Big Idea: God wants me to forgive my family.
Bible Basis: Genesis 37, 43-45
Key Verse: “As for me (point to self with thumbs) and my family (trace a circle in front of you with fingers), we will serve (march in place) the Lord (point up).” Joshua 24:15 (extend hands like holding a book).
Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
What is your favorite part of this Bible lesson?
What is today’s Big Idea?
Choose one (or more) of these activities to do with your child.
+ Coat of Many Colors
- Supplies: “Coat of Many Colors” activity sheet (1 per child), tissue paper squares (multiple colors, 1 sheet per child), glue sticks (1 per child), markers or crayons
- Directions: Give your child a “Coat of Many Colors” activity sheet. Tell them to glue the colored tissue paper squares to Joseph’s coat. Encourage them to use many different colors. When finished, they can use markers or crayons to color the remainder of the picture.
- Say: Wow—that is a very colorful coat! In today’s true Bible story, there was a boy who had a coat with many colors, but then something bad happened to it. Do you remember what? In the Bible story, we learned that God wants me to forgive my family!
- Question: When someone does something mean to you, is it hard for you to say, “I forgive you?” Why or why not?
+ Covered in Forgiveness (Application Activity)
- Supplies: Heart stickers (4 per child), Emoji pictures (1 set)
- Say:: In today’s true Bible story, Joseph said, “I forgive you” to his brothers. God wants us to forgive our family too. Let’s play a game that teaches us how to cover our family with forgiveness.
- Directions: Give each child a set of 4 heart stickers. One at a time, place an emoji picture in the middle of the group and ask the children, “Has anyone in your family ever made you [insert corresponding emotion]?” After the children have had a chance to share their story, tell them it’s time to cover their family with forgiveness. Have each child take one heart sticker and stick it on the emoji as they say, “I forgive you.” Tell them to cover the entire emoji so that it’s no longer showing. Repeat this for each of the 4 emoji pictures.
- Question: How do you think it makes God feel when you forgive other people? How does it make you feel?
+ All Fall Down (Application Activity)
- Supplies: None
- Say: God gives us a family to love us and help take care of us, but sometimes our family can do things that make us mad. When that happens, God wants us to forgive our family. Let’s play a fun game that helps us say, “I forgive you” to our family.
- Directions: Together with your child, walk around in a circle while holding hands and singing the rhyme below to the tune of “Ring around the Rosie.” At the end of the rhyme, have everyone fall down to the ground and say “I forgive you.” While on the ground, ask if they’ve ever forgiven someone in their family. Have them tell about it. After someone shares, have everyone stand up and repeat the rhyme. Each time you repeat the rhyme, you can replace “brother” with “sister” or “cousin.” Continue playing until everyone has had a turn sharing.
- Question: Your brother ate your candy, got your clothes all sandy.Pushed you, tripped you, we all fall down.
+ Knock Down (Bible Memorization Activity)
- Supplies: 15 Plastic cups, paper (1 piece per child), tape (1 roll)
- Today's Bible Verse: “As for me (point to self with thumbs) and my family (trace a circle in front of you with fingers), we will serve (march in place) the Lord (point up).” Joshua 24:15 (extend hands like holding a book).
- Directions: Practice the verse together several times. When ready, use the plastic cups to build a pyramid. Allow your child to help. Create a tape line about 5-6 feet from the pyramid. Give your child a crumpled piece of paper and have them stand behind the line. Have your child say the verse, or say the verse together, then prompt them to throw their paper at the pyramid. If they knock down all of the cups above the bottom row, celebrate and rebuild the pyramid for another round. If they don’t, continue playing until all of the cups are knocked down. Your child must always recite the verse before throwing their paper ball. Play as many rounds as time and interest allow!
+ Bible Story Stack (Bible Story Review Activity)
- Supplies: Story Pictures (download below), 5 small cardboard boxes
- Preparation: Print the “Story Pictures” on paper, then cut apart. Tape each picture to a different, small cardboard box.
- Directions: Place the story cubes with pictures in the middle of the group. Ask the children which story cube goes first. When they’ve chosen the correct cube, ask them to recount what happened in that part of the story. Place the first story cube on the floor or table, then stack each additional cube on top so the story progresses from the bottom up. Continue until the cubes are all stacked and the story is complete!
- Question: What was your favorite part of this story? Why did you like that part?
+ I Forgive You (Response to God Activity)
- Supplies: GO! Home Guide (1 per child), crayons
- Directions: Give each child a GO! Home Guide and some crayons or markers. The sheet will have a space for your child to draw. Tell them to draw and decorate a picture of a heart. While the children are drawing, ask them if there’s someone they need to forgive.
- Say: God forgives us when we do bad things and He wants us to forgive others too. Let’s say a prayer to God and tell Him about the people we want to forgive.
- Prayer: Begin by asking if any of the children would like to pray. Allow any children who want to pray the opportunity to do so. When they’re finished, close the prayer by thanking God for forgiving us and ask Him to help us forgive other people.
+ Coloring Sheet (GO! Deeper Activity)
- Supplies: Bible story coloring sheet, markers or crayons
- Directions: Give each child a Bible story coloring sheet and some crayons or markers. While the children are coloring, ask the following questions to help them go deeper into the story.
- Question: Why do you think Joseph’s brothers were so mean to him?
- Question: If you were Joseph, would you have forgiven your brothers? Why or why not?
(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)
Dear Jesus, Thank you for forgiving me when I do mean things. Please help me forgive my family when they do mean things to me. Amen.
Read the account of the Joseph forgiving his brothers in your child’s favorite Bible storybook.
Say this week’s Bible verse every morning with the actions (see above).
Read the account of Joseph forgiving his brothers from the Bible in Genesis 37, 43-45 with your child.
Do more of the activities above!
Leave them in the comments below!