March 14, 2021 - Lesson 1: The People Shout Hosanna!

Maisy Easter Surprise_Logo.png

Big Idea: I can praise King Jesus.

Bible Basis: Mark 11:1-11

Key Verse: “Blessed (do jazz hands) is the one (hold up one finger) who comes (march in place) in the name of the Lord (spread arms like a cross).” Psalm 118:26 (extend hands like holding a book).


Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near. Let me your Word ever pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain. All this I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.



  1. What is your favorite part of this Bible lesson?

  2. Why do you think Jesus is the best king ever?


Choose one (or more) of these activities to do with your child.


+ Every Body Praise

  • Supplies: Music player, high-energy praise song
  • Directions: Play a high-energy praise song. While the music plays, tell the children to praise Jesus with their head, then dance with the children while shaking your head. After a moment, tell the children to praise Jesus with their hands, then continue dancing while shaking your hands. Continue shaking the various parts of your body listed below until the song is over.
  • Body Parts: Hands, head, feet, elbows, knees, nose, everything (whole body)
  • Say: In today’s true Bible story, a crowd of people has a praise party for Jesus that’s fit for a king. In just a little bit, we’ll hear all about it and learn that we can praise King Jesus too.
  • Question: What are some ways we can praise Jesus?

+ Giddy Up (Application Activity)

  • Supplies: None
  • Say: In today’s true Bible story, Jesus rode a donkey through a parade while people shouted praises to Him. Let’s play a donkey riding game that helps us remember that we can praise King Jesus.
  • Directions: Have the children stand on one side of the room. Tell the children they’re going to ride their “donkey” to the other side of the room. Have the children get on their pretend donkey. When you say “Giddy up,” have the children gallop toward the other side. When you say, “Whoa donkey!” have the children stop (similar to “Red Light, Green Light”). Alternate between “Giddy up” and “Whoa donkey” until you reach the other side of the room. When all of the kids have arrived, lead them in shouting, “I can praise King Jesus!” Repeat the above instructions and travel back and forth across the room for as long as time and interest allows. When finished, tell the children to sit down and let their donkey rest while they answer the question below.
  • Question: Why do you think Jesus is the best King ever?

+ Parade Day (Application Activity)

  • Supplies: “Palm Leaf” print out (print on green paper or color green), scissors
  • Say: In our true Bible story for today, people waved palm branches in the air and laid them in the street while Jesus rode a donkey. It was like a parade for a King! We’re going to have our own parade for Jesus right now.
  • Directions: Give each child a “Palm Leaf” printout and a pair of scissors. Read the instructions on the printout to the children to help them create and cut out their own palm leaf. Option A: When finished, lead the children in marching around the room while waving their palm branches and shouting, “Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest heaven!” Option B: Have the children form 2 lines facing each other with about 4 feet in-between. Allow the children to take turns walking through the middle while the other children wave their palm branches and shout, “Hosanna! Hosanna! In the highest heaven!”
  • Question: If you were at a parade for Jesus, what would you shout?

+ Animal Party (Bible Memorization Activity)

  • Supplies: Picture Dice
  • Today's Bible Verse: “Blessed (do jazz hands) is the one (hold up one finger) who comes (march in place) in the name of the Lord (spread arms like a cross).” Psalm 118:26 (extend hands like holding a book).
  • Directions: Practice the Bible verse together until the children can remember it. When ready, choose a child to roll the picture dice, then have all of the children say the Bible verse like they are the animal that is face-up on the dice. If the dice lands on Topher the Gopher, have all of the children say the verse with buck teeth like a gopher. Continue playing until all of the children have had a turn rolling the dice.

+ Maisy Has a Message (Bible Story Review Activity)

  • Supplies: Maisy the Mailbox, Maisy Question Cards, envelopes (4)
  • Preparation: Print the “Maisy Question Cards” on 8½ x 11 cardstock paper and cut apart. Place each card in a separate envelope. If you have multiple small groups, you might want to use different colored envelopes for each small group.
  • Directions: Lead your group in shouting, “Maisy has a message!” then send one or two children to open Maisy the Mailbox and retrieve one envelope. Take the question card out of the envelope and read the story review question to the children. After they have answered the question, repeat the above instructions until all 4 messages have been retrieved.

+ Awesome Jesus (Response to God Activity)

  • Supplies: GO! Home Guide (1 per child), markers or crayons
  • Directions: Give each child a GO! Home Guide and some crayons or markers. The sheet will have a space for children to draw. Tell the children to draw a “praise picture” for Jesus. It can be any drawing that shows how special or awesome Jesus is. When finished, have the children show their drawing and tell the group why they think Jesus is so special or awesome.
  • Say: In today’s Bible story, the people threw Jesus a big parade and they praised Him for being the King of everything. We’re going to praise Him too. Let’s say a prayer and praise Jesus by telling Him why we think He’s so awesome.
  • Prayer: Begin by asking if any of the children would like to pray. Allow any children who want to pray the opportunity to do so. When they’re finished, close the prayer by telling Jesus some of the things the children said and by telling Jesus why you think He’s so awesome.

+ Coloring Sheet (GO! Deeper Activity)

  • Supplies: Bible story coloring sheet, markers or crayons
  • Directions: Give each child a Bible story coloring sheet and some crayons or markers. While the children are coloring, give them a snack to eat and ask the following questions to help them go deeper into the story.
  • Question: What is your favorite thing about Jesus?
  • Question: We can praise Jesus with our words. We can also praise him with our actions. What could you do to show Jesus how much you love Him?

(Due to copyright restrictions, the printable materials described in the activities above are only available to those who have registered for Our Savior’s Kids. To register your child(ren), click the button below)


Dear Jesus, You are the best King ever! You save me from my sins. You aren’t just the king of a castle. You are the king of my life. Amen.


  • Read the account of Jesus entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday in your child’s favorite Bible storybook.

  • Say this week’s Bible verse every morning with the actions (see above).

  • Read the account of Jesus entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday in the Bible in Mark 11:!-11 with your child.

  • Do more of the activities above!


  • Leave them in the comments below!