Sound Bites: "Take Courage"

Reporters and writers are often looking for sound bites—short, attention-grabbing statements they can turn into a headline. When Jesus spoke—whether to massive crowds or just his closest followers, he didn’t give them unsatisfying samples of his divine wisdom. With his words, he always aimed to leave his hearers full.

Reporters and writers are often looking for sound bites—short, attention-grabbing statements they can turn into a headline. When Jesus spoke—whether to massive crowds or just his closest followers, he didn’t give them unsatisfying samples of his divine wisdom. With his words, he always aimed to leave his hearers full.

This week we hear Jesus feed us with words that give us courage. Jesus assures us and demonstrates to us that his presence never leaves our side, no matter what waves might surround us. If we have our eyes fixed on him, we can have courage no matter the storm.

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