Come and See... Your Ascended Lord! (The Ascension of our Lord)

"Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord" goes the old American hymn "Battle Hymn of the Republic."  The hopeful and spirited hymn by Julia Ward Howe was written at a time when God's blessing was urgently sought for the nation.  So it was for the disciples just before Christ was about to ascend to heaven.  "Lord," they said, "will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?"  But God had a greater blessing in mind.  Christ's ascension means His triumph over all humankind, all nations, kingdoms, and powers.  He who was crucified, died, and risen, now takes His humanity with Him to sit at God's right hand in power and majesty to return again in glory.  We too, lift up our eyes in celebration: "Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!"

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