New Year, New You: Let Your Light Shine!

The new year is typically a time that we stop and resolve to become a better version of ourselves. We get back to the gym, we add more vegetables to the plate, or maybe we plan to open the Bible more often. At church we are going to look at a new worship series focused on the Gospel lessons in the season of Epiphany called “New Year, New You.” But instead of looking at ourselves and our inadequacies, we are going to look at Jesus to see how he makes us completely new. He gives us a new identity and even empowers us to live a different way. Thankfully, our success has nothing to do with our resolve to be better, and everything to with Jesus’ resolve to live a perfect life as our substitute.  Today, we hear the encouragement: Let your light shine! Jesus tells us: You are…so be. You are the light of the world, so be light for the earth. You are the salt of the earth, so be salt for it. Our calling as sons of God means our lives will reflect our new status, and the world around us will be blessed by us.

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