May 16, 2021 - Lesson 2: Timothy is Chosen


Big Idea: God can do BIG things through you even though you’re young.

Bible Basis: Acts 16:1–3; 1 Timothy 4:11–12

Key Verse: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV)


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Simply ask your child to share one good thing that happened today or this week (thumbs up) and one not-so-good thing (thumbs down). This is a great way to share celebrations and struggles with one another.



  • For younger kids:

    • What was your favorite part of this story?

    • Do you think you are too young to do what Timothy did? Why or why not?

  • For older kids:

    • How old do you think you should be before you do something like Timothy did? Why?

    • What kind of things could God do through a kid your age?


  • After the video, have your child pick one or more of the prompts on the GO! Home Guide.

    • Prayer Station prompt: Write a prayer to God and thank Him for giving you a big job to do even though you’re young. Ask Him to help you be a good example to others.

    • Journal Station prompt: Do you ever struggle to be a good example to others in your words, actions, love, faith, or purity? Write a letter to God and tell Him about it.

    • Bible Station prompt: Read it for yourself: Acts 15:36–41; 16:1–3. Draw a picture of the story or write to God about your favorite part of the story. Tell Him why you liked it.

    • Art Station prompt: What can you do to set a good example for other Christians? Draw a picture of it.



+ Fishing Frenzy (Application Activity)

  • Set Up: For each small group, print the “Fishing Frenzy” cards on 8½ x 11 cardstock and cut apart. Stick a small adhesive magnet (or tape a small magnet) to the back of each card. For each kid, cut a 5 foot (1.5 meter) piece of string. Tie a paper clip to one end of each string.
  • Say: In the Book of 1 Timothy, Paul told Timothy, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” We’re going to play a game right now that will help us think about how we can be an example to others in all of those different ways.
  • Directions: Have your group sit in a large circle. Each of the kids should be about 5 feet from the center of the circle for a total diameter of about 10 feet. Divide the group into two equal teams. Half of the circle will be on one team, the other half will be on the other team. Place the “Fishing Frenzy” cards face down (magnet up) in the middle of the circle. Give each kid a piece of string with a paper clip tied to one end. On “go,” without leaning forward, have the kids hold one end of their string while tossing the paperclip at the magnets in the middle. When someone has “caught” and reeled in a card, stop the round. Have the kid flip the card over and reveal what’s on it. If it’s one of the 5 icon cards, give that team a point. Read the description and question on the card, then discuss with the kids. (See below for the icon list along with questions.) Encourage the kids to be specific with their answers. If it’s one of the 2 physical challenge cards, have the team perform a physical challenge, then give them a point. If it’s the “Zonk” card, take a point away. Continue playing rounds until all cards have been reeled in. Add the points up and announce a winner at the end.
  • Fishing Frenzy Icons:
    • Speech Bubble: You can be an example through your speech. Let your words be appropriate, truthful, and kind. How could you be a better example through your speech this coming week?
    • Hand: You can be an example through your conduct. Let your actions show that you love and follow Jesus. How could you be a better example through your actions or behavior this coming week?
    • Heart: You can be an example through the way you love. Show love to everyone, even people who are hard to love. How could you be a better example by showing love to others this coming week? Who do you need to show more love to?
    • Cross: You can be an example through your faith. Read your Bible and spend time praying to God every day. How could you be a better example through your faith this coming week? What are you going to do to spend time with God and show Him that you love Him?
    • Stop Sign: You can be an example through your purity. Stop sin before it happens. Say no when the devil tempts you to do the wrong thing. How can you be a better example through purity this coming week? What sin are you going to say “no” to?
  • Physical Challenge Ideas:
    • Walk around the circle 2 times.
    • 10 push-ups
    • Do the wave as a group
    • 15 jumping jacks
    • Give the team 1 minute to make up a cheer and perform it.
    • Optional: Have the group come up with their own challenge.

+ Charaders from Outer Space (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Directions: Place the Bible verse sign in the middle of the group and read it carefully with your kids. Today’s Bible verse says: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV). Tell your group they need to come up with silent charades that go along with the Bible verse. When finished, have your group practice the silent motions together, but with one catch. Tell them to perform the motions as if they were floating in space. When finished, have your group take a seat and recite the verse from memory aloud. Alternate between doing the silent, zero-gravity space motions and reciting the verse from memory until your group has successfully memorized the verse.
  • Question: You’re never too young to make a difference. What are some other things that God could do through you to make the world better?

+ Prayer Bands (Prayer Activity)

  • Say: Sometimes it can be hard to think of different things to talk to God about. We can sometimes get stuck praying about the same things over and over. We’re going to do an activity right now that will help us think about all the reasons we are thankful.
  • Directions: Place various colors of Tyvek® wristbands in the middle of the group. Allow each kid to choose one color. With a pen or marker, have them write the following verse on their wristband: “Oh give thanks to the Lord.” Psalm 107:1. When finished, randomly choose a colored wristband from the remaining pile. Ask the kids who have that color to answer the question: What is something you are thankful to God for? Continue drawing colors until everyone has had a chance to share. Next, open the kids in prayer. Allow everyone to tell God thanks for the things they shared. When finished, help the kids put their wristbands on. Tell them to keep it on throughout the week and every time they notice it, they can say a silent prayer of thanks to God.

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear Jesus, because you lived, died, and rose for me, I am your child and you have BIG things for me to do. Help me to serve you and serve others. Amen.


  • Read in the Bible the story that was the basis for this week’s lesson:

    • Acts 16:1–3; 1 Timothy 4:11–12

  • Do more of the activities list above with your child.


  • Leave them in the comments below!