You are being lied to. By you. The truth is, no one lies to you more than you do. And when you believe your own lies, you get hurt emotionally and, worse yet, spiritually. Don’t believe it? Maybe some of these sound familiar: “I need everyone to like me…I have to succeed at everything that I do…I have no worth apart from my performance…life should be easy.” You guessed it. Lies, lies, lies – from the father of lies. In this sermon series, we will look at just a few of these lies that we believe and learn not just to replace them with the truth, but with our Savior, who has freed us from lies with his perfect life and perfect teachings.
The Lies We Believe: It Is Easier to Avoid Problems
You are being lied to. By you. The truth is, no one lies to you more than you do. And when you believe your own lies, you get hurt emotionally and, worse yet, spiritually. Don’t believe it? Maybe some of these sound familiar: “I need everyone to like me…I have to succeed at everything that I do…I have no worth apart from my performance…life should be easy.” You guessed it. Lies, lies, lies – from the father of lies. In this sermon series, we will look at just a few of these lies that we believe and learn not just to replace them with the truth, but with our Savior, who has freed us from lies with his perfect life and perfect teachings.
The Lies We Believe: I Need You to Like Me
You are being lied to. By you. The truth is, no one lies to you more than you do. And when you believe your own lies, you get hurt emotionally and, worse yet, spiritually. Don’t believe it? Maybe some of these sound familiar: “I need everyone to like me…I have to succeed at everything that I do…I have no worth apart from my performance…life should be easy.” You guessed it. Lies, lies, lies – from the father of lies. In this sermon series, we will look at just a few of these lies that we believe and learn not just to replace them with the truth, but with our Savior, who has freed us from lies with his perfect life and perfect teachings.
The Lies We Believe: I Must Be Perfect
“I won’t tolerate being lied to!” Fact is most of us don’t because lying is one of life’s greatest relationship killers. Yet how often do you lie? And not just to others, but to yourself? Perhaps the deadliest of all lies are not spoken to others, but the ones that live in our hearts. These are those lies that we believe because of how they affect our emotions and reactions. And when we believe them (and all of us do), they will marginalize our spiritual, emotional, and physical heath. The only way to deal with these lies is to come clean and expose them with the truth of God’s Word because it is the only thing that sets us free.
The Lies We Believe: The Meditation of the Heart
“I won’t tolerate being lied to!” Fact is most of us don’t because lying is one of life’s greatest relationship killers. Yet how often do you lie? And not just to others, but to yourself? Perhaps the deadliest of all lies are not spoken to others, but the ones that live in our hearts. These are those lies that we believe because of how they affect our emotions and reactions. And when we believe them (and all of us do), they will marginalize our spiritual, emotional, and physical heath. The only way to deal with these lies is to come clean and expose them with the truth of God’s Word because it is the only thing that sets us free.
Be Wise! Know the Lord and Yourself!
For the past three Sundays we have seen that the narrow path to heaven is marked by division and humility. Yet another warning is heard this week: the life of faith may come at great personal expense. Counting the cost of discipleship leads to true wisdom.
Outrageous Faith: A Lifestyle of Christ-Like Love
The life of faith is one of true humility. While the world around us stresses self-promotion, the Christian knows his only boast is in the Lord. Read and hear in our lessons this morning as Solomon and Christ emphasize the humbleness of being a child of God, and the writer to the Hebrews reminds us to look beyond ourselves in love and sympathy toward others.
Outrageous Faith: Trust What's Been Done
The way to heaven is narrow. Mere outward attachment to the family of God is not sufficent—only through faith in Christ can we enter heaven. The door is narrow and Christ commands us to make every effort to enter it, so the Church prays, “that we may obtain what you promise, make us love what you command.” Although the door is narrow, it is open to all, and the saints will come from all nations to behold the glory of the Lord.
Outrageous Faith: Discipline Keeps Me Focused
Four weeks of warnings for Christians begins on this Sunday that the life of faith will be marked by difficulties. These warnings are given so that the believer will be prepared to meet these challenges with the confidence of the cross. Today we see that the Word of God doesn’t always unite—it also divides. The living and active Word of God does not bring peace between believers and unbelievers, but division.
The Christian Funeral Service for Dale Roberson
Outrageous Faith: The Best is Yet to Come!
What does it mean to be a follower of Christ? After we have put our trust in him as our Savior from sin, how do our lives change? Today Jesus teaches us the flipside of what he taught us last week. Rather than pursuing worldly wealth, Jesus wants his followers to pursue heavenly riches. Because Christ could return at any moment, we as his followers must always be ready. By keeping our eyes on heavenly treasure rather than worldly wealth, we will be ready whenever he returns.
Followers of Christ Know that Earthly Wealth Is Meaningless
What does it mean to be a follower of Christ? After we have put our trust in him as our Savior from sin, how do our lives change? Today Jesus teaches us that following him means knowing the worthlessness of worldly wealth. "Eat, drink, and be merry" is no less the message we hear today than it was in Jesus' time. The temptation to become preoccupied with money and possessions is truly great. Following Christ means always having our hearts and lives focused on spiritual riches instead.