Prove It! Give Me a Sign!

Find out how Jesus reveals himself as your Savior and King! Is Jesus really who he claimed to be? When someone makes a claim, our first response might be to say, “Prove it!” Can Jesus prove it? Our readings over the next several weeks will let Jesus words and actions speak for themselves and answer our questions.

This week, we rejoice in the sign that God gave to the wise men, not only leading them to their Savior, but showing that this Savior was for all people, just like God promised and Jesus proclaimed.

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Unbreakable Christmas: Comfort!

A year like this proves that just about everything in life is fragile. Like a delicate Christmas ornament, our lives can shatter at a moment’s notice. Thankfully, God provides us with Christmas gifts that are unbreakable. In his Son, he gives us peace, joy, and hope that nothing can destroy. Today we see how the Christ child gives us an unbreakable comfort through life’s pain and disappointments. It is found only in a baby born to a peasant couple. Most missed it then, and most miss it today. But a few saw it—and they sang and rejoiced that God had sent salvation to his people and had made it known to them. By God’s grace, you and I see it too!

God has sent us salvation and revealed himself to us in the Christmas gospel; in revealing himself he gives himself and all that he is and has for us and for our salvation—not only a reason to rejoice, but an unbreakable comfort for life’s pain and disappointments.

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Christ is Born!

For so many people all that Christmas is about is the trite and trivial—snowmen and Santa Claus, Rudolph and reindeer, Christmas movies and holiday specials. These things are fun, but ultimately, completely empty. But take a closer look at what happened today—and you will see that there is nothing trite or trivial about it: The deepest lowliness is but the mask for the greatest glory, the glory of him who came to be our Savior!

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Christmas Eve: The Greatest Gift

Our worship this Christmas Eve is an adaptation of the Lessons and Carols service traditionally held at King's College, Cambridge, England, on December 24th every year. "Lessons and Carols" was first held on Christmas Eve, 1918. It was planned by Eric Milner-White, who at the age of thirty-four had just been appointed Dean of King’s College after experience as an army chaplain.

Our focus, “The Greatest Gift,” is found in every lesson and song. The progression of lessons and songs will gradually reveal more and more about this greatest gift. Imagine yourself as someone who over centuries is trying to figure out the nature of God’s gift. Or, if the readings are not familiar to you, let the meaning of God’s gift become clearer and clearer to you as you hear each lesson and sing each song.

By trusting what God’s gift means for us, we look forward to seeing that gift in heaven where God’s “praise will sound” for all eternity!

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Unbreakable Christmas: Keep Your Word!

A year like this proves that just about everything in life is fragile. Like a delicate Christmas ornament, our lives can shatter at a moment’s notice. Thankfully, God gives us the perfect wish list for a year like this. He shows us what to ask for in order to have a Christmas that is truly unbreakable.

This week we are reminded that God always keeps his promises. Though it often takes a long time (from our perspective) and even when his promises don’t make sense to us, God always delivers. Therefore, while we are often tempted to ask God for what we want him to do, we can always confidently ask him to do what he has promised to do: Keep your Word!

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Unbreakable Christmas: Shine on Us!

A year like this proves that just about everything in life is fragile. Like a delicate Christmas ornament, our lives can shatter at a moment’s notice. Thankfully, God gives us the perfect wish list for a year like this. He shows us what to ask for in order to have a Christmas that is truly unbreakable. This week we see how God’s Word teaches us to realize the true condition of our world and our hearts. Just as our eyes adjust when it is dark, it is easy to get so used to the spiritual darkness of our world and of our own hearts that we forget about it. Thankfully, God’s Word doesn’t just show us we are in darkness. It points us to Jesus, our true and only light. As a result, we pray this Christmas: Shine on us!

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Unbreakable Christmas: Come to Us!

A year like this proves that just about everything in life is fragile. Like a delicate Christmas ornament, our lives can shatter at a moment’s notice. Thankfully, God gives us the perfect wish list for a year like this. He shows us what to ask for in order to have a Christmas that is truly unbreakable.

The Savior is coming! Get ready! It was the job of John the Baptist to prepare God’s people for the Savior’s arrival. As we prepare to celebrate that coming, the message hasn’t changed for you and me. The Savior is coming! Get ready! Are you ready? Today we hear hos God’s simple but powerful message proclaimed by his messengers to prepare us for our Savior’s coming—so we can confidently pray: Come to us!

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Unbreakable Christmas: Save Us!

A year like this proves that just about everything in life is fragile. Like a delicate Christmas ornament, our lives can shatter at a moment’s notice. Thankfully, God gives us the perfect wish list for a year like this. He shows us what to ask for in order to have a Christmas that is truly unbreakable.

This week we start a new church year with a prayer that is appropriate for every season and every year of life: Save us! Jesus’ presence in our lives can bring all kinds of benefits and blessings. Ultimately, however, we need him to be our one solution to our greatest need. We need to him to rescue us from sin and death. And so we join our voices with the crowds on Palm Sunday: Hosanna! Save us!

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Give Thanks for He Is Good

What is your reaction to all that has happened so far in 2020? Perhaps it is a simple shake of the head. Maybe the sentiment is more “this year can’t end soon enough.” Perhaps it goes even further—”Worst year ever.”

Today, as 2020 slowly draws to a close, God’s Word encourages us even in the midst of a bad year, a frustrating year, a year where so many things seems to have gone wrong…. To give thanks! It doesn’t take long for us to see how God has shown his faithful love in all the blessings he has showered in our life. And not just what we need for our daily life—he has given us forgiveness, a purpose in life, and eternal life in heaven. Even in the midst of hardship, trial, and a bad year, we can Give Thanks for He is Good!

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In His Hands: Lord, Keep Us Through the Coming Judgment

He will come to judge the living and the dead. We confess it every Sunday, but often live like those are empty words. How quickly and how often don’t the cares and concerns of this world distract us. How soon don’t we forget that at any moment this world could come to an end. May the words of Moses shake us from our spiritual slumber: “Number your days aright and gain a heart of wisdom!” Today we pray that God keep us ever mindful of the Judgment that we might be found in faith, fruitful in both word and deed. Then there’s no need to fear Judgment Day; rather, we can look forward to the day of our redemption. Lord, Keep Us Through the Coming Judgment

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In His Hands: Lord, Keep Us Watchful for our Triumph

Lord, keep us watchful for our triumph! Today the Church hears strains of the distant triumph song and affirms, “Blessed are they who are called to the marriage feast of the Lamb.” Jesus wants us to be the waiting Church—the Church that watches for her Savior and cries, “Come, Lord Jesus!” As we journey through these latter days, however, our vigilance slips, and our hearts grow drowsy because the bridegroom seems to be taking so long. So while we wait, the Church prays, “Keep us ever watchful for the coming of your Son that we may sit with him and all your holy ones at the marriage feast in heaven.”

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In His Hands: Lord, Keep Us As Your Children

Today, the Christian church celebrates All Saints' Day, when we remember all those who have finished their race and kept the faith. As God’s children, we rejoice that we too are saints, holy ones who have been made perfect through the cross of Christ and kept in God’s hands. As saints waiting for our crown of life, we strive to follow the example of the saints who have gone before us, persevering through life with all its difficulties, and clinging to the faith our God has given us. So, we pray, “Lord, Keep Us as Your Children!”

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