Big Idea: God helps me make good choices.
Bible Basis: 1 Kings 2:1–12, 3:1–15
Key Verse: “If you love me (hug yourself), obey my commands (march in place).” John 14:15 (extend hands like you’re holding a book).
Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
What is your favorite part of this Bible lesson?
How does God help you make good choices?
Choose one (or more) of these activities to do with your child.
+ Wish List
- Supplies: Age-appropriate magazines (4–5), scissors (1 per child), glue sticks (1 per child), poster board (1)
- Directions: Lead your child(ren) in creating a wish list collage. Tell them to flip through the magazines and cut out anything they wish they could have, then have them glue it to the poster board. As the children glue things to the board, ask them questions like, “Why do you like this thing?” or “What would you do with this thing?”.
- Say:In today’s true Bible story, God tells King Solomon that he can have anything he wants. You might be surprised by what King Solomon asks for. We’ll find out what it is in just a little bit. We’ll also learn that God helps us make good choices.
+ Freeze Dance (Application Activity)
- Supplies: None
- Directions: In today’s true Bible story, God tells King Solomon that he can have anything he wants. You might be surprised by what King Solomon asks for. We’ll find out what it is in just a little bit. We’ll also learn that God helps us make good choices.
- Say: Believe it or not, this game helps us remember how to make good choices. When you feel like doing something bad, you can FREEZE! Then say, “Dear God, help me do what is right.” When we pray to God, He helps us make good choices.
- Dance List: Silly robot dance; Silly chicken dance; Silly snake dance; Silly elephant dance; Silly kangaroo dance; Silly ant dance
- Question: When is it hard for you to make a good choice? (Note: After each answer, remind the children to FREEZE, then pray, “Dear God, help me do what is right.”)
+ Road Trip (Application Activity)
- Supplies: None
- Say: In today’s true Bible story, God helped King Solomon make good choices. God helps us make good choices too. Let’s play a game that helps us think about the good choices we can make for God no matter where we are.
- Directions: Tell the children that they’re going on a pretend road trip in the car, but they have to figure out where they are going. During the road trip, the children must follow the leader and do everything you do. Begin by pretending to drive a car. Stop at each of the destinations listed below one at a time. While the children mimic you, act out what you might do while at that destination until the children can guess where they are. When they have guessed correctly, ask the children, “What are some good choices you could make at the [fill in location]?” After taking some answers, continue driving to the next destination.
- Locations: Soccer game; Swimming pool; Playground; Doctor’s office; Grocery store; Airport/Airplane; Church.
+ Copy That (Bible Memorization Activity)
- Supplies: None
- Today's Bible Verse: “If you love me (hug yourself), obey my commands (march in place).” John 14:15 (extend hands like you’re holding a book).
- Directions: Practice the verse together several times. When ready, tell your child to say the verse with you while copying your action. For example, spin around, or hop on one foot, or hold your tongue, or do a silly dance. When finished, allow your child to be the leader, then have everyone say the verse while copying them. Take turns several times to reinforce the memory verse.
+ Story Bop (Bible Story Review Activity)
- Supplies: Balloon, music player
- Directions: Have the everyone stand in a cluster, then begin playing music. As the music plays, everyone must continually bop the balloon into the air. Let the music play for 5 to 20 seconds before pausing it. When the music stops, everyone must try to catch the balloon. Ask whoever who catches it, “What happened first in today’s Bible story?” Only allow them to tell a small part of the story. Allow the others to help answer if needed. When finished, begin playing the music and bopping the balloon in the air again. Ask the next person who catches the balloon, “What happened next in the story?” Repeat this until the whole story has been told!
- Question: What was your favorite part of this story? Why did you like that part?
+ Let's Say Sorry (Response to God Activity)
- Supplies: GO! Home Guide (1 per child), markers or crayons
- Directions: Give each child a GO! Home Guide and some crayons or markers. The sheet will have a space for your child to draw. Tell the children to draw a picture of a sad face. While they’re drawing, ask them to tell about a time they made a bad choice and sinned.
- Say: When we make bad choices, it makes God sad. But if we ask Jesus to forgive us, He washes our sins away so that we can be friends with Him forever. Let’s say a prayer and tell Jesus we’re sorry for making these bad choices.
- Prayer: Begin by asking if any of the children would like to pray. Allow any children who want to pray the opportunity to do so. When they’re finished, ask Jesus to forgive the children for the sins they talked about and thank Him for loving you no matter what.
+ Coloring Sheet (GO! Deeper Activity)
- Supplies: Bible story coloring sheet, markers or crayons
- Directions: Give each child a Bible story coloring sheet and some crayons or markers. While the children are coloring, ask the following questions to help them go deeper into the story.
- Question: God said to Solomon, “Ask me for anything you want and I’ll give it to you.” What did Solomon ask for? What would you ask for?
- Question: Solomon could have asked for money, long life, or victory in battle, but instead, he asked for help making good choices. Why do you think he did that?
(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)
Dear God, You are bigger than all of the things that scare me. Please help me to be brave when something scary happens. Amen.
Read the account of Solomon asking for Wisdom in your child’s favorite Bible storybook.
Say this week’s Bible verse every morning with the actions (see above).
Read the account of Solomon from the Bible in 1 Kings 2-3 with your child.
Do more of the activities above!
Leave them in the comments below!