Where is God? He is Revealing Himself as the Lord of Glory!


We are often filled with silent fears, burning guilt and heavy sorrow. We can feel that we are without hope and imagine that God is absent from our lives. We believe that God has forgotten about us. When sorrow burdens our hearts, worries pester our minds, and the world simply scoffs – where in the world is God? Our series this Epiphany season will show our God exactly where he is, and where he is found.

The season of Epiphany draws to a dramatic close. Jesus atop a mountain reveals his divine glory, giving Peter, James and John a glimpse of all that He is! Moses and Elijah are there too. The voice of the Father speaks. Together with the disciples we are filled with holy awe at Who Jesus is! Even more amazing: the Lord of Glory insists on leaving this mountain so that at just the right time he can ascend the Mount of Crucifixion to subject himself to the ugliest of punishments but for the most glorious of reasons: to save you and me! Come and see for yourself just how glorious a Lord you have!