What Child is This? A Light for All People

The twelve days of Christmas are quickly nearing their end. Likewise, our worship series—What Child Is This—comes to an end today with the Festival of the Epiphany, a celebration of the first time non-Jewish believers worshiped the newborn Savior. They were guided by a special light in the sky to a child who would be a light for all people. We live in a world where sin can divide people along so many lines: ethnicity and race, rich and poor, red states and blue states, etc. The only dividing line Jesus cares about is the one that separated sinful mankind from a holy God. By his death and resurrection, he removed that line and united all believers into one kingdom. For that, we offer him our finest gifts.

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What Child is This? Our Substitute and Sacrifice

Already as a child, Jesus' saving work had begun. His entire life, he served as our substitute, perfectly obeying God's Law. Just think of how we often neglect the study of God's Word. Then look at twelve-year-old Jesus, eager to be in the temple learning more about Scripture. However, he would need to do more than be our substitute. Eventually he would lay that perfect life down as the sacrifice for our sin.

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When the Lord Comes Near: He Lifts Up the Humbled

By this time of the holiday season, people are often weighed down. They feel guilty about presents that are not perfect, or parties that did not go as planned, or year-end projects that did not get completed. To top it all off, now is when it dawns on people how little attention they have given to the spiritual preparation Advent invites. If that is how we feel, perhaps the frenzy of December has actually done us a favor. We have been stretched to our limits. We have been made aware of our shortcomings. We have been humbled. Perfect! For being made aware of our weaknesses does not disqualify us from God's care. It does the opposite. It is what prepares us for the work he does best. He is a God who lifts up the humbled.

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When the Lord Comes Near: He Humbles His Enemies

Last week we saw that the Lord sends messengers to call us to repentance. This week we learn that those who refuse to heed that call to humble themselves will be humbled anyway. The Lord who once came near in flesh and now comes near in Word and sacrament will one day come near with consuming fire and judgment. The Lord will humble his enemies. This truth does two important things. First, it adds urgency to God's Advent call to repentance. Second, it gives us comfort when we, as God's people, experience opposition from the world. Those who oppress and harm God's people will face justice.

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When the Lord Comes Near: He Humbles His People

People tend to feel a lot of pressure this time of year. We want our houses to look good for out-of-town guests. We want to impress people with the thoughtfulness of our gifts. What a welcome relief, therefore, to hear what is required to meet the Lord: only repentance. You see, Jesus is not someone we need to impress with our good works. Indeed, repentance is the opposite of work. Repentance is the humble admission of our sin combined with the joyful trust that everything needed to bring us close to God has already been done by him.

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When the Lord Comes Near: He Humbles Himself

What would it be like to meet God? We know he is almighty and holy. He loathes sin. No wonder that when God appears to his Old Testament people, their first response is typically terror. But when Jesus Christ came into our world, he hid his glory and power. He humbled himself so that sinners would be drawn to him rather than driven away in fear.

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Behind the Curtain: Those Who Sin Are Not Condemned

It’s been said that the sun is always shining; it’s just that sometimes clouds keep us from seeing it. In the same way, there are splendid realities that God describes in his Word that are often clouded by the current conditions of life in this world. As we near the end of the church year, God gives us a “peek behind the curtain” to see the reality that is already ours in Christ—a reality we one day will be able to see with our own eyes.

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Behind the Curtain: Those Who Die, Live

It’s been said that the sun is always shining; it’s just that sometimes clouds keep us from seeing it. In the same way, there are splendid realities that God describes in his Word that are often clouded by the current conditions of life in this world. As we near the end of the church year, God gives us a “peek behind the curtain” to see the reality that is already ours in Christ—a reality we one day will be able to see with our own eyes.

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The Festival of the Lutheran Reformation

This week we acknowledge that God alone deserves the glory for the rescue he has accomplished for us. Since the beginning of time, people have been more likely to give glory to their rituals and behavior than to God. Today people are very interested in how God should glorify us with happiness and fulfillment, but not so interested in finding happiness and fulfillment in the gifts God has already given. Let us, therefore, still confess that God has saved us in Christ, that this promise of God is the most valuable thing we have, and we are more than happy to thank him by saying, "To God alone be the glory!"

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God's People Gather: Why Join a Church?

We have heard about the blessings that come from being part of the Church? So why would I want to join a Christian congregation of believers? Why join a church? Our Scripture readings and our sermon will help us see the blessings God has in mind for us when we gather together with our fellow believers in a church!

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God's People Gather: Where Do You Fit In? Part 2: You've Got Gifts!

You have gifts, talents, abilities, and blessings that God has given you in his grace. As a member of his Church, they are things God gives you to use! We are called to off er all that we are to the God who made us a member of his Church. When people see you live your life as a Christian, when they see that you serve God through a life of service to others and not of self, when you let your light shine and carry out the mission God has given you, this not only brings glory to God, but helps you see your place in his Church!

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God's People Gather: Where Do You Fit In?

You have gifts, talents, abilities, and blessings that God has given you in his grace. As a member of his Church, they are things God gives you to use! We are called to off er all that we are to the God who made us a member of his Church. When people see you live your life as a Christian, when they see that you serve God through a life of service to others and not of self, when you let your light shine and carry out the mission God has given you, this not only brings glory to God, but helps you see your place in his Church!

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