Big Idea: Jesus takes my sin away.
Bible Basis: Matthew 27:32−28:10
Key Verse: “But you know (point to head) that Christ (extend arms like a cross) came to take our sins away (brush hands together like wiping them clean).” 1 John 3:5 (extend hands like holding a book).
Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
What is your favorite part of this Bible lesson?
When Jesus died and rose again, he took away all of our sins. How does that make you feel? Why do you feel that way?
Choose one (or more) of these activities to do with your child.
+ Happy Easter
- Supplies: Cellphone Printout cards
- Directions: Give each child a Cellphone Printout card. Ask the children who they want to call and tell, “Happy Easter.” After each answer, pretend to dial the phone with the children. Make “beep” and “boop” sounds while dialing. Next, hold the phone to your ear with the children and say (for example), “Hello mommies! The children want to tell you…” then prompt the children to say into their phone, “Happy Easter!” Hang up, then repeat for another person. Continue calling as many people as you can think of.
- Say: Easter is such a special day! Do you know why? (Allow children to answer.) That’s right—Easter is the day we celebrate that Jesus died on the cross, but now He is alive!
- Question: How do you celebrate Easter at your house?
+ Shout It Out (Application Activity)
- Supplies: Piece of paper, tape, markers, crayons, stickers, etc.
- Say: On Easter, we celebrate the best news ever—Jesus died, but now He is alive. Let’s make some megaphones, then we can practice shouting to the world that Jesus is alive.
- Directions: Give each child a piece of paper and tell them to draw and color a praise picture for Jesus. It can be anything that shows Jesus they love Him. You can also encourage them to draw a picture of the Easter story. When finished, help the children roll the paper into a megaphone shape (with the drawing on the outside) and tape it in place. Next, ask the children who they would like to tell that Jesus is alive. After each suggestion, have the children shout together through their megaphone (for example) “Hey mommy! Jesus is alive!” Repeat this for each answer. For added fun, ask the children what kind of voice they would like to say it in (robot, lion, giant, etc.), then say it in that voice.
+ It's A Match (Application Activity)
- Supplies: “Easter Egg Matching Guide”, plastic Easter eggs, rice, coins, paper clips, jelly beans, Legos
- Preparation: Fill 5 different Easter eggs halfway full with the following: rice, coins, paper clips, jelly beans, and Legos. Leave the 6th egg empty. Print the “Easter Egg Matching Guide” on paper.
- Directions: Seat the children in a circle and place the “Easter Egg Matching Guide” in the middle of the group. Tell the children that each of the items on the guide is in one of the 6 Easter eggs. Choose one egg at a time and pass it around the group. Encourage the children to shake the egg and guess which of the items is inside. After everyone has guessed, open the egg and show them if they’re right. Save the empty Easter egg for last.
- Say: Our last Easter egg was empty (hold up empty egg and shake it). The empty egg reminds us of the empty tomb in our Bible story. When the women went to the tomb where Jesus was buried, it was empty. That’s because Jesus died, but now He is alive!
- Question: When Jesus died and rose again, he took away all of our sins. How does that make you feel? Why do you feel that way?
+ Animal Party (Bible Memorization Activity)
- Supplies: Picture Dice
- Today's Bible Verse: “But you know (point to head) that Christ (extend arms like a cross) came to take our sins away (brush hands together like wiping them clean).” 1 John 3:5 (extend hands like holding a book).
- Directions: Practice the Bible verse together until the children can remember it. When ready, choose a child to roll the picture dice, then have all of the children say the Bible verse like they are the animal that is face-up on the dice. If the dice lands on Topher the Gopher, have all of the children say the verse with buck teeth like a gopher. Continue playing until all of the children have had a turn rolling the dice.
+ Maisy Has a Message (Bible Story Review Activity)
- Supplies: Maisy the Mailbox, Maisy Question Cards, envelopes (4)
- Preparation: Print the “Maisy Question Cards” on 8½ x 11 cardstock paper and cut apart. Place each card in a separate envelope. If you have multiple small groups, you might want to use different colored envelopes for each small group.
- Directions: Lead your group in shouting, “Maisy has a message!” then send one or two children to open Maisy the Mailbox and retrieve one envelope. Take the question card out of the envelope and read the story review question to the children. After they have answered the question, repeat the above instructions until all 4 messages have been retrieved.
+ I Love Jesus (Response to God Activity)
- Supplies: GO! Home Guide (1 per child), markers or crayons
- Directions: Give each child a GO! Home Guide and some crayons or markers. The sheet will have a space for children to draw. Tell the children to draw and color a picture of a heart. While they’re drawing, ask them what they love about Jesus.
- Say: We love Jesus, and Jesus loves us! In fact, Jesus loves us so much that He died on a cross for us. But Jesus didn’t stay dead. Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead. That’s the good news of Easter—Jesus is alive! Let’s say a prayer and tell Jesus what we love about Him.
- Prayer: Begin by asking if any of the children would like to pray. Allow any children who want to pray the opportunity to do so. When they’re finished, tell Jesus what you love about Him, then thank Him for dying on the cross for you.
+ Coloring Sheet (GO! Deeper Activity)
- Supplies: Bible story coloring sheet, markers or crayons
- Directions: Give each child a Bible story coloring sheet and some crayons or markers. While the children are coloring, give them a snack to eat and ask the following questions to help them go deeper into the story.
- Question: If you were one of the women in the true Bible story, how would you have felt when you saw that Jesus was alive? Would you have been surprised?
- Question: If you could tell Jesus anything, what would you tell Him? (Note: remind the children they can tell Jesus anything they want through prayer.)
(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)
Dear Jesus, Thank you for dying on the cross for us. And for taking away our sins. We are so happy that you are alive again. We love you, Jesus. Amen.
Read the account of Jesus rising from the dead in your child’s favorite Bible storybook.
Say this week’s Bible verse every morning with the actions (see above).
Read the account of Jesus’ resurrection in the Bible in Matthew 27:32−28:10 with your child.
Do more of the activities above!
Leave them in the comments below!