The Jesus We Need - Someone to Withstand Temptation

Is what we want always what we need? We know that's often not the case. How about when it comes to what kind of a hero we want at the center of our faith? Sometimes we find ourselves wanting a conquering hero with armies of angels. But the Bible's Jesus looks very different than that. Over the next weeks, we will find out just how this unlikely Jesus is exactly the kind of hero we need.  Temptation is a daily companion in our daily lives. All to often, a victorious companion. With each stumble into sin, with each failed attempt to overcome the temptations that pop up in our lives, guilt seems to compound and the sins just pile up. But for us fights the valiant one—the perfect Savior, the Savior we needed. Empowered by his baptism and led by the Spirit, Jesus defeats the devil and all his temptations for us. 

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