
The Glory of the Lord: The Festival of the Transfiguration of our Lord

Throughout his ministry, Jesus said astounding things and did astounding things. Yet, he looked like a normal man. The prophet said, “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him” (Isaiah 53:2). This would all change one day atop a high mountain. There, Jesus gave his disciples—gave his Church—a glimpse of the glory he set aside to be our Savior.

And the voice of the Father thundered from the heavens, just as it did at Jesus’ baptism, announcing Jesus’ true identity to the world—the glorious Son of God. And so the Transfiguration of our Lord serves as a one-week bridge between the season of Epiphany, where Jesus is revealed as the true Son of God, and the season of Lent, where we witness what the Son of God came to do.

On the Mount of Glory, St. Peter declared, “It is good for us to be here.” Indeed! For here we see the God of Majestic Glory, who became a man to suffer and die for us, just as Moses and the Prophets had foretold. Oh, how much this glorious God loves us!

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Prove It! Do You Have the Power? - The Transfiguration of Our Lord

Throughout the season of Epiphany, we have been seeing all the different ways that Jesus proved himself to be the Savior. However, the season of showing his glory to those he has called is coming to a close. We stand at the threshold of the season of his ultimate humiliation. But before we go down to the valley of the shadow of death, he gives us a glimpse of the glory which he hid so carefully even while he was revealing it. Lent is coming; hang on to the glory that soon will be covered in shame and washed with blood!

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