STILL: Faith Alone - God Still Works

This week we learn that God's eternal gifts become ours through a connecting agent called faith. Trust in Jesus connects us to all that he has done. 500 years ago, people put their trust in people (alive and dead), tradition, and anyone or anything that could assuage their fear. Today, the pendulum has swung in the opposite direction, as many teach and believe that belief in God makes no difference at all. Still half a millennium later, the truth lies in the middle: trust in Jesus Christ connects us to all that he has done for us. Still.

STILL: Christ Alone - God Still Saves

This week we see that God's grace accomplished our salvation in Christ, and Christ alone. 500 years ago, people traded grace for self-validation. Today, the same self-help theology is seen in those who, if they admit a need for a Savior, only want part of him. However, where Jesus doesn't work completely, there can be no certainty. Thu, half a millennium later, the Savior who literally calmed the seas at one time, still calms hearts for all time. Still.

STILL - Grace Alone: God Still Gives

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This week we see that God did what we never could, namely, give us life that lasts and eternal worth. 500 years ago, people banked on the false hope that God would give a little help and you had to do the rest. Today, work righteousness is seen in mantras like, "God helps those who help themselves" or modicums like "All you got to do is..." If true, how could you ever know if you have done enough? We can't. Thus, half a millennium later we still see and hear that God saves by grace alone. Still.

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News & Announcements

Tolerance vs. Real Love

We live in an age that endorses every aspect of individual freedom and insists on toleration of a wide variety of ideas. But toleration isn’t always good, especially when one’s eternal salvation is at stake. So, God gives us pastors and parents, friends and family in our lives to show us true love—a love that points out our sin and takes us to our Savior and his forgiveness. In awe of God’s love for us, God calls us in love to reach out to others with God’s Law and Gospel for the sake of their soul!

Cross, then Crown

As children of God, what should we expect from life? As we hear from our readings today, at times our life may be anything but a joy and delight. In fact, as we follow Christ, we can expect hardships and difficulties. Those trials that come into our life because of our faith are the cross that Jesus calls us to carry as we follow him. We may struggle to bear the cross that our God gives us, but he promises not only to strengthen us for our hardships here on earth, but he lifts our eyes to heaven, where the glory that is awaiting us there makes our struggles pale in comparison.

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We Call on One Name

Sometimes before you can move forward, you have to take a step back to get everyone on the same page. Every fall we see it on the football field. It's just as true for the church. Before sending the church out into the world, Jesus reminded them of what Christianity was all about, and, as a result, what they had to offer. This week we see that Christianity builds on a foundation that won’t fall. The name of the Lord is not just a title that distinguishes the true God from false gods, it is the very definition and who he is. By confessing the name of the Christ, Christianity builds on a foundation that won’t fall.

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God Overcomes Our Fears

The Christian answers doubt with faith. Doubt is the unfortunate companion of faith. Today’s lessons show us believers who had faith in God and his abilities to save them, but yet doubted when his plans or purpose failed to match theirs. In each case, it is adversity that fights against faith and allows its unfortunate companion to rear its ugly head. And in each case, the true answer to doubt is not found in the great miracle that removes adversity, but in the still small voice of our Savior God whispering in his Word. Today we hear our Savior God ask us, “Why did you doubt?”, and we see that the Christian answers doubt with faith.

Unlocked: The Kingdom's Providence

The ways of God sometimes confuse more than they comfort. At times we are painfully aware that Christ’s kingdom “is not of this world.” Thankfully, the Lord unlocks the secrets of his heavenly kingdom using simple, down-to-earth terms. He not only reveals the way his kingdom operates, he also convinces us of its beauty and wisdom. This week we hear how God reveals his mighty power chiefly in showing mercy and kindness. God feeds hungry mouths and hungry souls with his gifts of grace. When we bring our problems to Jesus, he will richly supply all we need.  So, as members of God’s Kingdom, we trust our God to provide!

Unlocked: The Kingdom's Worth

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The ways of God sometimes confuse more than they comfort. At times we are painfully aware that Christ’s kingdom “is not of this world.” Thankfully, the Lord unlocks the secrets of his heavenly kingdom using simple, down-to-earth terms. He not only reveals the way his kingdom operates, he also convinces us of its beauty and wisdom. This week our Bible readings show people who have come into great wealth, but yet this earthly wealth only serves to illustrate where true treasure lies. The believer can see the kingdom’s worth as we see that true, spiritual wealth can only be found in God and his eternal blessings for us in Christ.

Unlocked: The Kingdom's Foe

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It shouldn't surprise us when God's rule in our world doesn't seem to make sense. His kingdom is, after all, a heavenly one. Thankfully, God unlocks the secrets of his kingdom to us using simple, down-to-earth terms. He not only reveals the way his kingdom operates but convinces us of its beauty and wisdom. This week, we hear how the devil seeks to thwart God’s plan for our salvation with temptation and sin. The Lord, however, has a plan and urges us to live with our eyes looking forward to his coming kingdom.