The Struggle: The Struggle Against the Enemy (Lent 1)

The road to the cross was a struggle. This Lenten season, we see Jesus descend the mount of glory so that he could enter a valley of suffering. He would be rejected by his people and betrayed by his disciple. Satan tempted him to give up, but he pressed on to the cross for you. Hebrews 2:18 says, “Indeed, because he suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.“ The struggle was real.

The Christian life is a struggle. The struggle is real. Faith in Christ doesn’t make us exempt from difficulties. But faith in Christ does give us strength to press on. This Lenten season, we will meditate on the words of the Psalm writers, who put the struggle of the believer into poetry and prayer. They cried out to God when they struggled against their enemies, against temptation, against guilt, and against the perspective that this life is unfair. The Psalm writers were able to press on in the struggle because they know that their God was in control. They knew and prophesied that the promised Savior was coming. Their struggle is our struggle. Their hope is our hope. Their God is our God. This is a Savior who entered our struggle to win the victory over the struggle, to equip us for our struggle. The struggle is real. The struggle is good.

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