Christmas Eve - God So Loved the World

Welcome to worship this Christmas Eve. We trust that God will bless you in this service of lessons and carols/hymns. Our focus, “God so loved the world,” is found in every lesson and song. Christmas is not about a sentimental, warm, and fuzzy kind of love—although these ways that we show love to each other, especially in families, are certainly important. But the heart of Christmas is about God’s redeeming love—God’s rescue plan for a humanity alienated from him despite all claims of reform, goodness, or morality. The human condition of sin separates us from God, and only his action could have solved that problem. The life, death, and resurrection of his Son has solved the problem. By trusting what Jesus has done for us, heaven awaits us and we live life this side of heaven in loyal thanks for rescue. Our opening hymn puts it this way: 

”But our eyes at last shall see him Through his own redeeming love, For that child, so dear and gentle, Is our Lord in heav’n above.”

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