Unbreakable Christmas: Comfort!

A year like this proves that just about everything in life is fragile. Like a delicate Christmas ornament, our lives can shatter at a moment’s notice. Thankfully, God provides us with Christmas gifts that are unbreakable. In his Son, he gives us peace, joy, and hope that nothing can destroy. Today we see how the Christ child gives us an unbreakable comfort through life’s pain and disappointments. It is found only in a baby born to a peasant couple. Most missed it then, and most miss it today. But a few saw it—and they sang and rejoiced that God had sent salvation to his people and had made it known to them. By God’s grace, you and I see it too!

God has sent us salvation and revealed himself to us in the Christmas gospel; in revealing himself he gives himself and all that he is and has for us and for our salvation—not only a reason to rejoice, but an unbreakable comfort for life’s pain and disappointments.

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