Prove It! Have You Come as My Personal Savior?

During the season of Epiphany, we are seeing how Jesus reveals himself and proves that he is our Savior and King. The devil, the world, and our sinful nature try hard to convince us that our many sins, failures, and troubles in life are too great for God to forgive or overcome. They try hard to get us to doubt God’s love, his plan and purpose in our life, and ultimately, his forgiveness that is ours in Jesus. Today, we hear Jesus say that the purpose in his coming to earth was to proclaim the Gospel—the Good News that a Savior had come to forgive sins… your sins. Now, we have an answer to our doubts, our fears, our troubles—a Savior who had us in mind when he came to earth to accomplish our salvation; A Savior who still has us in mind as he works out our troubles for our eternal good.

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