JOB: Dealing with Relationship Pain

Today, we continue our worship series on the book of Job. Most people know that Job was a man who suffered, who went through a lot of heartbreaking things that nobody would want to go through. But that is only the first 2 chapters of the book. In the remaining 40 chapters are all about the journey through life that Job went on - where he learned a lot about himself, about his God, and about life along the way.

Job didn’t suffer alone. His wife experienced all the same losses. But their reaction could not be more different. How does a follower of Christ respond to the pain we feel in our relationships? Our God leads us to see how he dealt with the pain that sin brought into our relationship with him by bringing peace and reconciling us to him. That same love and forgiveness shown to us now moves us to respond in love and mercy, in a way that brings peace to our relationships.

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