April 25, 2021 - Lesson 3: The Great Jail Break

Hop to It_Logo.png

Big Idea: I can tell everyone about Jesus.

Bible Basis: Acts 5:12-42

Key Verse: “Go (march in place) into all the world (draw a big circle with your hands). Preach the good news (cup hands to mouth) to everyone (spread hands out in front of you).” Mark 16:15 (extend hands like you’re holding a book).


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.



  1. What is your favorite part of this Bible lesson?

  2. Why do you think the disciples liked telling people about Jesus?


Choose one (or more) of these activities to do with your child.


+ Green Light Go

  • Supplies: None
  • Directions: Have all of the children line up against one wall. Tell them they have to get to the opposite wall in whatever way you tell them to, but they can only move when you say “Green Light…GO!” When you say, “Red Light…STOP!” they must all stop immediately. Use the list below for ideas on methods of movement, but feel free to make up your own as well. When the children reach the opposite wall, they must shout, “Jesus loves you!”
  • Methods of Movement:
    • Walk
    • Run
    • Skip
    • Hop on two feet
    • Crawl
    • Crab walk
    • Bear crawl
    • Hop on one foot
    • Twirl
  • Say: Jesus ALWAYS gives us the green light to tell others about Him. He says, “GO! into all the world. Preach the good news to everyone!” Preach means to tell. It doesn’t matter how we go—we can walk, run, skip, or crawl. But when we get there, we can tell everyone about Jesus.
  • Question: Have you ever been to a far-away place? Where did you go?

+ Jail Break (Application Activity)

  • Supplies: None
  • Say: In today’s true Bible story, the disciples were put in jail for telling everyone about Jesus, but an angel of God let them out. Let’s play a fun game that helps us remember that we can tell everyone about Jesus..
  • Directions: Choose one child to be the jailer and one child to be the angel. The other children will be the disciples. Tell the disciples to dance, wiggle, or walk around while saying, “I can tell everyone about Jesus!” When the jailer tags them, they must freeze in place and be quiet, but when the angel tags them, they’re free to move and talk again. Give the children direction when needed. After a little bit, choose new children to be the jailer and angel. Continue playing for as long as time and interest allow, then sit down and ask the question below.
  • Question: Who could you tell about Jesus? What would you say to them?

+ Telefriend (Application Activity)

  • Supplies: None
  • Directions: Have the children sit with you in a circle. Begin by whispering one of the phrases below to the child on your right. Tell that child to then whisper the same phrase to their neighbor. Continue around the circle until the phrase reaches the last child in the circle. The last child must then say the phrase out loud so everyone can hear it. The phrase should only be whispered once by each child, so players must pay close attention. If the phrase has changed, tell the children what the phrase started as. Continue until all four phrases have been used.
  • Phrases:
    • Jesus died and now He’s alive.
    • Jesus loves you.
    • Jesus wants you to follow Him.
    • Jesus is your forever friend.
  • Say: In our true Bible story for today, the disciples told everyone the good news about Jesus. We can tell our friends and family the good news too, but we don’t have to whisper it. We can say it loud enough for everyone to hear! Let’s practice. (Invite the children to loudly repeat the above phrases with you one at a time.)
  • Question: What are some other things you can tell people about Jesus?

+ Kangaroo Bible Club (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Supplies: Masking or painters tape (1 roll)
  • Today's Bible Verse: “Go (march in place) into all the world (draw a big circle with your hands). Preach the good news (cup hands to mouth) to everyone (spread hands out in front of you).” Mark 16:15 (extend hands like you’re holding a book).
  • Directions: Practice the Bible verse together until the children can remember it. When ready, have the children line up along the tape line. Tell them they’re going to see if they can jump as far as Kenzie the Kangaroo. When ready, the children must say the verse together, then jump like a kangaroo as far as they can. Congratulate the children on how far they jumped, then have them line up and do it again. This time, challenge the children to jump even farther. Continue saying the verse and jumping for as long as time and energy allow.

+ Objects of the Lesson (Bible Story Review Activity)

  • Supplies: Story objects from Bible story: Kleenex tissues, paper chain, pillow, sword, cross
  • Directions: One at a time, show the children each object from the Bible story in order, then have them recount what happened in that part of the story. Use the list below to help them remember when needed.
  • Story Objects:
    • Kleenex tissues: Sick people came to the disciples to be healed with the power of Jesus.
    • Paper chain: The leaders didn’t like Jesus, so they put the disciples in jail.
    • Pillow: The disciples were asleep in jail when an angel opened the door and they escaped.
    • Sword: The disciples were telling people about Jesus when the guards took them to court.
    • Cross: The disciples told the leaders, “You had Jesus killed on a cross, but God raised him from the dead and now we are telling everyone that Jesus is alive.”

+ Tell Everyone (Response to God Activity)

  • Supplies: GO! Home Guide (1 per child), markers or crayons
  • Directions: Give each child a GO! Home Guide and some crayons or markers. The sheet will have a space for children to draw. Have the children think of someone they want to tell about Jesus. Tell them to draw a picture of that person. When finished, have the children show their drawing and tell the group who the person is.
  • Say: In today’s Bible story, the disciples told everyone the good news about Jesus. We can tell people about Jesus too. Let’s say a prayer and ask Jesus to help us tell our friends and family about Him.
  • Prayer: Begin by asking if any of the children would like to pray. Allow any children who want to pray the opportunity to do so. When they’re finished, close the prayer by asking Jesus to give the children courage and strength to tell their friends about Jesus. Try to pray for the people that the children mentioned by name or relation to the child.

+ Coloring Sheet (GO! Deeper Activity)

  • Supplies: Bible story coloring sheet, markers or crayons
  • Directions: Give each child a Bible story coloring sheet and some crayons or markers. While the children are coloring, give them a snack to eat and ask the following questions to help them go deeper into the story.
  • Question: What was your favorite part of the story? Why did you like that part?
  • Question: Why do you think the disciples liked telling people about Jesus?

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear Jesus, I believe that you are alive. And that you love us very much. Please help me share that good news with everyone I know. Amen.


  • Read the account of God sending an angel to release the disciples from jail in your child’s favorite Bible storybook.

  • Say this week’s Bible verse every morning with the actions (see above).

  • Read the account of God freeing the disciples from jail in the Bible in Acts 5:12-42 with your child.

  • Do more of the activities above!


  • Leave them in the comments below!