Ash Wednesday

Psalms of the Passion: Psalm 51 (Ash Wednesday)

Join us this Lent as we enter the world of the ancient Hebrew Psalm writers as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write songs to the Lord. What were they going through, experiencing, expecting? As we ponder these Psalms during Lent, know that Jesus was pondering them too on his path to cross. Christ would be the fulfillment of all of these Messianic Psalms that were prophesying his suffering and death for our sins. As we cry out to the Lord, we find the answer to our greatest need in the Psalms, in Christ, crucified and risen.

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Ash Wednesday - Return to the Lord Your God

Return to the Lord! Ash Wednesday calls us to a forty-day journey of repentance and renewal. The ashes upon our heads testify: You are mortal; prepare to meet your God! Recognition of our sin leads us to cry for mercy and trust in God’s promised forgiveness. Note the sweet Gospel phrases that dominate the thought the readings and prayers: Return to the Lord, for he is gracious. Having obtained his pardon, we seek a renewal of our faith and life that we might live as baptized children of God.

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Ash Wednesday: Humble Repentance and Gracious Forgiveness

Almighty and merciful God, you never despise what you have made and always forgive those who turn to you. Create in us such new and contrite hearts that we may truly repent of our sins and obtain your full and gracious pardon; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.