Christian Living

Counting the Cost

The emphasis of the Scripture readings for this Sunday is upon careful preparation. We are called to be wise, to evaluate our life as a Christian carefully, to know where our strength lies, so that we can fight successfully and attain our objective, which is eternal life with God. The narrow path to heaven is marked by division and humility. So we become aware that the life of faith may come at great personal expense. Counting the cost of discipleship leads to true wisdom.

Elemental - Priorities

Elemental—a word that Merriam Webster defines as being the basic or essential constituent of something, the fundamental or key components that make up something. For example, without hydrogen molecules, H20 isn’t water.

What are the key components, the elemental pieces that make up the believers life? What are those things that affect how we as children of God view life and live as followers of Christ? Our worship series the next several weeks is going to look at those key components of the Christian’s walk with Jesus: things like the Word, prayer, service, and love—those elemental items that change how we approach life, that adjust how we see our priorities, and how we as believers live life.

Today, we look at the last of the  elemental pieces that make up a believers life: the priorities we have in life.

Elemental - Security

Elemental—a word that Merriam Webster defines as being the basic or essential constituent of something, the fundamental or key components that make up something. For example, without hydrogen molecules, H20 isn’t water.

What are the key components, the elemental pieces that make up the believers life? What are those things that affect how we as children of God view life and live as followers of Christ? Our worship series the next several weeks is going to look at those key components of the Christian’s walk with Jesus: things like the Word, prayer, service, and love—those elemental items that change how we approach life, that adjust how we see our priorities, and how we as believers live life.

Today, we examine all the places we may seek to find security and a feeling of safety in this life… from money, possessions, relationships, jobs, good grades, the approval of people… and the list could go on and on. However, for the believer, security and confidence in life comes from only one place. An understanding of how God sees them in Christ and a confidence in the promises of God—no matter how difficult they seem to believe allows us to be sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not yet see.

Elemental - Love

Elemental—a word that Merriam Webster defines as being the basic or essential constituent of something, the fundamental or key components that make up something. For example, without hydrogen molecules, H20 isn’t water.

What are the key components, the elemental pieces that make up the believers life? What are those things that affect how we as children of God view life and live as followers of Christ? Our worship series the next several weeks is going to look at those key components of the Christian’s walk with Jesus: things like the Word, prayer, service, and love—those elemental items that change how we approach life, that adjust how we see our priorities, and how we as believers live life.