-6 feet from the pyramid. Give your child a crumpled piece of paper and have them stand behind the line. Have your child say the verse, or say the verse together, then prompt them to throw their paper at the pyramid. If they knock down all of the cups above the bottom row, celebrate and rebuild the pyramid for another round. If they don’t, continue playing until all of the cups are knocked down. Your child must always recite the verse before throwing their paper ball. Play as many rounds as time and interest allow!

+ Bible Story Stack (Bible Story Review Activity)

  • Supplies: Story Pictures (download below), 5 small cardboard boxes
  • Preparation: Print the “Story Pictures” on paper, then cut apart. Tape each picture to a different, small cardboard box.
  • Directions: Place the story cubes with pictures in the middle of the group. Ask the children which story cube goes first. When they’ve chosen the correct cube, ask them to recount what happened in that part of the story. Place the first story cube on the floor or table, then stack each additional cube on top so the story progresses from the bottom up. Continue until the cubes are all stacked and the story is complete!
  • Question: What was your favorite part of this story? Why did you like that part?

+ I'm Sorry God (Response to God Activity)

  • Supplies: GO! Home Guide (1 per child), crayons
  • Directions: Give each child a GO! Home Guide and some crayons or markers. The sheet will have a space for children to draw. Tell the children to think of a time they disobeyed or made a bad choice. Have them draw a picture of it. When finished, have the children show their picture and share about it.
  • Say: When we tell God about our sins and say, “I’m sorry,” He forgives us. Let’s say a prayer to God and tell Him “I’m sorry” for doing the things in our drawings.
  • Prayer: Begin by asking if your child(ren) would like to pray. Allow any children who want to pray the opportunity to do so. When they’re finished, close the prayer by thanking God for loving us and forgiving us when we make bad choices.

+ Coloring Sheet (GO! Deeper Activity)

  • Supplies: Bible story coloring sheet, markers or crayons
  • Directions: Give each child a Bible story coloring sheet and some crayons or markers. While the children are coloring, ask the following questions to help them go deeper into the story.
  • Question: Why do you think Adam and Eve ate the fruit even though God said not to?
  • Question: Do you think God still loved Adam and Eve after they disobeyed Him? (Answer: Yes! God doesn’t want us to disobey Him, but He still loves us when we do.)

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear God, Your creation is so beautiful. I’m sorry for disobeying you. Please forgive me. Thank you for sending Jesus to wipe my sins away. Amen.


  • Read the account of the Fall into Sin in your child’s favorite Bible storybook.

  • Say this week’s Bible verse every morning with the actions (see above).

  • Read the account of the Fall into Sin from the Bible in Genesis 3 with your child.

  • Do more of the activities above!


  • Leave them in the comments below!

August 2, 2020 - Lesson 1: The Seven Days of Creation

Big Idea: God made everything and it’s very good!

Bible Basis: Genesis 1:1-2:2

Key Verse: “God saw (make binoculars with your hands) everything He made (fan arms outward). And it was very good (give two thumbs up).” Genesis 1:31 (extend hands like holding a book).


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.



  1. What is your favorite part of this Bible lesson?

  2. What is your favorite thing God created?

  3. What is today’s Big Idea?


Choose one (or more) of these activities to do with your child.


+ God's Great Creation

  • Supplies: GO! Home Guide (download below or it is printed on the back of the coloring sheet), markers or crayons
  • Directions: Give your child a GO! Home Guide and some crayons or markers. The sheet will have a space for your child to draw. Tell your child to draw a picture of their favorite part of God's creation. When finished, ask your child to show you their picture and tell you what they drew.
  • Say: God created everything in the world. Let's say a prayer to God. We can tell him how wonderful his creation is and we can thank him for the things you drew!

+ Creation Coloring Sheet

  • Supplies: Bible story coloring sheet (download below or it is printed on the back of the GO! Home Guide), markers or crayons
  • Directions: Give your child a Bible story coloring sheet and some crayons or markers. While they are coloring, ask the following questions to help them go deeper into the story:.
  • Question: What is your favorite day of creation? Why is that your favorite?
  • Question: God loves us more than anything else He created. How does God show you He loves you?

+ Creation Memory Match

  • Supplies: 1 set of creation memory match cards (download below)
  • Directions: Place the creation memory match cards face down. Choose a child to go first. Tell them to flip over two cards in an attempt to find a match. If the cards do not match, flip them back over. If the cards do match, tell the children what God created on that day. (The answer is indicated on the card.) After each match, encourage the children to say, “God created everything, and it’s very good!” Remove the matching set of cards from the game. Continue until all of the matches have been found.
  • Say: You matched them all! Did you know that God created all of those things? It’s true! Today, heard the story of God’s creation. Remember today Big Idea? God made everything and it’s very good!

+ Knock Down

  • Supplies: 15 Plastic cups, paper (1 piece per child), tape (1 roll)
  • Today's Bible Verse: “God saw (make binoculars with your hands) everything He made (fan arms outward). And it was very good (give two thumbs up).” Genesis 1:31 (extend hands like holding a book).
  • Directions: Practice the verse together several times. When ready, use the plastic cups to build a pyramid. Allow your child to help. Create a tape line about 5-6 feet from the pyramid. Give your child a crumpled piece of paper and have them stand behind the line. Have your child say the verse, or say the verse together, then prompt them to throw their paper at the pyramid. If they knock down all of the cups above the bottom row, celebrate and rebuild the pyramid for another round. If they don’t, continue playing until all of the cups are knocked down. Your child must always recite the verse before throwing their paper ball. Play as many rounds as time and interest allow!

+ Bible Story Stack

  • Supplies: Story Pictures (download below), 5 small cardboard boxes
  • Preparation: Print the “Story Pictures” on paper, then cut apart. Tape each picture to a different, small cardboard box.
  • Directions: Place the story cubes with pictures in the middle of the group. Ask the children which story cube goes first. When they’ve chosen the correct cube, ask them to recount what happened in that part of the story. Place the first story cube on the floor or table, then stack each additional cube on top so the story progresses from the bottom up. Continue until the cubes are all stacked and the story is complete!
  • Question: What was your favorite part of this story? Why did you like that part?


Dear God, Thank you for creating the whole world. You did a great job! Thank you for loving me so much. I love you too. Amen.


  • Read the Creation account in your child’s favorite Bible storybook.

  • Say this week’s Bible verse every morning with the actions (see above).

  • Read the Creation account from the Bible in Genesis 1 with your child.

  • Do more of the activities above!


  • Leave them in the comments below!